Odd problem with sleep... Please help!

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by robert4380, Nov 8, 2008.

  1. robert4380


    Sep 9, 2008
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    I've just noticed a very peculiar problem I have with my Aspire One. I have Linpus Linux with every current update installed, and the computer refuses to go into sleep mode if I try to select it from the shutdown menu. If I close the lid, it will sleep correctly. If I use the keyboard and press Fn+F4, it will sleep correctly. However, if I click on the shutdown button and try to click sleep there, it does absolutely nothing. The light for the SSD hard drive will blink once, but nothing happens after that. All of the other buttons in the menu (lock, restart, shutdown) all work just fine. I haven't done anything to tinker with Linux, and the only programs I've installed were from the update site from Acer (Skype, GIMP, and a CD burning program). Does anyone know how I can activate the sleep function in the shutdown menu? This is driving me nuts, and I really don't want to have to reinstall everything again. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :?:
    robert4380, Nov 8, 2008
  2. robert4380


    Sep 20, 2008
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    If Fn+F4 works, is it really that important to you get it to sleep via the menu? It's more of a minor annoyance than a real problem really.
    Tamrac, Nov 8, 2008
  3. robert4380


    Sep 9, 2008
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    This is my first major venture into the world of Linux, and it just seems so stupid that something so basic in the operating system could get broken like this. I mean, if this were Windows and the suspend function didn't work from the taskbar, everyone would be up in arms about how crappy Microsoft software is, blah blah blah. If there's an option present in a window, I should be able to click on it and have it work. Like I've said, I've done nothing but get the usual system updates from Live Update, and I installed 3 additional programs off of the main Acer update website... http://www.acer.com/aspireone/updates.

    In my 3 months with this little laptop, it's been a love-hate relationship. A lot of the custom Acer software is so darn buggy. The messenger program refuses to remember my buddy icon. Firefox cannot be updated at all short of some convoluted process that breaks the Acer software. There are more problems I've had, but I'm drawing a blank on them at the moment.

    However, I really do like how quickly it boots up so that I can get online and get done what I need done. To me though this software seems rather rushed. And yes, I'm anal about things working right, so I probably will just go ahead and reinstall everything unless someone here has a more efficient solution.
    robert4380, Nov 8, 2008
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