Pokerstars on Linpus Linux

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Ayreon, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. Ayreon


    Nov 21, 2008
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    Hi folks,

    I recently bought an AAO 110l and i like it. The problem i do have is, that i do use linux the 1st time, and i know absolutely nothing about it. I managed to do some things i read here in the forum and now i want to install some programms. I tried to install wine and it worked. But now my problems appear. I downloaded the PokerStarsInstall.exe and tried a lot of stuff i googled or found in other forums but nothing worked.
    Can anyone tell me what i need to do to get pokerstars running on my AAO? I really want to play Poker on that thing.

    Ayreon, Nov 21, 2008
  2. Ayreon


    Dec 11, 2008
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    Here's what i did to get PokerStars working.

    1. Enable advanced mode on your AA1.

    2. Install WINE. (Seems like you've done that)

    3. Checkthat WINE is working. Right click on the Desktop to get the "Advanced" menu. Go into 'Other'. Run notepad and regedit and check that they run OK. These are windows apps running under WINE.

    3. Download PokerStarsInstall.exe

    4. Run PokerStarsInstall.exe. My system recoginised that PokerStarsInstall.exe was a Windows program. So when I double clicked it launched in under WINE.

    5. Pokerstars should now be available in the "Advanced" menu in 'Other'.


    SwingSwingSwing, Dec 11, 2008
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