Please educate me, what's with the ZG5 versus A150-XXXX?

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by JDBeck23, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. JDBeck23


    Nov 7, 2009
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    Im fairly new to the AA1's but not new to computers or laptops.

    I accidentally bought an AA1-110 series from ebay before I realized that it said it had 16GB of hard drive space, my brain told me 160GB when I glanced at it... OOPS!

    So after learning the difference... Now I see the newer version is AA1-150-XXXX being a typical 120GB or 160GB hard drive, 1.6 Ghz processor, everything else pretty much the same... So what's with the ZG5, is there anything worth having that makes it have a different model number than the typical 150-XXXXs?

    I did a search but couldnt come up with any conclusive answers.
    JDBeck23, Nov 8, 2009
  2. JDBeck23


    Aug 24, 2009
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    I'm pretty sure A110 are all the 8.9" models with SSDs (8 GB typically), and A150 are 8.9" models with HDDs (120-160 GB).

    ZG5 is just a codename for the 8.9" model, so it can be either A110 or A150.

    This isn't for sure, though.
    shurcool, Nov 8, 2009
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