One week on!

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Obeonecanopener, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. Obeonecanopener


    Sep 26, 2008
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    One week on and I'm still happy :D Love the screen the speed the size the no fuss start up and the gizmos :) Hate the mouse pad, it's all over the shop no mater how low I set the settings :x Bat lasts about 2 hours which is a lot better than my crap Vaio :p Fan not too bad really, just a little annoying (sometimes) whine. Key pad great, nice and firm with good feedback. Now: If only I could find a firewall, which I'm still not sure if I need :?

    Obeonecanopener, Oct 4, 2008
  2. Obeonecanopener


    Oct 1, 2008
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    As for a firewall, the requirement for this will depend on where you will be using this. If this is purely on your own home wireless that is secured via keys etc, then I would say that no firewall is needed.

    If you are likely to be using this on unsecure networks, and/or public ones, i would advise to get at least a simple firewall setup. This should be simple enough, as i believe that iptables should be in yum, so it should be a case of
    sudo yum install iptables
    and then configure it. (This is where i'm gonna let you down lol sorry). But i'm sure there's likely to be some GUI to iptables (firestarter i believe is/was one) in yum, alternatively, there's plenty of guides online for setting up iptables.
    sdousley, Oct 4, 2008
  3. Obeonecanopener


    Sep 26, 2008
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    Thanks sdousley. I'll have a hunt around. Seeing as I'm real new to Linux it will take a little time to understand 'yum' and such things but it looks like fun :) The hard part for newbies is that there are so many 'Linux's' out there (red hat, sussie etc) that it's a little confusssssing :?
    Anyway: Thanks for your help.

    Obeonecanopener, Oct 5, 2008
  4. Obeonecanopener

    Grim Squeaker

    Aug 19, 2008
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    Unfortunately not. The Linpus kernel does not include the necessary components to make iptables functional.
    Then again, there is little need for a firewall - most ports are closed by default anyway.

    To explain the above command to Obeonecanopener (nice nick ;)):
    sudo means "super user do", or "do the following as root (administrator in windows)". Similar to "run as Administrator" in Vista.
    yum is the commandline package manager. It is able to check large repositories for the software you desire, to determine which version your linux version can run and if the software you want depends on other software to work correctly - and will even download those dependencies for you as well if possible. If you so desire.
    A graphical alternative is pirut, named "Add/Remove Software" under the "advanced" menu.
    install is what you want yum to do. It also understands things like remove and update.
    iptables is the name of the program you want to install. Or not install since it is quite useless on the One, but that is besides the point ;)
    Grim Squeaker, Oct 5, 2008
  5. Obeonecanopener


    Oct 1, 2008
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    Of course! Hadn't thought about the cut-down kernel in the One. Is there any known firewall solution then, or would modifying the Kernel and installing IPTables be the best bet? I haven't had that much of a look into it myself, as i generally run without firewall wherever i am :roll:
    sdousley, Oct 6, 2008
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