Possible iDeneb Tweaks?

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by xtr.eme, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. xtr.eme


    Dec 31, 2008
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    I am currently using iDeneb 1.4, and was wondering about how i could get rid of some tiny problems/add a bit of performance.

    1) I use chameleon, and at boot up the message "boot0: MBR, boot0:done" flashes before chameleon loads. Is there any way of removing/hiding this? It's purely for cosmetic reasons as chameleon looks great! I know that the message hangs when the partition is not set to active, but not much more than that. This probably happens to everyone and I am being naive, but it's worth a try.

    2) Trackpad gestures don't appear to be included by default, but I am not sure of this as the posts about installing kexts all seem to be very old. Which kexts are worth installing in the latest os x versions?

    3) Is fan control possible? It is quite offensive in quiet places e.g. libraries when it is running full speed (at the moment, all the time).

    Thanks for any help,

    xtr.eme, Jun 7, 2009
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