Precision 7720 or Latitude 7400

Discussion in 'Which Laptop should I buy?' started by fabbios, Jul 23, 2020.

  1. fabbios


    Jul 23, 2020
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    Hello guys,

    I have the chance to choose between Precision 7720 or Latitude 7400, I am considering the precision as it is beast but after reading about the 7400 I felt a bit confused.

    7720 is a 2017 laptop and 7400 is a 2019 laptop.
    So, what would you do? I cannot compare if the older one is better? Looking at the specs for some items I like more the 7400.

    Thanks in advance!

    * The list of option I have is attached, but I think those two I listed above the winners, but any other opinion about it is very welcome.

    Attached Files:

    fabbios, Jul 23, 2020
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