One down

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by ...BeAkEr..., Sep 6, 2008.

  1. ...BeAkEr...


    Aug 26, 2008
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    My One just died last night [AAO150], I was installing SP1 into my Ultimate OS and it said it had to restart to continue, that was the last I ever heard from it :(

    I think the mobo died or at least had some severe problems as it wouldn't even try and boot, the HDD light wasn't flickering at all and the power button worked [but only after pressing and holding for 10 seconds] I have only had it for 13 days so I took it back in store and got a replacement. I was tempted to get another colour but I like my blue one so I stayed with it...

    Anyhooo just wondered if anyone else has had similar issues? Also my $99 acer rebate, I opted for the extra year acer warranty instead, that won't count now will it? As it will be to the S/N of the old unit, I knew I should have took the cash, I could have just recieved the cash from the old one and then sent a new rebate from this unit :D Oh well
    ...BeAkEr..., Sep 6, 2008
  2. ...BeAkEr...


    Sep 3, 2008
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    try pulling the battery and then restart
    ipearl, Sep 6, 2008
  3. ...BeAkEr...


    Aug 26, 2008
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    That was the first thing I tried, believe me I went through the whole routine, I'm not new to these things :)

    Anyway it's gone now and I'm currnetly setting the new one up again, lucky I backed up all my files from it a couple of days back, its a case of just reinstalling Vista Ultimate now and the few other programmes I had on there
    ...BeAkEr..., Sep 6, 2008
  4. ...BeAkEr...


    Aug 20, 2008
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    Look at the hardware problems sub forum. The Aspire One has a major design fault which can result in the machine failing to wake up on a restart. This seems to be a bug in the Intel Atom processor which Acer should have sorted out in the BIOS. Machines with the earlier v3109 BIOS seemed to be less prone to this problem (except for the suckers---including myself!) who flashed the new v3114 after it appeared on Acer's website. However more recent machines will have the 0.3114 BIOS pre-installed and there is plenty of evidence of purchasers whose machines have died after several days (sometimes only as few hours) of use.

    Despite the fact that this is as serious design flaw Acer have still to acknowledge that the problem exists or provide a solution. My estimate is that this will end up costing the company many 10's of millions of dollars to sort this out.
    Achilles, Sep 6, 2008
  5. ...BeAkEr...


    Aug 26, 2008
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    I now watch in a mix of fear and excitement everytime the thing starts up lol, its like playing russian roulette, between this and my 360 I'm going to go prematurely grey...
    ...BeAkEr..., Sep 6, 2008
  6. ...BeAkEr...


    Sep 3, 2008
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    ahhh glad you pointed that out.
    i ma stick to my 3109 bios then =) was about to flash it.
    But i cant have it die on me since i have a 1.8 HD mod and added ram lol no mo warrenty.
    Voided the min i got the machine hahaaha
    ipearl, Sep 6, 2008
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