Occult General Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Oct 19, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I have been thinking of doing a general occult thread so here it is. Things that most people are clueless about, even believers who are actually in their respective cults. I'll start in next thread.
    Hertzian56, Oct 19, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Soo yeah first up is good old Mormonism, momoism, with some rando bizarre Moron(i) on their new solomons temples which represent "heaven on earth" which is satanic frankly. Many who grew up in ooootah who are not part of the "system" or oootah mafia have no idea about the bizarre jewish-masonic rituals the "chosen" attend. These are like psychodramas which do effect the people who take part no matter what they consciously think of all of it. M-ormonism is just a form of masonry which in turn is a form of talmudickism-kabbalism for the goy as they say. It's definitely skewed towards british-israel insanity which is is a subset of jewmasonic drivel just for anglo or anglophiles. You have to remember by the 1830s when this cult was founded by woman eyed joe smith and those behind him? the jewish-british empire was long into existence and the money and support once this got going was there from that source through various ways.

    A good contempo book about this cult is "mormonism unvailed" (that's their spelling) published in the 1830s or 40s or thereabouts. It's before the marketing machine of this cult got into full sway. There are some odd ones like wife 19 but imo those are not reliable since they make no mention of the trannyism that the elites of this cult have had since the beginning. I'll get into that later though but keep it in mind in the context of the jewmasontranny cult all over now, or just coming out for us to normalize it and then have a Brave New World of divine trannys who then have the occult "state" god handle the breeding and programming of good little demons. 100% solid cult members who know nothing else, satanic inverts.

    Anyways you can look up the surface story of this cult and it's supposed persecution and such, I wouldn't put any real faith in it though, even jewipedia. Only thing would be dates and ostensible deaths and such and things they don't want to have too much info out there about like the Mormon Meadows Massacre and such. From my sense they were shysters through and through and came in and unsettled whole communities and used typical shyster gangsterism to help each other take over. It's easy to see in the western US today centered around oootah of course. Mickeys selling and helping Mickeys out lol

    Joe Smith just looks like the front man who had charisma to convince those who were already brigands who changed churches for convenience and benefits. From the depictions we get today he looked to be a tranny, the curvy slit eyes and such and the emphasis on sex couched in religious terms. The backbiting and intrigue which got most of the original momo apostles excommunicated and such. Rats on a ship I guess. So a useful martyr is created, likely out stayed his welcome and the Brittney Young clique probably had old Joe bumped off is my guess as to the real story there. Cui Bono?

    There is a relatively modern blurb out there about Smith and the Kabbalah and mentions he had a jewish teacher of it as a personal friend by the name of Niebauer, NEW BUILDER whom taught him hebrew and general kabbalism. But I think he left the scene somewhere before the execution, or fake execution who knows. Creating a martyr is a standard tactic for some bona fides, fake story to tell the clueless. Like I said I suspect Smith became way too egotistical and the elite decided he had to go but in a way that held this fraudster up as a victim whom was cruelly sacrificed by the bad guys, non mormons. So therefore they were going to take their toys and loots and head out west to found a commune. In steps brittney young as the great leader with the weird hippo hips in one younger photo we have of her and of course the 5 or so other pics are of a very strange body covered up with heavy clothes and such. Hand signs and body postures galore in those photos. Giving birth to so many childrend weighed hard on old brittney and others though. Looking up period images of momos certainly tells the story about the inversion going on. And remember there were lots more men available in the west then women so it makes sense that the inversion would take place. And the whole cover story about wifeys and such. We can see this in the FLDS tranny cult as well.

    So anyways I'll post some of my earlier stuff on momoism next, goes through some of the points about how this is a satanic impostor which skillfully uses the name of the Lord in it's orgs name to fool the unwary.
    Hertzian56, Oct 19, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So some general observations below, I had done these a while back and I've got more make no doubt about it. Looks like I can only do shorter amount at a time though, limits of this site.

    Some points and analysis about how LDS mormon is not christian, it's a mix of freemasonry(kabbalah) and some aspects of classic christianity aka Catholicism. It's also very British-Israel based, the belief that they are the "chosen people" in a racial material way, hijacking Old Testament imagery and language. They hide the occult aspects from most members at least at first such as the space opera gods etc as well as the masonic kabbalastic rituals in their temples which are disturbing to many mormons who keep quiet. Read the doublespeak marketing of these people on these points then read the Bible and the undisputed Catholic Saints like St Augustine, St John Chrysostom, St Thomas Aquinas and many others. The MC is a giant judaeo-masonic corporation that owns many large businesses and lots of land worldwide. It has no full time contemplative orders, no dedicated full time religious and values judaeo-puritan busyness as a virtue over all else. It has no "saints" of any report other than their prophets in the utah brigham young version. It's sickly "sacrament" is a faux version of one(Eucharist) of the SEVEN Catholic Sacraments. It's power structure is based on secret hidden rituals in their "heaven on earth" temples. It calls itself Christian in the same way that North Korea calls itself a republic.

    Full text of "Mormon LDS Analysis Anti-Christian Movement Utah book"
    See other formats

    List of Mormon Nonsense and proofs of it not being Christian but ANTI-

    1. Mormons: the PHYSICAL GOD lives on a star called Kolob. True space opera
    stuff like Scientology and other mind control cults.

    2. Tithing is NOT volunatary and is NOT used for charity purposes. If you
    want to be "temple" approved you are required to go

    in and raise your hand and swear that you tithed 10% AND ALSO you must sign a
    legal document proclaimaing that. Shockingly

    mormons think this is normal, shows the ignorance and worldliness of average
    mormons. It's all about the pyramid scheme and

    building more ward houses to continue the profits, there's one in EVERY new
    subdivision in Utah. Real estate is the the main
    "charity" of the church.

    3. Mormons practice masonic(actually jewish kabbalistic) satanic rituals in
    their "heaven on earth"(satanic tikum olam of the

    judaics) temples. Complete with hand shakes, secret words and until recently
    masonic death oaths. The mormon marriage ceremony

    or sealing is done on an altar between two mirrors facing each other,
    infinity mirrors. Satan is the man of mirrors and

    satanic reversals or inversions are his trade. A big example is the inverse
    pentagram in which the point assigned to the

    spirit is the one facing down and the two signifying water and earth are the
    upright tips. This is another form of the

    kabbalistic hexagram of the judaics which signifies as above so below
    hermetic satanism and balance of opposites.

    4. Church founders were either scam artists on the take and or sex maniacs
    manipulating the naive, as they do today, to get

    what they want. Old Jo Smith came from a family that was into magic and their
    main way of making a living was digging for

    treasure. Smith had underage and other mens wives as "spirit wives", he was a
    megalomaniac figure in his various settlements.

    Brigham Young had dozens of wives, was a freemason like all the
    businessmen/prophets of the corporation.
    Hertzian56, Oct 19, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    5. The Mormon Church is a corporation that uses the name of Jesus Christ as a
    branding confusion technique for outsiders and

    of course the strong social control system they have in Utah overpowers the
    average resident. It's like North Korea calling

    itself a republic, no one seriously believes that NK is a republic as its
    normal definition. The same goes for the MC, it's

    another aspect of the scam. It uses Catholic things like a sickly Eucharist
    with water and wonder bread and other aspects of
    Catholicism to APPEAR Christian.

    6. Mormon "bishops" are paid and they can go out the rest of the week and
    sell insurance and other things and become wealthy

    and enjoy themselves, there is nothing holy about these wolves in sheeps
    clothing. The same goes for all sorts of official

    positions in the MC like Mission Presidents make 6 figures in some instances,
    it's a money pyramid scheme. The Mormon prophet

    is a businessman who is elevated by his judaeo-masonic bretheren of fake

    mormon apostles who control hundreds of billions of

    dollars and are deeply entrenched in judaeo-masonry and its worldwide mafia.
    No holy separated professional dedicated to the

    supernatural here, nope it's a well compensated good old boy among many who
    wear suits and give fancy speeches.

    7. Mormonism is masterful at social marketing and outreach, aka door to door
    sales techniques are the norm. Most people are

    bowled over by the methods, as naive ignorant dupes flood them with false
    addulation and praise. Mormons are two faced, the

    trick is to get outer ring or exoteric dupes to tithe and donate otherwise
    and join, then later the secret doctrines and the

    temple rituals are introduced. Esp those who are social climbers/worldly get
    into this ritualism and the benefits it unlocks

    for them, the same type of people that masonry attracts. This is the typical
    jewish mentality since Ezechiels time, he and the other prophets(who were
    almost totally killed by their own people) exposed this.

    8. The imagery of the mormon temples is about Solomons Temple(a sure sign of
    crypto-judaism) which was destroyed by God be His

    spirit had left it after Solomons worshiping of many gods later in life. It
    turned Satanic. The Holy Prophets of the OT go on

    and on about this corruption. The temples are a piece of heaven on earth and
    this is a jewish-masonic satanic belief. It's the

    same pride that the lucifer/builders have/had and you can see "pride"
    everywhere now in various forms. The baptism rite of

    Mormonism takes place in a bath that is held up by 12 oxen like described in
    the Temple of Solomon, as a molten sea. There is

    also plenty of hidden pentagrams and hexagrams and other occult imagery
    inside and outside their temples.

    9. The book of mormon was most likely an amalgamation of a few books written
    around that time by other authors. It has no

    support in history in any way. The two works that show the wacky space opera
    beliefs are hidden from new converts and most

    mormons, these are the Pearl of Great Price and the Doctrine and Covenants.
    The ideas of where the Indians came from came from
    a few authors at this time in history. In fact large parts of the BOM are
    wholesale ripped off from protestant

    translations of the Bible, even the historical analysis doesn't work. There
    were no horses in the Americas before they were

    brought there among other examples, one being the weapons and metals used in
    Hertzian56, Oct 19, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    10. At no time has the mormon church produced the relics that are central to
    old Jo Smiths story, the golden plates and the

    urim and thumim(ripoff from the bible btw). Nor have they explained the so
    called egyptian heiroglyphs that Smith described.

    And of course the ongoing controversy over mormon "relics" which even the
    church was taken in by in the 1980s lol

    11. Mormons, like many, are obsessed with family history aka geneologies.

    This is a very worldly and occult concept system.

    Like astrology it's the belief that when/where you were born defines you aka
    genetics and there is no changing so stay in the

    church don't seek God only what the businessmen/your family tell you. It's an

    anti-supernatural deterministic creed that is

    satanic. The church expends a lot of energy and money to hoarde(gluttony)
    genetic information and it keeps the rubes busy with their

    volunteer work online to sort birth certificates from people worldwide for
    the churches satanic master plan of baptizing

    everyone who ever lived into their corporation in another satanic temple
    ritual. Only those who believe in worldly things have

    a problem with this or mind it, the jews had a big problem with this
    practice. But it's infantile and telling, it'd be like

    minding what some disturbed group thinks or says in some ritual pertaining to
    you, it has no power if you don't accept it or

    give them that power. This is a thing of men, not God, and ultimately the
    only thing you should concern yourself with is God

    and His judgement. But like vapid hollywood stars and other people they are
    so shallow and concerned with what others think

    that they get horrid plastic surgery and other wacky procedures to "white"
    their pocked mark wall for the outside world. St

    Paul mentions this pertaining to the Rabbis who look so upstanding and
    respectable for eyes and so pumped up with pride and
    arrogance on the inside.

    12. Mormons: JC was the spirit brother of Lucifer and fought over the
    sovereingty of the Earth, the God the Father judged in

    favor of JC over Lucifer and so a war is going on. This is all satanic story
    telling and has no basis in Christianity.

    13. JC is only the God of THIS world, if they obey the Church mormons will
    become Saints(as opposed to the real saints of

    Catholicism) and go up into space after death and be a God of their own world
    and will populate it through spiritual sex with

    the wife they were "sealed" to in an occult ceremony in the Temple. Oh but
    it's ok to divorce and remarry. So there is a

    heirarchy of Gods in space, very hindu like. In Catholicism marriage was
    raised to one of the 7 sacrements by the Lord Himself at the wedding, the MC
    closely mirrors the Catholic Church in some ways and you can see the
    outgrowth of this in their marriage theology and rituals, ofc they are just a
    blend of outer classic Christian ideals and inner judaeo-masonic kabbalistic
    ideals for the higher people.

    14. Jesus Christ was the product of spiritual(and maybe even physical) sex
    between Mary and God the Father. This is vile and depraved it doesn't need
    any more explanation, disgusting.

    15. As a consequence there is no belief in the Holy Trinity by Mormons. JC
    clearly confirmed the Holy Trinity when He said he

    and his father are one and later when he mentioned the sending down of the
    Holy Spirit in the Pentecost.
    Hertzian56, Oct 19, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    16. Mormons have a belief in the 3 kingdoms of the celestial, telestial and
    terrestrial. This is just like the kabbalistic

    three levels of existence linked by three hexagrams. Briah, atziluth, assiah.
    One is this world the lowest, one is the middle

    world and the other is the spiritual world. I think there is a hell in there
    somewhere so the middle world is the earthly

    existence and the lower is hell. (St Paul described being allowed to see the
    third heaven, but there is no indication there are only 3 levels, it's more

    likely there are 7). This isn't so out of touch though, in Catholicism there
    is Hell, purgatory and heaven which

    contain their own gradations in themselves for each person based on their
    degree of works and sprit in the mixed world of the

    In the judaic scheme one would be us, one would be the angels and one would
    be closest to God, and each has a

    reflection of the dark side opposite. But Mormons believe we all lived in the
    spiritual world first, we pre-existed and then

    were called to this mixed world as a test by the God of this world. The
    Mormon doctrine is very Hindu aka reincarnation in

    which you existed previously to this world. It's very make up your own
    religion like Protestantism and the even wackier
    Talmudic legalism with it's hidden doctrine being the

    hindu/egyptian/babylonian Kabbalah. This negates the Catholic belief that God
    created us out of nothing and gave us a spirit and body at the start of our
    lives which has a start with our conception and an end with our physical
    death. But whether our eternal spirit lives with God in His spiritual kingdom
    or is relegated to Purgatory to pay for our venial sins through suffering OR
    recieves a spiritual death that is eternal. This being the withdrawal of God
    from the Soul and it being given over to satan and the suffering and torture
    that that entails.

    17. Mormons claim to be saints of the latter days, where is the evidence of
    this? They have no celibate sacrificing monks or nuns, their "clergy" are
    just people going about their daily lives doing whatever they want and their
    piety is judged by attending the housekeeping endless busy work of meetings
    upon meetings which just end up as bsing sessions and gossiping. They are
    kept busy for a reason. They are all priests from 16 in Mormonism, pretty low
    bar there compared to Catholic clergy. There are no higher theologians or
    writings or works like the Catholic Saints have for over 2000 years. Where is
    the mormon Michaelangelo or Da Vinci? St Augustine? Thomas Aquinas? St
    Bernard? St Benedict? They appropriated some famous sculpture of Christ by a
    swede I believe. The same goes for the confusion of Protestantism. Everything
    is for pay and elevates those who do well in this world in both mormonism and
    protestantism. The only books by Mormons are things like stories of the
    covered wagon pioneers, self help(luciferian pride) books, business books,
    occult books like the Twilight saga and other modern marketing books.
    Protestants also have this legacy as well as the other false religions. Momos
    are judaeo-calvinistic in that they have no full time contemplative orders
    and in daily life don't think too deeply either, they value always keeping
    busy all the time, anything else is just laziness to them.

    18. Blacks could not be "priests" in the Mormon religion before 1978. The
    book of momo hasn't been changed about how punishment from God was dark skin!
    I don't know how people of color can overlook this but they do all the time.
    Thurl Bailey a past NBA player for the Utah Jazz is mormon, he's also very
    tall, and it's quite humorous to think of this very dark negro dressed up in
    the masonic mormon all white garb with a green masonic apron over their
    genitals(this is symbolic but telling) among all those lily white people of
    average height going through the rituals. Mormons have a very strong foothold
    in the Tongans as well. This is in contradiction to the inclusive Catholicism
    of all races from the beginning. St Augustine was from Africa, although I am
    not sure the color of his skin, but there have been many different members in
    all positions and saints in the Catholic Church. There have been many female

    saints among Catholics like St Theresa of Avila, St Catherine of Sienna, St
    Rose of Lima and many others. Of coures the Blessed Virgin is a major figure
    as well.

    19. The Polygamy doctrine was only changed on the surface to become a state,
    it didn't largely die out until the 20th century.

    But the backing beliefs are still there so don't expect it to be done. There
    are still FLDS that practice this to this day and frankly they're much more
    honest than the mainline SLC church. The polygamy doctrine goes against
    scripture both on a natural basis and on the much more important supernatural
    basis. This is described in Solomons Canticle of Canticles but the carnal
    minded only see it through their depraved lenses. The Bride of Christ is the
    Catholic Church and the souls of the faithful who make up the bricks. Christ
    is the Bridegroom. This is completely alien to mormonism.

    20. Mormonism has divisions in itself. There is the FLDS and there is the
    Missouri based church with descendents of Joseph Smith, you would think that
    the Smith family would be pretty important to the mormons but the Brigham
    Young SLC church is the biggest and most powerful so this is what most
    mormons follow. This isn't exclusive to mormonism there is division in all
    churches but it's instructive and counters the myth of the SLC church being
    the only one. Most people don't have a clue about


    21. Missions are paid for by the families, in some cases it's a hardship to
    them. The church has gotten better here, but it's hard to think much of it
    when it owns so much real estate, is at least part owner in American Express,
    has many many people in banking/finance/selling and has major investments all
    over. Has highly paid mission presidents and other officials based on the

    judaeo-masonic mafia model etc. Think of how much the MC makes off of usury
    and compound interest in ONE DAY, millions at least.
    Hertzian56, Oct 19, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    22. Mormons populate the FBI/CIA in large numbers. The missions are really
    disguised intelligence gathering work for the international judaeo-masonic
    mafia of which mormonism is a full member. The missionaries go to intensive
    training in the language and culture of the host locale and have an extended
    existing support network in those countries. Of course there is always the
    financial aspect of getting more and more tithing aka paying converts as well
    as political influence to further the aims of judaeo-masonry. Many countries
    see this and ban missionaries but not most.

    23. Mormons have an occult hatred of the USA and want revenge for the so
    called unjust killing of their prophet Jo Smith. This is just another
    manifestation of the two-faced nature of mormonism(and it's larger parent
    judeao-masonry), the exoteric for the dupes the esoteric for the high
    initiates. Even though Smith himself was a freemason and took his rituals
    from masonry,this may have been why he was reported to have proclaimed aloud
    a classic masonic distress phrase before his death. One theory is that he was
    actually killed by freemasons for this reason. There are even reports of
    Smith carrying satanic amulets with sigils based on kabbalistic magic
    squares(the i-ching hexagrams are also based on this). When the moment is
    right the higher judaeo-masons aka the illuminati MAY turn over the districts
    in the NWO,formerly known as the USA, over to the Mormon Church for
    governance. This would be frightful, so many naive shallow dupes put

    in charge at the lower levels, but I suppose it's like those who work for the
    banksters, financial gangsters, IRS and other criminal enterprises of the

    present time. BTW the classic italian mafia was actually founded by Mazzini,
    a high freemason and literal satanist, in the 1830's, it's an occult based
    criminal undertaking with it's own occult ritual of initiation. It's
    another tool of judaeo-masonry.

    24. Mormons, in true two faced fashion, are extremely bigotted against other
    churches most notably the Catholic Church. Only in their enclaves will they
    voice this openly, for the world they are models of tolerance and inclusion.
    For the Mormons there are only two churches that could be the true church,
    theirs and the Catholic Church. The evidence is soundly against them in
    almost every way. They even had a film in the endowment satanic ritual they
    put this in, until it was pulled after being exposed. Satan fears exposure
    more than anything, those who say there is no satan are his greatest tools.

    25. Mormonism, like in so many other places now, is very much into promoting
    fantasy and entertainment. Sports is a major part of mormonism, their ward
    house doubles as basketball courts, very holy and sacred lol. Of course they
    would do that, living in your own fantasy or that promoted by popular culture
    of today is one of satans greatest gambits. Disney is a huge example of this,
    with sexual subliminals, antichristian stories like the brothers

    grim(kabbalists) and most other disney offerings. Disney has many differently
    named entertainment businesses that are all the way up to extreme sex and
    violence, I believe they were the major holder of Harvey Weinsteins
    production company. Disneyland is terrifying to young children until they are
    conditioned by their surrounding environment to believe it's a good place,
    hey kid how about a beer at the Club 33? How about the terrifying rides that
    disorient you and in some cases in the dark, fun huh? What about the
    terrifying giant mouse and other characters talking in drugged up voices?

    Walt Disney and his family history are instructive as well. Lose yourself in
    sports supporting degenerate owners and players and all the other surrounding
    talking heads, it too will keep you busy.

    26. The MC is very similar to a full communist country, bearing your
    testimony is publicly proclaiming your programmed beliefs so a group
    programming session can ensue. Whatever you want to say that you have the
    feeling about, no matter how crazy, can be a holy thing to momos. Religion
    via hive mind. Any idiot or poorly informed person can claim to have some
    holy information at any time, a lot like the protestant make up your own
    religion. Hucksters and scam artists thrive here and Utah is thriving
    economically because of it. Wherever you have scammers and naive dupes you
    have a lot of money changing hands. The real zombies are already here. Utah
    is known as the "beehive" state btw.
    Hertzian56, Oct 19, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Now there are 39 total major points I made in that doco but I'll come back to them later, just copypaste stuff. From the above it's not hard to pick this cult apart, like many of them. I'd just like to add the real human parts to this. Many momos basically have a double mindedness about them. They go through all this about becoming "gods" themselves and having space sex to populate their own planets where they are the Jesus of that planet as a reward. BUT many also talk about heaven and looking down on this flat earth to help relatives and such, makes no sense and is a major dissonance going on there. Even on their official tv channel byutv they quip about the Lords return which is odd to me. How does this fit in with all the pantheistic nonsense about how those members who have passed on are now "gods" of their own planets out there? See what I mean it's really bizarre stuff. And it doesn't stop there either. It's all Freaking over the place w these folks.

    They're into disney a lot and that's a barrel of snakes in itself, that nwo org is a huge deception and perversion machine. But the fantasy land stuff fits right into their fantasy land beliefs so there you go. bebok
    Hertzian56, Oct 19, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Another thing is that I've been watching the byutv channel a lot lately due to cable problems and I hate watching all those ghastly commercials on regular channels, byutv doesn't generally have commercials it's more like a public channel where you only have promos for other shows on the channel so I usually leave it on that unless something I really want to watch more comes up on the few decent channels I have available to me.

    Byutv used to be kbyu a local utah channel that's church approved I guess. Well there's just as much circus garbage on this channel as any other really. The shows are pretty cringey most of the time, and of course are full of circus clown trannys like all the other channels, very telling here though. They have these really bad shows about "helping" the "poor" natives in places, come in to film themselves doing various things, patting themselves on the back and such. It's not charity if you do it for recognition and there's nothing more recognition than putting it on tv. I really wish I had a western channel like grit or vintage tv like Tvland, those are just as full of these tranny demons but at least it's cleaner type of stuff, not as music videoy as modern tripe they put out there.

    Uh well apart from the awful pat yourself on the back "charity" shows there's the annoying byu insider with the scary tranny who goes by the fake name Scout Smith. Really scary looking feminized man with engels glasses and drugged up energy, clown on drugs easiest way to describe the vibe there. I think looking up this monstrosity I got an old photo of some awful game show this channel had at one time and could see this boy before they cleaned it up for primetime clowning. Obvious tranny. CornyAF little shorts with other weirdos going on.

    The other shows they spam are Heartland, a canadian show with lots of pretty nature and horses so turn down the volume and at least have that to look at. Of course it's an obnoxious soap opera with clowns throughout but at least the nature parts are real. Soo cringey though. I'm not so sure it's completely filmed in Canada as some of it's deserty at times, which Canada doesn't really have. Maybe moves to one of the Dakotas for those scenes. It's also very instructive as to the Moon Bump fake pregnancy prosthetics these weirdos wear when necessary, not just in shows but also IRL. I remember that baboon Williams bro wearing one for a while, he has this big white soft fatty "husband" so gross.

    They also have cringey old stuff like Highway to Heaven with that weirdo alana ladd, don't pay too much attention to that garbage. I really just wish I had a proper public channel with some better programming like Masterpiece Theatre or something. This channel also occasionally has awful church stuff, the guys in suits giving cringey emotional manipulation type of patter. There's also this baboon man giving these awful spoken word stories about africans like some folk lore stories, really nasty to look at and listen to. And usually there's this cringey singing type of thing it does.

    I just can't barely stand the vulture commercials and talking heads on other channels daytime and into the night. Take ESPN for example, really bad network. Some sports but mostly these awful useless talking heads about sports, just putrid tripe. Similar to MTV used to show music videos but now is mostly terrible original programming trash. ESPN would be a lot better just showing reruns of games, no one wants these talking head clowns and their inane chatter. I couldn't imagine willingly paying for these channels, they're included in the rent here.

    Anyways yeah just watch the official slc momos channel to see how gross they all are. Two faced scum for the most part.
    Hertzian56, Oct 19, 2023
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