panel manager headache

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by jlekman, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. jlekman


    Aug 22, 2008
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    The Panel Manager does not allow user to remove the "last" panel. However, it is rather easy to add a new/empty panel, and then delete the one that come on the default desktop (by "-") . The result is my on/off button, wireless icon, etc... were all missing! I had to shut of the AA1 by shutdown -h now. Not so much fun.

    If this happens to you, the only way I could repair (w/o install new WM) was Run: "xfce4-panel -a". This arcane command lets me add functionality to my "new" panel. It can be rebuilt after a bit of work, but was way too much work.
    jlekman, Aug 22, 2008
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