Odd bug with Gimp desktop icon

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by teasum, Oct 31, 2008.

  1. teasum


    Oct 28, 2008
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    I installed the gimp using pirut, and then added the desktop launcher to the group-app.xml file, as usual. I've done this with several apps, and it works smoothly (VLC, for example). I even got rid of the "%U" on the exec line of the desktop file. The wierd thing is, now when I boot up, there's one gimp icon (dark brown with a paintbrush sticking out of his mouth), but when I mouse over the icon or click to launch it, it changes to a different gimp icon, and stays that way until I reboot.

    This isn't exactly a show-stopping bug here, but I'm wondering if anyone else here has seen this, and/or knows how to fix it? I actually like the first icon that disappears better...

    teasum, Oct 31, 2008
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