OS X on the new 10.1" AAO?

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by superchink, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. superchink


    May 29, 2009
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    dear naplesbill,
    thanks for the info, as u said u're using iDeneb method for D150 u probably mean yohko101's method ? (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=12172&start=10#p82248). right now i'm trying to install with xXx 10.5.6 final, still no success. maybe i'm going to use your method instead as the iDeneb DVD arrived (i order it). if you could be so kind to give the full walkthrough of your installation method i would be very thankful.

    and anyway, how about wired LAN/ethernet, is it working ? since i'm going to use it in my office too, which is still using the wired LAN
    minefield, Jun 11, 2009
  2. superchink


    Jun 3, 2009
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    Can you describe the process for doing this, exactly? I've got the .kext and can Look at package contents, but I have no idea what part of it to edit. Want to get native wireless up and running.

    BTW, everybody, Ironslave's guide here:
    http://fileasylum.weebly.com/1/post/200 ... guide.html
    works very well. You might perhaps want to throw in some software at the initial install, like Onyx or whatever, but you don't have to. I did have a kernel panic MAYBE related to cpu=1 problem as noted earlier in the thread but haven't investigated yet. Gotta go back and repair the XP installation before gf freakin' kilsl me.
    cdopher, Jun 16, 2009
  3. superchink


    May 24, 2009
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    That method or the condensed version of it listed in the post before this one.

    I was finally able to get 10.5.7 to install and also get accelerated graphics. I'm not really 100% sure how but I found a post that said to remove all AppleIntel* kexts and the extensions.mkext. I had tried this in the past but for some reason it worked this time. I then reinstalled the kexts from Diablo folder 1 and it rebooted in to the correct resolution. At this point I still didn't have accelerated video so I retried the MSI Wind drivers again. Amazingly it worked.

    I still don't have ethernet working and the wireless solution is annoyingly inconsistent. Sometimes when I run KisMAC it will cause Airport to turn off. I then have to manually turn it back on in preferences and reboot. Usually it will take 2-3 reboots to get it working again. I noticed some half height broadcom PCI-e wireless cards on eBay the other day. They are some type of OEM Dell parts. I am considering ordering one and seeing if it will work natively in OSX.
    NaplesBill, Jun 16, 2009
  4. superchink


    May 10, 2009
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    Acer Aspire One 10.1 100% WORKING
    XxX_x10.5.6 - Universal

    System kexts to install during install under options

    Optional system kexts
    x dsmos x IntelCPUPMDisabler
    other kexts
    x AppleACPIPlatform
    Optional kernel
    9.5.0 VooDoo XNU
    x VooDoo 9.5.0 1.0 (Intel/AMD)
    Chipset Support
    x ICHx Support
    GMA 950
    x DarwinGMA950_0x27ae
    x ACPIBatteryManager
    x kextHelper
    x OSX86Tools

    you need to update the bootloader to
    Chameleon Bootloader 2.0 r341

    Audio Works - via (Voodoo Kext)
    Web Cam Works - With Installation

    Pulled out the stock Wireless Card "Atheros" and Put In
    Mini Pci-Express Dw1490 (any of these work Dw1490,Dw1390) Purchase on Ebay (around 35 buck)

    Ethernet works - By loading the (AttansicL1ethernet.kext)
    Card Reader works without a kext ......weird but true

    Mouse Lag has been worked out by Removing Atheros Kext Located in the Extensions Folder Inside the IO80211.Family.Kext....Search for it in your hard drive youll Find it. also once you remove it wont kernel Panic with the Voodoo Kernel.....

    The Failure of Mounting of Dmg's on yor Desktop.
    Fix: you need to Install
    seatbelt 10.5.6 to Correct the Problem.

    You need to Mos Def install Voodoo_Xnu_9.6.0.v1.1 as Final Kernel.

    always after every Kext Run Disk Utility to correct any issues with conflicts.
    Xtractstudios, Jun 17, 2009
  5. superchink


    Oct 3, 2008
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    Did you install Debian Linux 5.0 (Lenny) with it's 5 DVDs of stuff? I'm a bit confused at this part. I presume that I follow this guide.

    So far so good on the installation OSX and XP installed, OSX is running. I had to make windows the primary partition cause I kept getting a hal.dll error. I'm completely at sea with the linux part but if I can use it as a boot loader it would be amazing. I've screwed up my computer leaving it with no OS about 8 times so far using other methods.
    jesus_jones, Jun 19, 2009
  6. superchink


    Mar 27, 2009
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    Originally, i had etch when i first did this set up. I just downloaded the 1st DVD. I didn't want to mess around with the netinstall. But the installation works the same way with Lenny.

    Well, I picked the other link because it shows a good over view on how to install debian. the way i did it was:
    1)boot in my dvd.
    2)answer the questions it asks until the partition manager set up.
    3)once the partition manager is open, you have 3 choices, guided maximum space, guided entire disk, and manual. What i did was manual. I set up my own swap and root partition so i can control the size. and the link i provided before showed how to do that.
    4)answer more questions until installation of grub.
    5)install grub on the mbr.
    6)finish installing and reboot. once you reboot, you'll have grub be your boot manager. you'll see about 3 options to boot. OSX should be the 3rd option if i remember.
    7)if you're going to install a wifi broadcom based card, there are instructions on how to get the necessary firmware loaded to your linux os/machine so that it can function. i use the one provided in the debian wiki
    yohko101, Jun 19, 2009
  7. superchink


    May 29, 2009
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    well, after many trial and error, i finally got my D250 to run the OSX .. i'm using the method from Xtractstudios (see several post before) by using xXx 10.5.6 V2 Final, and some mix and match by NaplesBill's and yohko101's method. thank's all !

    works good, i really like it ! although its not perfect after all. still got lots of unstability and unloaded driver issues. (gotta admit that i'm kindda jelaous by MSI Wind users whose claim that they can run 100% hardware working). Really hope there's gonna be any driver update soon ..
    im concerning about to get network module working (ethernet, WLAN, and -maybe- bluetooth), by now i'm still using my USB 3G modem.

    @NaplesBill, have you bought that half-size wireless pci-e card ? is it works ?
    anyway, thanks again, and please keep update the progress guys !
    minefield, Jun 20, 2009
  8. superchink


    Oct 3, 2008
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    Dell 1390 or 1490 work fine in the acers and I have working ethernet and wifi. They cost about $10-$15 and they have a better range than the atheros as well.
    jesus_jones, Jun 21, 2009
  9. superchink


    May 24, 2009
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    The D250 uses a half-height pci-e slot. I have not replaced mine yet. I did take the whole system apart and it is very simple to disassemble (IMO).

    I have wireless working with the built-in Atheros via KisMAC but it is very unreliable to get it connected. Once it's connected it stays that way until a reboot happens.

    As of this writing the following items are still not working:

    -Sleep (I've tried numerous fixes and at this point, clicking on sleep does absolutely nothing)

    -Built-in Atheros wired Ethernet. The device id has changed from 1026 to 1062. Making this change in the kext allows the kext to load but the card cannot obtain an ip address

    -Wireless kind of works per above.
    NaplesBill, Jun 23, 2009
  10. superchink


    May 29, 2009
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    yes the D250 not using the wireless card as same size as D150, and there is still no successfull confirmation of replacing it. so if someone has R2 the WLAN and works, i'll go the same way then

    well folks, a little update from me for D250:

    - i found that bluetooth has already workin OTB, so there's no problem about it, yeah !
    - wired ethernet : my windows recognize it as Atheros AR8132, in OSX it recognize as Atheros device 1062. tried the both solution of using of the AttansicL1 or AttansicL1e kext, but it's not working (its just hang in blue screen on where the login screen belong). i have read something of renaming the ethernet ID (1062 to 1026) but i forgot where to read it, maybe someone can confirm bout this
    - WLAN : my windows recognize it as Atheros 5007EG, but my OSX recognize it as 5006EG. found the solution in Vaio forum to use their IO8211Family kext (they also have 5006EG), but it's not working .. . and then tried to use Atheros5007 kext from iDeneb disk, also not working ..

    i also note that if you use the drivers above, the VoodooHDA will not work properly anymore, so i have to remove them and reinstall VoodooHDA to get my sound card back

    others that not working very well :
    - sleep (lead to kernel panic)
    - vga out (has not been check)
    - hyper theading (cpus=1 problem)
    - battery drain quiet fast comparing by using windows

    here's what i got from my lspci.txt about the network device:

    01:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5006EG 802.11 b/g Wireless PCI Express Adapter [168c:001c] (rev 01)
    03:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Attansic Technology Corp. Device [1969:1062] (rev c0)

    i still try to find the suitable drivers of what i mention above, if only i got ethernet and wireless, it quiet perfect to me (even if i have to R2 the hardware)

    also NaplesBill, can you describe how to make that built in Atheros WLAN works ? maybe it could be temporary solutions even it;s not working perfectly
    minefield, Jun 23, 2009
  11. superchink


    Oct 3, 2008
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    hi yohko101 thanks for the help thus far. I have Debian running and I can boot into linux and xp. can you throw up a copy of your boot/grub/menu.lst I've edited it but I can't seen to boot into it I keep getting an error. My primary partition is xp cause I kept getting that hal.dll error, osx is my second linux is third. free space is fourth. I let the installer automatically resize/partition a partition I had created for linux.

    Thanks in advance.
    jesus_jones, Jun 24, 2009
  12. superchink


    May 24, 2009
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    You need to download a program called kismac. There is a full explanation if you do a google search for OSX and kismac.
    NaplesBill, Jun 24, 2009
  13. superchink


    Mar 27, 2009
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    title           Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.26-1-686
    root            (hd0,1)
    kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-686 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet
    initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.26-1-686
    title           Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.26-1-686 (single-user mode)
    root            (hd0,1)
    kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-686 root=/dev/hda1 ro single
    initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.26-1-686
    title         Windows 95/98/NT/2000
    root          (hd0,0)
    chainloader   +1
    title OSX
    root (hd0,2)
    chainloader +1
    try something simlar to this. also, do the edit at the bottom of the page. Hope this helps
    yohko101, Jun 24, 2009
  14. superchink


    Oct 3, 2008
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    thanks so much to yohko101 I'm not rocking triple boot best install guide that there is :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
    jesus_jones, Jun 24, 2009
  15. superchink


    Jun 3, 2009
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    Wireless card DW1490 works, confirmed. However, the io80211family.kext needs to be the one from November 1, 2006, not the one from January 2006. As soon as I pulled the kext from my MacBookPro and installed on the D150, the wireless was working. yeah!

    Now... need advice on getting Bluetooth working, multi-touch working on trackpad, and perhaps startup and shutdown sounds. Any help?
    cdopher, Jun 25, 2009
  16. superchink


    Oct 3, 2008
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    has anyone got the mic working in osx?
    jesus_jones, Jul 7, 2009
  17. superchink


    Jul 7, 2009
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    I got iPC 10.5.6 running on mines, actually typing this from it.

    Everything works, except for;
    -Onboard Mic, VoodooHDA picks 2 up but nothing works. Still searching for a fix for the codec
    -WebCam, well it lets me take snapshots for my user account but iChat,etc dont pick it up?
    -Ethernet LAN, no Attansic L2C kext yet
    -WAN, nothing yet. Replaced with a Dell 1510n. Same size, antenna works perfectly, OSx picks it up perfectly also, and its WiFi-N
    PlaNxA, Jul 10, 2009
  18. superchink


    May 19, 2009
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    Which distro is the most compatible with the D250? It is reasonable to expect sound, video and wireless working to work?
    aquafloe, Jul 14, 2009
  19. superchink


    Jun 3, 2009
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    I got wireless working in Leopard by putting in DW1510, same as you. Leopard recognized it instantly and works fine. But it doesn't work in XP now. So I'm searching for drivers that can fix it there. Also, still no LAN in Leopard.
    cdopher, Jul 18, 2009
  20. superchink


    Oct 3, 2008
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    has anyone updated from 10.5.5 to 10.5.7? I'd like to install ilife 09 and stuff I used iAtkos.
    I've browsed around and I can find 5 - 6 and 6 - 7 but worried about 5 - 7.

    Thanks in advance
    jesus_jones, Jul 19, 2009
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