Hi all, I have been learning by example reading posts and advice and got stuck right at the beginning with setting passwords. I skip a detailed account of the hair-raising adventure with a Superuser Password previously set in the BIOS (F2) and presently unrecognzied at start up. Set containing both upper and lower case, the system rejected it. I finally managed to get an all-upper case variation recognized after quite some time passed trying out variations (with an elevated heart rate). Then I proceeded to set up extra accounts. 'su' - Password: (my Superuser Password). su: INCORRECT PASSWORD. Upper-lower case variations? No. Aha, the examples use the User Password. No better luck with these. Aha, 'sudo useradd soandso'. Yes that works! I was expecting a prompt for my user password. That didn't come up, fortunately, because if 'su' doesn't accepted it why would 'sudo'? Still, not knowing one's User Password isn't a workable condition. What the hell is my user password anyway? Let's see: Settings - Password - Change Password - Current Password: (my current User Password). New Password: (pick). Confirm ... DAS EINGEGEBENE KENNWORT IST FALSCH! (German for "Good try! Keep trying.") After failing with the upper-lower case routines I had to change strategy. I went back to the BIOS and took the User Password out, came back here expecting the password-setting template to let me choose a new password without requiring the existence of an old one. Current Password: (no entry), New Password: (pick), Confirm ... "CURRENT PASSWORD" SHOULD NOT BE NULL (!!!). So, here I am at the end of my wits. I neither know what my user password is nor do I see a way to set one, since knowing the password seems to be a prerequite and not having one an illegal condition! 'cat /etc/passwd' on the last two lines respectively shows a 'user' (presumably me) and the new user 'soandso' that I managed to create ('sudo useradd soandso'). Soandso wasn't given a password. The entry shows two exclamation marks. The 'user' on the other hand has a password. I see its 34-character encryption. I verifyied that this encryption doesn't change if I change the User Password in the BIOS setup. This fact would indicate that the passwords one set in the BIOS settings are entirely unrelated to the passwords one uses working the file system. Can anyone with a clearer vision untangle this confusion? Please! Gratefully yours Frederic