opensuse 11.1

Discussion in 'Linux' started by bhrich902, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. bhrich902


    Apr 7, 2009
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    i have fedora installed, and while everything seems to be working the one little thing that makes me want to switch is that sound stops working when resuming from suspend. so if anyone has opensuse 11.1 working could u point me to how you got it to work?, i downloaded the gnome live iso and created a bootable usb with unetbootin but when booting into it it gives me an error, can't remember what it is exactly but is something with the F3/F4 keys for some reason. i have the red 10.1 with the n270 atom, thx...
    bhrich902, Apr 8, 2009
  2. bhrich902


    Mar 18, 2009
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    "Upsatate" really Central NY
    I'm no linux expert, but is there any way you can restart the sound drivers or sound "daemon"?
    AspireOverdrive, Apr 10, 2009
  3. bhrich902


    Nov 4, 2008
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    I do know that Suse 11.1 seems to work out of the box all except for the Wifi, shame as these Netbooks are getting a lot of attention for desktop Linux, any distro vendor would be a fool to release a distro that does not work on a Netbook.....the whole Netbook sector uses basically the same hardware....
    sijmes, May 28, 2009
  4. bhrich902


    Apr 26, 2009
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    OpenSuSE 11.1 with GNOME has Wifi working OOTB.
    shobon, May 28, 2009
  5. bhrich902


    Aug 9, 2010
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    Hi there! :)

    I've got the AAone working 99.9% with OpenSuSE 11.1 and Gnome+compiz.
    It's really-really SWEET!
    The .1% is represented by some minor things
    - Suspend to ram hangs the system (i find it useless anyway...)
    - Suspend to disk makes my wallpaper (the one behind the desktop cube) disappear (goes black even if config is ok)
    - Amarok spectrum analyzer freezes until i restart amarok. (That's more of a compiz vs hibernate issue)
    - And what bothers me most, still can't get more than 1024x768@60Hz out on the VGA port.
    I assume that's because of Xorg's RandR extension witch does not identify my external LCD monitor says Unknown for my Samsung SyncMaster 940MW (It actually does detect some monitors on the VGA port but on some not...)
    or the fixed 8Mb of shared VRAM (CMOS setup has grayed the entryes for VRAM!)
    - The battery cannot be identified from time to time, at startup. I guess that's a BIOS issue, so II'll upgrade soon)
    A reboot will bring back the battery along It's all important info about charging state.

    Here's a handful of customizing hints:
    - Splash scrren looks weird because there's an 800x600px image mapped on a 1024x600px screen at 800x600px resolution.
    Vesa 3.0 has no 1024x600@24bpp mode but you could make an 1024x600 image of you're own and resize it non proportional to 800x600. This way it will be displayed correctly. (Just like W!nd0z 98 used to have it's splash bmp :twisted: )

    - Configuring (manually, with vi or mcedit or whatever) a 2048x2048 pixels virtual display in you're xorg.conf Modes section will allow you to run on Xinerama mode with the second display positioned anywhere to the lvds integrated display.(Setup via gnome's Display settings in gnome-control-center! Not by SaX2 witch will screw the config if you even think of Xinerama while in SaX2. Use SaX2 only for configuring a normal system, without dualhead and let gnome apps to deal with the rest.) Otherwise only RightOf or LeftOf will work because of the conservative defaults set by Sax2

    - KDE's BlueTooth app will not work (Did it ever? :p )
    Use only Gnome one's instead.

    - Use a home-brewed MPlayer for videos to make good use of HT feature on the Intel Atom cpu. . (compile it you're self, need's Xorg's devel headers for GUI and lot's of other .devel packs but it's worth it!)
    Then open tv:// URL with MPlayer just for fun.

    - Set Blank Screen when lid is closed so you could listen to music for 3 straight hours.
    Set anything else, like suspend to RAM and you're in trouble,

    - Mine boots to full desktop in 60 seconds (my rc.d/ is squeaky clean, nothing' usless starts at init time) but I cut that time in less than 20 seconds by:
    - Setting the function of the Power Button to ~Hibernate~ (That's suspend to disk) instead of ~Power Off~ (while having more than one gig of swap available, mind you that...)
    - Closing about anything that eats up RAM before hitting the Power button.

    My OffTopics (more towards Acer):
    -By when you'll release a diy upgrade kit for a magnesium case+1.5mm polycarb lcd protector??? The touchscreen one is already on the market.
    -The solar PV cells lid cover with translucent Acer logo can't come fast enough on the market.
    -An external SMA connector for WiFi antenna would've been so sweet.
    And the appreciations:

    -The thing eats up an average of 8 (eight) watts! A peak of 13Watts and as low as 5 watts to the bottom. That's a true powersaver! :)
    -I can do audio/video editing with this gizmo!
    -Websurf and IM is what this notebook made for.
    -The extra mPCIx slot is a real bonus to have. It will fit a TV tuner like a charm there.

    Luv it!
    yo6ial, Aug 9, 2010
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