Not updating - Incorrect information file

Discussion in 'Linux' started by robby, May 25, 2009.

  1. robby


    May 25, 2009
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    I'm getting the "Incorrect information file - please run live update again" error whenever I try to update. I've done a search and found two threads that appear related - one in the beginners area where lots of people posted that they had the problem - unfortunately no solution was offered. Then here, where the answer, to me, was in gobbledygook. I'm completely new to the linux world, willing to learn. I've had my a110 for about 2 days and only got the chance to use it today - so everything is straight out of the box with no modification except getting on line.

    Help very much appreciated - could you please target any response at a level appropriate to a beginner. :)

    robby, May 25, 2009
  2. robby


    Dec 31, 2008
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    robby, unfortunately Linux is mostly gobbledygook, once you get past the pretty user-friendly GUIs. When it all works, you can use the GUI and it easily can be done by a beginner. However, they broke the normal process in this case, and we have to do stuff manually, from command line - and that's never pretty :)

    What I think is happenning, is that the script requests to download file with a wrong name - it leaves a space between .sh and .xml. The server interprets it as .sh and sends the actual .sh 16 MB script to your netbook, which in turn interprets it as .xml file, and fails. There isn't anything useful in .xml files - the goodies are in .sh scripts. So check the version of your OS (1.0.xx), go to the right directory on, download files manually, and execute.

    Unfortunately, this isn't a long-term solution. The good news they might fix it with the next update.
    vikont, May 26, 2009
  3. robby


    May 26, 2009
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    I got this problem yesterday after I did a fresh install of v1.0.15.e. I thought it was something I had done wrong/something wrong with the set up.

    Do we know how long this will take acer to fix? It sounds like it should be simple to fix!

    Is there any way to report it?

    It's things like this that make Windows so attractive.

    I really want to get my netbook back up-to-date before I go away....

    (I have seen a a post saying you can change the file name during live update but I couldn't get this work)
    oxford-lad, May 26, 2009
  4. robby


    May 25, 2009
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    Well it looks like it's not only my user incompetence and I'm not the only one! I'll give vikonts suggestion a whirl this evening after work. Just wanted to check a couple of things:
    1) when I follow that link on my xp work computer in firefox I get to a page that has two folders, one called cgi-bin the other cdn
    2) if I click on the cgi-bin folder I get the message forbidden - I don't have permissions. Am I to assume that this isn't the folder I need or that I have to use firefox on my aspire one to get into it?
    3) if I click on the cdn folder it says "web in sparq" no idea what this means

    Am I right in thinking that downloading with firefox then double clicking is what I need to do? (I have a feeling it isn't ?)

    Thanks for any help
    robby, May 26, 2009
  5. robby


    May 26, 2009
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    I tried downloading the file and running it that way but it still doesn't work. It appears to install but doesn't make any difference to live update.

    So I might have installed that one but I'm still missing out on all the others!

    Operating systems should just work! It boots fast but can be so annoying.
    oxford-lad, May 26, 2009
  6. robby


    Apr 29, 2009
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    I've just bought a second Linpus Aspire One - my original does Live Update just fine, the new one gives the 'Incorrect Information File Error' - even after a system restore.
    A bit of searching on this forum found what looks like a possible solution - for the brave - (Sorry I can't refind the original post - so this is a copy'n'paste job)
    1) With FireFox, I opened the suggested URL ... pdate.list. It contained a list of 3 shell script files:
    Code: Select all

    2) From the list, I suspected that the Live Update process actually is about downloading and running the listed scripts. So I listed the directory, and the files were actually there, along with an xml file for each script file.

    3) I downloaded update.list along with the 3 .sh-files and their respective .xml-files to the /var/cache/online-updater directory.

    4) I opened a terminal and cd'ed my way to the download directory. So, which one to execute first? Each file has a date in the file name, and at first I thought they should be executed in chronological order. But then I thought maybe they should be executed in the order listed in updates.list. So I decided to execute first. Here are the commands needed, assuming the files are already downloaded:
    Code: Select all
    cd /var/cache/online-updater

    5) Since the file name suggested that this was an update for Live Update, I decided to try an ordinary Live Update again. And voila - It worked! A lot of patches were installed, and after a restart Live Update still seems so work.

    I suspect the root of the problem is that Live Update on the recovery CD is set to use FTP, and after the CD was produced they switched to http. Bad ACER

    I'm doing this from work so I havcen't got my Aspire One here to try this - but it looks convincing as a workaround.

    And Yes, Linux is gobbledygook - it often feels like the geeks are trying to keep us normal people out of their world!! :roll:
    millimole, May 27, 2009
  7. robby


    May 25, 2009
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    Thanks millimole - I'll give this a whirl when I get a chance. Fingers crossed.
    robby, May 27, 2009
  8. robby


    Dec 31, 2008
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    robby, you can uncross your fingers - it won't work :) Those are quite old instructions. For starters, the latest patch for online update itself is, not 080730. And that one does not help either. Not to mention that the update URL is obsolete.

    Here's what you need to do. First, figure out your OS version. Do System->System (in Xfce menu) and see your System Summary. Then send your web browser to the appropriate directory on (in my case /cdn/ACER/AspireOne/v1.0.11/).

    Sort files by Last Modified. Get update.list - this has all updates to date, you may have many of them already installed. Check with your update history. Get the update numbers and descriptions by peaking into the .xml files.

    Get (with Firefox or Opera or Chrome) the updates you want to run - get both .sh and corresponding .sh.xml files (these are descriptions in XML). Run the updates from the terminal or xterm (./<update filename>.sh) one at a time. That should actually install the updates, if no errors are reported. However, they may or may not appear in your update history.

    Fool the update history. Move downloaded .xml files to /var/lib/online-updater/updates_info/ Move downloaded .sh files to /var/lib/online-updater/install_date/, but replace the content of the files with dates, in this format: 2009-May-28. Make sure your file size is 11 bytes, if not - add a space or two. Last but not least, add the .sh file names to the installed-success.log in /var/lib/online-updater/. If all goes well, your update history should now show the descriptions of your newly minted updates.
    vikont, May 29, 2009
  9. robby


    May 25, 2009
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    Thanks vikont - I got half way there by going to the correct directory for my operating system however I didn't realise about fooling the update history - I guess I can repeat the procedure without causing harm then perform the last part. Out of interest - is it correct to perform the updates in the order listed in update.list?

    Thanks again for everyones help
    robby, Jun 1, 2009
  10. robby


    Dec 31, 2008
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    I would imagine it's a safe assumption, however, I suspect it really does not matter. Update.list only contains latest and greatest updates for each component that needs to be updated, so the order is most likely unimportant.

    Nowever, it does seem that Acer finally clued in and fixed the problem - my onlineupdate now happily reports that my system is up-to-date! Yay! Let's see what they gonna break next... :D
    vikont, Jun 3, 2009
  11. robby


    Jun 3, 2009
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    Hello Everyone,

    I have recently got my Aspire one. I did a live update on 2nd June and it seemed to work. (v1.0.21e)
    I have since gone to the acer support site and downloaded FF3. When I try to run the extracted file, I get told that

    "Your computer is already updated"

    Is this a version problem too. When I run firefox, it is definitely version 2 (from the about screen)
    If I look in live update history, I get told that a patch for firefox3 190051 is already installed.

    I assume that if I have installed the patch as part of the live update, BEFORE installing the program, I might be having a problem?

    Can anybody suggest anything?


    jayempayne, Jun 4, 2009
  12. robby


    Dec 31, 2008
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    Yeah, I brought up this issue before, please see viewtopic.php?f=48&t=14271#p90432

    I have not researched this much yet (I use Opera 10 anyways, it's way better that FF) so I'm not sure who's lying, Firefox About or Acer Update. My money is on Acer lying... :p
    vikont, Jun 8, 2009
  13. robby


    Sep 26, 2008
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    Tampa Bay
    I'm not real good with the terminal...
    Press "Alt" & "F2", type "Sudo Thunar" (note the warning, you are root). Next go to "View" make sure "Show Hidden Files" is checked off, then arrow all the way up to the folder:
    Once you have "installed-success.log" open as root, you take a look for an entry "" & delete this entry. This will allow you to give you another shot at it. Let me know how that worked out for you!
    ABSDoug, Jul 4, 2009
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