Problem booting SSD, no disc? - A110

Discussion in 'Storage' started by senihime, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. senihime


    May 23, 2009
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    First of all if i'm posting something that someone already asked, i'm sorry. Feel free to tell me where that is.

    I have a Acer A110, bought last year. It had Limpus Linux originally, but i changed to Ubuntu. After a while, when i start my computer when he's booting he starts saying i don't have a disk and to insert one and press any key. This problem went away the first times, after i left the computer alone and try to use it for a while (1~2 weeks most of the times). Now the problem appeared again, and has past more then a month after it started.

    I tried putting the ubuntu again, but when it goes to write it he also doesn't find a hdd to put it on.

    What do you think is wrong?
    senihime, Jul 19, 2010
  2. senihime


    Mar 8, 2009
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    I had the some problem. My AAO110 went for Acer today.
    Accordly to the salesman it's a problem with SSD. Factory problem...
    But... I had that exact problem when I move from the original Linpus to Ubuntu Netbook Remix. After several tries recover UNR, I successfuly boot Linpus Recovery Disk with SSD working and installed Linpus again. It just worked fine for a couple of months, until I tried to install Fedora 13 LXDE spin. After less than a week SSD just gone again...

    My guess: AAO bios (or SSD) doesn't like journalist file system, like the one Fedora and Ubuntu requires. I'm not sure but Linpus goes on ext2, right?
    T_Hobbit, Aug 24, 2010
  3. senihime


    Aug 30, 2010
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    Hi, i have the same problem and i really need help if anybody can help guide me, because i'm quite new doin this. So this is what happen : my netbbok is acer aspire one ZG5 - 8GB SSD come with linpus OS. I manage to install windows xp and wipe the whole hdd. it was working well until suddenly come the blue screen of death. When i reboot it after bios it always say - media test failure,check cable-no bootable device. I already try many ways but still nothing happen. I manage to make a USB bootable acer aspire one recovery disk, and it still can see that i have 8GB SSD, but everytime i press install and format the SSD,it always reboot. Please im quite sure it's not harware problem, i think something happen when i wipe the 8GB SSD during the windows installation. Please anyone can help. Thanks
    oniman, Aug 30, 2010
  4. senihime


    Mar 8, 2009
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    Are you still on warranty time? The shop where I bought mine send the little computer to Acer as soon as I told them the problem you are facing just now.
    T_Hobbit, Sep 4, 2010
  5. senihime


    Sep 23, 2008
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    I believe that your SSD is dying. I've gone through the original 8GB and then a more recent 32GB. SSDs are robust physically (no moving parts) but are fragile environmentally. Overheating of the computer could cook them easily. Warranties are almost useless. I've decided to mod my AAO with SATA by the method that tnkgrl used for the first AAO model, what I have.
    davexz, Nov 5, 2010
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