Please help! e-mail

Discussion in 'Linux' started by frazer, Jan 23, 2009.

  1. frazer


    Jan 22, 2009
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    Please let me know if a thread has already been started on this subject!!

    I am having problems setting up my e-mail. I can receive mail from my pop account but I cannot send. When I try to send I get a message

    "Login failed due to network instability. Please try again later"

    My e-mail is through Freeola and broadband is through Sky.

    I have another laptop with Vista on it and I am using the same settings and I have no problems. The only way I can send from my aspire is to go onto the freeola website and send that way! Please help

    frazer, Jan 23, 2009
  2. frazer


    Jan 17, 2009
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    I'm seeing the same problem. However in my case, I have multiple email accounts with the same provider, and some of the accounts work just fine. I've doublechecked all the settings and see no difference. I even deleted the problem account and then set it back up again. I can find no reason it won't work.

    It worked fine a couple weeks ago. I did install some of the new Acer apps from the european ftp site, unfortunately I don't think I I checked the email client operation after doing that. Those installs did include the Acer upgrade to Firefox 3, which I know is tied into some dependencies of OneMail. So I reinstalled the Firefox 2 libraries, and no change.

    Baffling why some accounts work and others don't.
    sjs50613, Feb 12, 2009
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