Morning Everyone, I just bought and Acer Aspire One which I love, but I cannot seem to get acess to my remote computer to work when I am in wireless mode. I can access the VPN but then I error out when I try to capture my work computer. I know the configureation is correct if I hardwire into the internet and then go remote. Can anyone help? I also and I know that they make Flash drive internet cards for wireless acess but will the confict? I need this computer with me on the road when I travel even in the car to have 24/7 access to my office. I have to be able to connect to the internet all the time, which I know is a service but can you use say a verizon wireless access card for this computer and not conflict with the automatic wireless? I tried this a while back with my sony vio but it wouldn't work because it kept saying I was already connected. Please help I have been trying to get this working for over a week. Thanks very much.