Powers up, but will not boot

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by Agusta, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. Agusta


    Oct 21, 2008
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    Hi, my AAO powers up, goes through the "Inspiring Technology" page, but then on the next page (the one with Acer Aspire in the bottom RH corner) it gets stuck there, with the HDD light lit, for approx 2 minutes but then shuts itself down.
    I can hit F2 at power-up and get into the boot set-up, and the HDD light comes on while I am trying to boot, so I don't think the hard drive is totally fried, and it seems like everything is OK until it is time for the Operating System is due to kick in.
    Does anybody have any suggestions as to what may be wrong and/or how to fix it?
    I thought I had copied the boot info onto a memory stick, but either I have lost it or I never actually got round to doing it - is this able to be downloaded anywhere?
    Incidentally my OS is the Linpus.

    Thanks for any help.
    Agusta, Feb 4, 2009
  2. Agusta


    Dec 28, 2008
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    I have the same problem intermittently. I changed the boot to disable 'quick boot' It helps it to happen less. I find that when it stops at the flashing cursor, I click the off button. Then restart it quickly, so it will finish booting.
    Your mileage may vary.

    Good luck.
    ebandit, Feb 5, 2009
  3. Agusta

    Gaer Boy

    Oct 2, 2008
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    This happens to me after a flat battery. The second time it happened, I was trying to do a few other things at the same time, and I left the AAO to itself. After the first blue screen, it closed down, but restarted after a minute or so and eventually booted OK. I did nothing.

    I've now had this happen on about 6 occasions, and it has always worked - about 4-5 minutes altogether to boot. Once, it went through the process twice - blue screen, shut down, blue screen, shut down, blue screen, BOOT!

    I've always had the power supply plugged, since it only happens after a flat battery.

    Gaer Boy, Feb 5, 2009
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