OSX + Ubuntu dual boot .. but

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by 67comet, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. 67comet


    Feb 18, 2009
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    I'm a long time Linux'er and medium time OSX'er. I installed Ubuntu on my Aspire One (160gig) right out of the box (Using XP/Vista/7 is like putting on old underwear to me). Ordered the DW1390 and gig of ram installed 'em then installed OSX after editing my grub file for dual boot into OSX (OSX 100gig/swap 1gig/Linux 60gig). BUT, after installing OSX grub was gone, so I live cd into my aspire again, reinstalled grub (re-set the hd(0,0) and setup hd(0) ), told it the correct hdd etc then rebooted. After that I could choose OSX but it would kernel panic just after boot or I could boot back into Ubuntu.

    Now I've got OSX all re-installed and working like a champ (Except for occasional mouse ghosts; that post later). I'm afraid to go in and re-install grub (via chroot from live usb) since OSX takes a long time to get installed (iATKOS_5i took a good 5 hrs+ all told with re-boots and such).

    I followed several tutorials to get OSX installed like I want it (very similar to my MacBook Pro except the 1024x600 limits things a bit).

    Is there a secret to getting Ubuntu dual booting with OSX on the AA1? Awesome good stuff otherwise. I tote that around with me (even though it is OSX only right now) instead of my 10# MacBook Pro 17" (dual boot Ubuntu/OSX too). I think Ubuntu runs better and is more useful than OSX but for school I need the Adobe Master Suite and Logic Pro running and the Aspire seems to run all that stuff great.

    67comet, Mar 21, 2009
  2. 67comet


    Dec 27, 2008
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    Do you see the Darwin bootloader for a few seconds at start up? If so hit any key and you should get the Darwin OS choice menu, and hopefully Ubuntu can be booted that way.....
    sch911, Mar 21, 2009
  3. 67comet


    Feb 18, 2009
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    Re: OSX + Ubuntu dual boot .. {Fixed}

    K, I fixed it.. Ur.. Well it works now.

    I re-installed everything; Ubuntu first (60gig) and Mac OS X second (100gig). I made user not to do the Voodoo kernel and it all dual boots again perfectly.

    I did/do see the Darwin loader for a moment (bout 3-5 seconds). Even before when it would kernel panic on me, I would see all that, then the apple logo then a bunch of half text and Kenel Panic. I think I just had the kernel a little confused, because it is all working great now.

    Thank you much for your reply
    67comet, Mar 22, 2009
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