ok for my mum ?

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by jtfab, Oct 27, 2008.

  1. jtfab


    Oct 27, 2008
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    my mum wants a cheap pc so i thought about the aspire one.she's 65 only used a pc at work (she retired 5 years) and is out of practice.

    a few questions about the base Linux model
    1. she wants it for internet,emailing and writing letters.writing letters is the main thing so can it do it and can you print it using a xp/vista printer ?

    2. we have a wireless network at home,is the aspire one secure from outsiders (does it have firewall,anti-virus adware etc) ?

    3. how does it update itself ?

    4. she doesn't want to use the touchpad so she wants a mouse,which is best mouse for the aspire ?

    5. is it ok playing youtube,bbc iplayer etc ?

    hope you can help please

    jtfab, Oct 27, 2008
  2. jtfab


    Aug 25, 2008
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    I would consider other factors too...
    How good is her eye sight? (the screen is small on the One)
    How well do her fingers work? (the keyboard is small too)
    I'd probably recommend a full size PC, with a full size keyboard, not a laptop.
    IMHO I'd go for something as similar to what she's familiar with as possible.
    Although I use Linux myself all the time, personally I go for Vista on the PCs
    I "administer" for my more mature members as it's usually what their friends have.
    Duncan_Rowland, Oct 27, 2008
  3. jtfab


    Oct 19, 2008
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    Chicago, USA
    Duncan is spot on with the eyesight comment. The screen is hi-res but small, which makes for tiny fonts on some webpages. Of course you can Ctrl/+ it up all you like, but that's an extra step. And does she really need the portability? A larger unit might be easier for her unless she's a real gal on the go.

    My Linux AA1 has the same kind of "Automatic Update" that Windows has, so no problem there.

    As for the rest of your questions, I'll have to leave them for someone else. Good luck!......Jake
    Chicago_Jake, Oct 27, 2008
  4. jtfab


    Oct 27, 2008
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    i might have to take her to PC World ,her eye sight isn't bad but i don't want to cause her problems.i might have to get her a laptop.shame

    ....but i want 1 for myself lol
    jtfab, Oct 27, 2008
  5. jtfab


    Oct 17, 2008
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    1. Certainly all the software for interrnet, mail and letter writing is there - I'm not sure about printer compatibility though
    2. There's no Anti Virus, Software Firewall or Adware software. There are a few threads on here about why they are not necessary, although I would like to install at least a virus scanner to auto scan email attachments and removable drives - anyone got a suggestion?
    3. Auto updates when you connect to your wireless.
    4. Any usb mouse should work.
    5. Yes - plays those no problems.
    zongamin, Oct 28, 2008
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