Official Line from Acer on RAM Upgrade/Warranty?

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by Roguestar, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. Roguestar


    Nov 21, 2008
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    I've noticed a number of people that have posted in various places mentioning they had called Acer Support in Spain and were told that their memory upgrade would not, in and of itself, void the warranty, and people mentioning they had heard similar things from Acer Support US. However, there are a lot of people quite happy to drop the phrase "upgrading the memory voids your warranty" around threads without providing any concrete information about this.

    Has there been any mention of this formally, is it written anywhere on their website one way or the other about warranty support for the machine itself (obviously excluding your added memory) being specifically limited following a non-Acer-approved service professional?

    From what I can read from the UK warranty:

    "2.1 Exclusions

    This Limited Warranty does not extend to:
    2.1.1 blah blah

    2.1.2 any product that has been damaged or rendered defective as a result of use of the System other than for its intended use ... blah blah modification of the system including use of parts not manufacturer and/or sold by Acer; service or repair by anyone other than Acer onr an Acer Authorized Service Provider; improper transportation ... blah blah improper installation of third-party products (e.g., memory cards) *.

    2.1.3 blah blah something else"
    * I assume they mean SD cards and the like but this can also extend logically to RAM, as a third party product

    Now, I'm no lawyer or contracts expert, but I tend to read the small print and from the fact that they've added these points that I've bolded as sub-points under 2.1.2 "we're not going to fix it if it fucks up because of:", this indicates that Acer will offer no warranty cover for defects or damage resulting when you add the memory (ie: if you poke a hole in the motherboard while installing it, you're on your own), but this particular choice of phraseology does not prohibit the cover under warranty of defects or damage not resulting from the installation of third-party products, ie: if something in it dies that was completely unrelated to the memory upgrade and would have happened anyway (eg: dead SSD or broken whatever), then they are still liable under the warranty for the repair of this defective portion, unrelated and not resulting to the third-party product (your RAM).

    Correct me if I'm wrong in this interpretation, if you've heard anything official from Acer or have read something in the warranty that I've missed.

    (Sorry if this post is a little hard to read. Also it seems I tend to use huge sentences instead of using full stops appropriately.)

    I'm in the UK at the moment and was wondering if anyone else in the UK had been on the phone with Acer UK about this, as I'd be interested in hearing if there was an official line and if it differed in the UK.

    Perhaps this thread could be useful for people to collate their localised experience and feedback from Acer regarding upgrades and the warranty?
    Roguestar, Nov 21, 2008
  2. Roguestar


    Aug 26, 2008
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    I'am living in france and I had the occasion to call the Acer hotline about warranty for my AAO.
    I don't know how it looks like around the globe but here in France it's clear :
    If the defective parts of your computer or the defective software is not directly linked to the memory upgrade then the warranty is fully functional"
    Apparently nothing to worry about if your memory upgrade as been correctly installed.

    Wish you lots of fun with your AAO !
    callmelolo, Nov 22, 2008
  3. Roguestar


    Nov 21, 2008
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    Thanks for the input, callemelolo :).
    Roguestar, Nov 22, 2008
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