Openoffice filetype icons in thunar

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by tancred, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. tancred


    Sep 20, 2008
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    Hi, am a new user and still learning linpus and acer one.

    At some point in the last few days I must have "done something" that has resulted in Thunar now displaying only a "blank sheet of paper" icon for newly created openoffice files. This seems to be the case for Writer, Presentation and spreadsheet files. Writer files that I created a few days ago still have the pictorial icon showing in Documents. I am running Open office version 2.3

    Whilst not a big deal from an operability point of view it would be great to get the file icons displaying properly again. Can anyone advise what I need to do to get back to the normal situation? Thanks in advance
    tancred, Sep 30, 2008
  2. tancred


    Sep 18, 2008
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    Um... you've not deleted the icons, have you? Do the OO apps actually run when you double-click on them in the file manager?
    kevin, Sep 30, 2008
  3. tancred


    Sep 20, 2008
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    Thanks... the OO applications run when I click the programme icons on Acer desktop and also when I click on the applications in /usr/share applications... the programme icons also appear there.

    However when i save a new file (to documents) and then click on my docs in acer desktop i see only blank page icons against the individual files... I havent knowingly deleted any icons
    tancred, Sep 30, 2008
  4. tancred


    Sep 18, 2008
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    OK. Is xfce-mcs-manager running? Have you changed the `icon them' in the `user interface' settings tweaker? Not all icon themes have a complete set of icons for all the common file types.

    Incidentally, I believe that the `correct' icon for OO documents in icon themes is a sort of rectangle with a thick black border. The fallback icon for Thunar is a sort of curled-up piece of paper. I don't think that Thunar will, or is intended to, show the OO program icons against OO documents. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure whether what you're seeing is `wrong'.

    None of this explains why you see different icons for the same document types created at different times (if I've understood that write). Are you using the same file extension (e.g., .odt rather than .doc or .sxw)?
    kevin, Sep 30, 2008
  5. tancred


    Sep 20, 2008
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    Thanks for your thoughts so far.... confirm that xfce-mcs-manager is running and also confirm that your understanding correct that i used to get non blank page file type icons (and still do for files that were created some time ago) .... however all new files are blank page, Although having looked at the icons more closely, the "new" icons are in fact thumbnails of the actual contents of the first page of the document! With test files containg just a word or two the icons look like blank pages!

    Have attached screenshot file showing difference between old and new filetype icons...

    Possible that I have made adjustments to user interface "theme" and "icon theme" settings..... to help confirm whether this is the source of the issue can anyone advise what the "out of the box" settings are for these two parameters?
    tancred, Sep 30, 2008
  6. tancred


    Sep 18, 2008
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    I get the little page with the picture of a tree (or something) in the middle for anything named .odt. I'm rather curious about the second of your images -- did you get this screen grab from Thunar? I'm mildly surprised to see it organize the icons so that the file extension is split from the name. Are you sure you haven't named this file with a space (or other non-printing character) before the `odt' bit?
    kevin, Sep 30, 2008
  7. tancred


    Sep 20, 2008
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    Thanks... have just discovered the problem.... I had inadvertently clicked "show thumbnails" in File manager preferences.... which is designed to replace normal icon with file preview.... good for pictures i guess, which is probably why I clicked it in the first place! But bottom line is that it means thunar was behaving as it should do.

    Attachment above was captured from Thunar using scrot.

    Re seperating the file extension from the filename text it looks to me as though the entire filename and extension combo is wrapping onto 2 lines of text. I have other shorter name files with no wrap at all (and no blank space/non printing chars) and other longer file names where the wrap point is somewhere other than exactly between filename and extension.
    tancred, Oct 1, 2008
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