Partitioning question.

Discussion in 'Storage' started by Janset, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. Janset


    Jan 5, 2010
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    Hi all.

    I am a Newbie to this forum so I hope I am doing things correctly. :)

    I have recently purchased an Acer Aspire One 10.1 inch that comes with a 160 Gig HD.

    The actual "installation system",for XP Home is, I am told, located on a hidden partition of about 6 or 8 Gig. This I have already utilized as I had the need for a full re-install when I botched the removal of several crap-ware items pre-installed onto C:\ drive.

    I now would like to partition the HD into about 2 equal partitions to create the OS partition and a Slave partition. The hidden partition would (I presume) remain pathed to C:\ drive after a re-partition.

    My question now is, has any one done this, if so how did you go about it?

    Arrow computer are asking $100 for the job :roll:

    I am not a Newbie to fooling around with computers and I have partitioned before some time ago on my desktop PC, but that PC had all the input paraphernalia unlike the Net-book.

    All advice appreciated
    Janset, Jan 8, 2010
  2. Janset


    Sep 1, 2008
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    Have a look at GpartEd its very easy to use and is free. Just bear in mind you must unmount partitions to resize them!
    Darryl, Jan 9, 2010
  3. Janset


    Jan 5, 2010
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    Hi Darryl.

    Thanks for the info. Is that program user friendly, I know that some of these freebies have a tendency to not be rather confusing at times , and what is it exactly that you mean by "unmount"?

    I have on hand EASEUS Partition Master, but as yet I have not opened it to have a look. I will look for your suggested program and check that out also.

    Janset, Jan 9, 2010
  4. Janset


    Sep 1, 2008
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    Screenshots here..
    if i remember correctly you just right click on the partition and theres the option to unmount it before you resize it and "apply" your actions. I'de never used this kind of software before and I've used it 3 times now and had excellent results; the GUI is very user friendly.
    Darryl, Jan 11, 2010
  5. Janset


    Jan 5, 2010
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    Hi Darryl.

    I went to your suggested site before I read your reply. When I clicked onto it what came up was stuff that I have seen in the past relating to Linux which I did not understand. It was nothing like what your screen shots were showing.

    I then tried out another partitioning tool that I found ( a freebie) called "EASEUS Partition Master" and tried that. Man what a user friendly program that is. It looks for all the world like the Partition Magic that I used some years back.

    To test it out I loaded my "suicide drive" (cassette HD) into my computer (XP PRO 40 Gig) and made a test run. I made a partition of 8 gig, rebooted, and played around with it for about 1/2 hour. I then activated the program again and accessed the partition to 10 Gig.

    After closing the program it took about 4 minutes to reboot (felt like forever) but when it came up it worked like a dream.

    I think that I will stick with this program as I am impressed with it.

    I thank for your work and input in this matter.

    Janset, Jan 11, 2010
  6. Janset

    Irfan Dinar

    Jan 16, 2010
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    Hi , Im Irfan from Bandung Indonesian west - Java
    I have a brand notebook aspire one intel atom N450 processor I am trying to create a new partition using Paragon software, partition my drives for a total of two 140 GB hard drive to be my 2nd drive 70 GB: 70 GB I share his problems with 2 files not the primary system before I delete the partition first I thought that way could make a new partition after the fact I can delete to create a new partition of D and E but it fits in the process of going peculiarities so far I do not know how to get back to initial partition because I have a file system partition that was not the primary and may file system drive C has to clear again I make the partition start and end after the partitioning process is done immediately restart your computer and can not boot or not detected file system / hard disk may be You've found the same problem it could provide a solution for my trouble shooting aid for help to the solution

    Best regard,
    Irfan Dinar, Jan 16, 2010
  7. Janset


    Jan 5, 2010
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    Hi Irfam

    I am have in bit of problem understanding what you mean.

    What I think you are trying to say is that your hard drive was originally 140 Gig which you have partitioned into two 70 Gig partitions, and for some reason you now want to remove or charge the partition system so that you go back to having one large 140 Gig drive.

    But doing this with the partitions you caused something to happen that has damaged your operating system to the point that it will no longer boot up.

    If this is the case then you have some real problems. I have asked around and this is what I have been told.

    The original partition that contains the Windows Operating system, has at the very beginning of it a reserved area where Windows stores the MBR (Master Boot Registry) and if that is damaged or moved then windows can not boot. Some times it is possible to rebuild the MBR but I do not know under what circumstance.

    This damage I am told is usually caused then you start to move the front/lead in edge of the operating system partition.

    I can not offer you a solution other than suggest that you bite the bullet and format the entire hard drive and then re-install your windows operating system from scratch. Unfortunately you will loose all you data as your operating system will return to the new condition that it was when you bought your laptop.

    If you have an installation disk, that will do it all for you.

    In my case, I backed every thing up to an external storage device before I started to mess around with my partitioning program.

    If anyone can add more or better explanation or correct me in anyway, please do as we all want the best information.


    Sorry I can't be of more help.
    Janset, Jan 16, 2010
  8. Janset

    Irfan Dinar

    Jan 16, 2010
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    Ok thanks mr.janset
    point I make first partition but delete all the capacity on drive C first, and I think when I delete the C drive where the file is running?
    What could I have deleted C system and replace it with a new partition D and E, but the file is not a primary?

    Is able to drive rather than a primary in the system makes the OS?
    because by the time I returned the notebook format it by pressing Alt + F10 or go into her file recovery directly read or go to the D drive (partition 2) and which occurs in the drive is installed.

    If the data before it is empty for me it should be ok for a new notebook is also still one drive is C: / / with a capacity of 140 GB Hardisk therefore I want to create a new partition or 2 partition created.

    -Best Regard-

    Irfan Dinar
    Irfan Dinar, Jan 16, 2010
  9. Janset


    Jan 5, 2010
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    Hi Irfan.

    I am still having trouble understanding your description of the problem.

    My suggestion would be is for you to re-install Windows from your installation disk. This will format your hard drive and give you one large partition with Windows installed on that partition.

    Once you have windows up and running on you 140 Gig hard drive, then download a free partition program called epm EASEUS Partition Master (Home Edition) from here:

    This is a free program for home users and is very user friendly.

    Once installed then run it. It will display the partition that contains windows.

    Now this is important: To create a second partition place the cursor on the very edge on the RIGHT side of the displayed partition and drag it across to the left until the size you want for the second partition is to the correct size.

    After that just follow the prompts to make that partition into a Logical partition. Then close the program clicking all the buttons required.

    IMPORTANT: If you have the Windows installation program located on a hidden partition on your hard drive (not on a CD) and you have to install from there, let me know as there is something that you have to be very careful with BEFORE creating a second partition.

    I hope this is what you want.

    Janset, Jan 16, 2010
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