Hi all. I am a Newbie to this forum so I hope I am doing things correctly. :) I have recently purchased an Acer Aspire One 10.1 inch that comes with a 160 Gig HD. The [b]actual[/b] "installation system",for XP Home is, I am told, located on a hidden partition of about 6 or 8 Gig. This I have already utilized as I had the need for a full re-install when I botched the removal of several crap-ware items pre-installed onto C:\ drive. I now would like to partition the HD into about 2 equal partitions to create the OS partition and a Slave partition. The hidden partition would (I presume) remain pathed to C:\ drive after a re-partition. My question now is, has any one done this, if so how did you go about it? Arrow computer are asking $100 for the job :roll: I am not a Newbie to fooling around with computers and I have partitioned before some time ago on my desktop PC, but that PC had all the input paraphernalia unlike the Net-book. All advice appreciated