Please help!

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by DaveMN, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. DaveMN


    Feb 10, 2009
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    So I am planning on using my tax refund to buy a Acer Aspire One and need some help. I have done my homework and read countless threads on here and else where including links to various review articles and things to learn more about if its worth getting or not. Let me please briefly explain what I plan to do with it and tell me if its worth it.

    I have my "primary" desktop computer in my home office that I use daily but am looking for a laptop that is reliable / dependanble, portable / on the smaller end and reasonably priced. I also want to be able to listen to a podcast or an mp3 via iTunes while checking my email playing online texas holdem poker OR be typing out a report via Microsoft Office Word doc while having 2 - 3 internet pages open / minmized while my anti-virus / firewall is running in the background

    And I want to be able to do something like that with no lagging or crashing. I want to make it clear the reason why Im just not going out and getting a run of the mill "regular laptop" is because I dont need that, I dont need the optical drives, huge HD and RAM, VISTA, etc..

    I think I would be well suited with the Aspire, espeically with all the reviews I have read however, after reading netbooks (particularly the Aspire) PC was built with reduced specifications and processing power relative to larger laptops and isnt designed for advanced multitasking such as photo editing, running multiple programs, do not include gigabit ethernet or are bluetooth enabled.

    Some of the other issues that concerned me are Poor Wifi Performance, Poor Internet Connectivity, and upgrading memory / HD space isnt an option.

    Although I came across the new Aspire One AOD-150 10.1" model which just came to the market today and am seems as if this model has improved some features.

    Im no programmer, tech guy, or anything like that. I am just looking for a cool little, trustworthy, reliable, portable, budget-minded, fun laptop with just enough bells & whistles to keep me entertained.. so is the Aspire One for me?
    DaveMN, Feb 10, 2009
  2. DaveMN


    Nov 30, 2008
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    Joelton, Tennessee
    I just got done playing three hours of Cabelas Big Game Hunter 2009 on my One. The only mod I have done that MIGHT affect gaming is the memory. It also runs other CPU/graphics intense (though maybe not super-detailed or cutting edge) games pretty well.

    My One is my school computer. I use it EVERY day, for four hours at least, sometimes I am on it all day. As an example of what it can do: Sunday, I was writing a research paper. I had the following open, simultaneously, with no hitch, slowdown or hiccup: Word 2007 (3 windows); Media Player (playing music); Google Chrome (2 windows, 3-4 tabs in each); Internet Explorer (3 tabs); and Adobe reader (2 windows). It was confusing to me after awhile, having all of that open, but the One never even thought twice about what I was doing to it. And of course, Avira Antivirus and PCTools firewall running in the background.
    jeremysdad, Feb 11, 2009
  3. DaveMN


    Feb 10, 2009
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    Hmm.. interesting, so the 1777 is the "older" one with the 3 cell battery and the 8.9" screen with the smaller 120gb hd. Would you (or anyone else vouch for his expereience) say if you could / would and/or recomend the newer version of your blue one, the AOD150-1165?

    P.S. so you upgraded or modded your RAM in some way? what did you do and if I got the 1165 could I do it to that one? What "additional" upgrades / mods could I do if I got the 1165 to make it bigger, etc..??
    DaveMN, Feb 11, 2009
  4. DaveMN


    Nov 30, 2008
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    Joelton, Tennessee
    My One came with the specs you listed. It now sports 1.5 Gb of Ram, a 250 Gb 7200 rpm HDD, and an "N" spec wireless card. It also now sports a 6 cell battery. To upgrade the RAM, it was a simple affair of removing the factory 512 MB module and replacing it with a 1Gb module.

    You could do the same to the new d150, as the RAM is easily accessible and upgradeable to 2 GB. I believe that it comes with 1 Gb, and has a free slot accessible via a cover on the bottom. As I have not had my hands on one (yet), I cannot vouch for that 100%. The HDD is just standard laptop fare, as is the wireless card.

    To answer another Q, i upgraded the wireless card to rid my One of the dropped internet problem, if the new Ones have the same issue, it is just a 35 dollar part, and some screws. Problem solved. Not sure why everyone makes such a huge deal about it. Then again, I am prone to solving problems on my own by repairing/upgrading components.

    As the new 10" version has only been available for a day now, I will say that I am planning to get one next month, but am fully prepared for any issues that may accompany a new model. Every model of every manufactured good has some issue or another, be it fit, finish, or usability. I have never owned a brand new anything that didn't have some issue...maybe a cd. But, even bad cds come down the production line from time to time. People just don't take things in perspective. They expect perfection, but in reality, this is the real world.
    jeremysdad, Feb 11, 2009
  5. DaveMN


    Feb 10, 2009
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    Oh wow, cool.. So with all that said when/if I get the new 150 would it be possible to upgrade the memory and wireless card on that one and if so when I get it could you give me step my step instruction?
    DaveMN, Feb 12, 2009
  6. DaveMN


    Sep 3, 2008
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    Just a caveat: The RAM in the older models is not accessible via the hatch at the bottom. You more or less have to do a teardown of the entire unit to access the upgradeable RAM slot and the hard drive, which isn't impossible but also isn't something I'd recommend to a beginner user. The new 10" models are supposed to remedy this, however.
    Ubik, Feb 12, 2009
  7. DaveMN


    Nov 30, 2008
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    Joelton, Tennessee
    I believe that the OP is, in fact, speaking of buying a new 10 inch model. That's what I gathered. Not that you are wrong, just that your caveat may be unfounded in this case.

    Anyways, the disassembly is really not anywhere near as complex or difficult as most people make it seem. I have had car engines that were much more difficult to work on and take apart. ;) This was the first computer I have ever taken apart, and it took me like fifteen minutes the first time; now I can do it in about five. Keeping track of the tiny screws is the worst part.
    jeremysdad, Feb 13, 2009
  8. DaveMN


    Feb 10, 2009
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    As much as I do apprecaite that extra bit of information, it is correct IF I do intend on still getting one, it will be the new AOD-150 and would like to get the most bang for the buck.. and as is right now from what i see I would be getting the 160GB HD with the 1GB RAM and if at all possible I would like 2GB of RAM with a better wireless card considering the lack-there-of and reported complaints with the weireless connectivity along with the reported internet reliablity. I cant see if you mentioned it or if anyone else addressed it but the HD cannot be upgraded or anything can it?

    PS. is the 3 / 6 cell batteries still the standard choice? I see the AOD-150 comes with the 6 but there isnt any upgrade with the battery is there?
    DaveMN, Feb 13, 2009
  9. DaveMN


    Nov 30, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Joelton, Tennessee
    Hd should be even easier to upgrade in the new One than it was in mine. Any 2.5" SATA HDD will fit. They apparently have included access panels for every normally upgraded component in this new version.

    As for the battery, it is speculated that it is the exact same battery size- and attachment- wise, so any battery for the old One should fit the new One (or so I hope, cause I just got this new 6 cell, and 10+ hours of batt life would be sweet!). That would include the 9 cells, if this idea is correct. From pictures, it is kinda hard to tell, but they look the same, anyway...
    jeremysdad, Feb 14, 2009
  10. DaveMN


    Feb 10, 2009
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    Ok so I am going to buy the Acer Aspire One AOD150 from and it says that the ram can just be upgraded to 1.5 not 2.. is this true?

    And my other question is, I read the specs at and it said that the ram is 1.0 but could be upgraded to 2.0 and the hd was 160.. can the hd be upgraded at all?
    DaveMN, Mar 6, 2009
  11. DaveMN


    Nov 30, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Joelton, Tennessee
    The info on Amazon is a misprint. The HD can be upgraded with any SATA hard drive of your choosing.
    jeremysdad, Mar 6, 2009
  12. DaveMN


    Feb 10, 2009
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    so to my understanding the ram can be upgraded to 2gb, if I use a sata, what can the hd be upgraded to?
    DaveMN, Mar 6, 2009
  13. DaveMN


    Nov 30, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Joelton, Tennessee
    The only limit is technological (and physical thickness). Right now, I believe 500GB, 7200 RPM is the max in a 2.5" notebook drive for speed/size.

    Purely size, I think they have 640 GB 5400 RPMs, but I think they are too thick to fit. So, I believe my first statement is totally accurate. :)

    You can use any SATA spec, 9.5 mm thick drive that your budget allows.
    jeremysdad, Mar 7, 2009
  14. DaveMN


    Feb 10, 2009
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    I thought the logic was not nessesarily the physical fitting but what the motherboard / cpu can allow / support... am I wrong? I noticed you are only at 1.5 ram.. do you think you might upgrade to 2? Why cant you upgrade your ram to 3 or 4 gb?

    great link for memory upgrade ... 0-ram.aspx?

    still doesnt explain to me why I couldnt upgrade to 3 or 4...

    great link for hard drive replacement ... e-hdd.aspx

    So what you are saying.. hypotheticly.. if they made a sata 1tb hd in 95mm I could even do that? And I forgot did you upgrade your wireless adaptor? I could really rely on yout expertise when I get my AOD150!

    P.S. Can the 6cell battery be upgraded as well, since I just got done reading that the "normal" 6 cell 4400-mAh was a 4.5 hr use time whereas the high capacity 6 cell 5800-mAh batter has a 7 hours and 57 minutes use time. ... n-45-hours
    DaveMN, Mar 7, 2009
  15. DaveMN


    Aug 21, 2008
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    Minnesota, USA
    Intel Atom can handle 2GB but 500MB is soldered onto the motherboard, and there's only one RAM slot, so 1.5 GB is the max.
    RockDoctor, Mar 7, 2009
  16. DaveMN


    Feb 10, 2009
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    Ahh... okay so all this talk about upgrading it to 2.0gb ram is nothing but hogwash? I read ppl replacing the 1.0gb ram with 2.0... whats up with that? And the link i provided regarding upgrading the ram is what just something that shouldnt be done?

    So the hard drive being so easily upgradable to whatever you want, what are ppl doing once they get it? Im thinking 250gb.. any thoughts?
    DaveMN, Mar 8, 2009
  17. DaveMN


    Mar 1, 2009
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    oh boy****what he is telling you is; the older model is only upgradable to 1.5g ram; the new model wich he is going to get is supposed to be upgradable to 2.0g ram using 2 slots as to the one slot and the board mounted 512mb of the older model.
    as for th hd im not sure how much the mb can handle but with desk tops if it fits it will work so mabe its the same in this case? any one know this? im interested......
    nd2no, Mar 8, 2009
  18. DaveMN


    Jan 18, 2009
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    As far as the 10.1" AAO is concerned...
    RAM upgraded from 1 GB to 2 GB(max) single slot, just replace OEM 1 GB ram with 2 GB RAM.

    This is the one I used, but there are others that are similar: ... 6820134549

    I have not yet upgraded my HD, but HDD upgrade can be done with the max of 500 GB drives currently...maybe larger further down the road. ... name=500GB

    FYI, bought the wife the 8.9" AAO w/3 cell.
    Friend got one with the 6 cell and all are the batteries are interchangeable...nothing changed from either the 8.9" or 10.1" AAO.
    My 10.1 AAO came with the 5800mAh...3 different batteries, all fit.

    Hope this helps.
    dragion, Mar 9, 2009
  19. DaveMN


    Feb 10, 2009
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    Ok so I am hearing a bunch of different things..

    So the "new" AOD150 10.1" Acer Aspire One only has one single memory slot for a RAM upgrade? So if I wanted to upgrade from 1gb to 2gb I need to replace the current RAM?

    So what was mentioned above whereas the upgrade ability is whatever can fit in there isnt exactly true... right? Because that statement didnt really sit right with me in conjection with what the motherboard can support. So with that said the maximum upgrade ability is 2gb RAM and 500gb hard drive is this correct?

    One more thing that hasnt been firmly addressed was the network card. I have read that some users are deciding to upgrade / change their wireless adaptor.. I have read in regards to the "older" one, AOA150 8.9", there was early reports the wireless connectivity wasnt always reliable and often would freeze or be lost, what is the latest on this?

    And as far as the battery goes the link I provided discussed how the 6 cell 5800 offered over 7hrs of use versus the smaller / previous / older model discussed.. any thoughts?
    DaveMN, Mar 9, 2009
  20. DaveMN


    Jan 18, 2009
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    Yes, just replace the current 1 GB with the new 2 GB.

    Currently, the largest HD that has been installed in the AAO has been 500 GB...possible larger HD "could" be installed when available.
    I'm not sure regarding the specs of the support of the motherboard...just my basic knowledge after reseaching this issue.

    Sorry, don't have an answer to this one...hopefully someone with experience in this can explain.

    From my experience with the 6 cell 5800 mAh battery, I have done the battery condition procedure as indicated from this site & manual and got over 7 hours out of it...really depends on what type/how many programs are running.
    dragion, Mar 9, 2009
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