Problem with AOD250 3-cell battery

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by Welty, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. Welty


    Apr 13, 2010
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    Hello guys, I'm new here, and I'm having a problem with the battery of my AOD250.

    The problem started a month ago, when my battery suddently charged only to 90% of its capacity, and since that day, it's getting worst, for now it's charging only 60% of it's capacity, but, that isnt all. When it gets in critical battery level, like 6% or 1 minute to shutdown, it just leasts 25 minutes!! o_O

    You guys have any idea of whats going on? My battery is almost dead?

    Oh, when it started, my AOD250 was with 6 months of use, almost new.

    I appreciate any hint/information about this, and sorry for my bad english, I'm brazilian =D
    Welty, Jun 22, 2010
  2. Welty

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    Which Operating System are you using?

    Try this:
    * Turn the AAO off
    * Charge until the charge light turns green
    * Power up the AAO but go straight into the BIOS screen (keep tapping F2 until it appears) and unplug the charger so the AAO is running purely on battery power
    * Leave it on the BIOS screen over night until the battery's completely flat and the AAO powers itself off (at this point the AAO will not turn back on at all)
    * Plug the charge lead back in and recharge until the light turns green again
    * Leave the charge lead plugged in and boot the machine back up, once in your operating system, unplug the lead and see if there's any difference in capacity.

    You might also want to update your BIOS to the latest available version
    Swarvey, Jun 22, 2010
  3. Welty


    Apr 13, 2010
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    I'm using Windows 7 Professional x86. And I don't know if this will work, because the charge light NEVER gets green :eek:
    sorry, I haven't mentioned it :|
    And, I've update the BIOS about 2 weeks ago. But I think I'll try that. Thanks.
    Oh, before I forget, I've already tried to put the battery in another AOD250, and nothing changed, the problem persisted... =(
    Welty, Jun 23, 2010
  4. Welty

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    ahh okay,

    Win7 + the wrong BIOS = bad battery reporting

    and you've already tried the battery in another machine and you get the same results. I'd say yup it's time to replace the battery. That is if thoroughly cycling it doesn't help...
    Swarvey, Jun 23, 2010
  5. Welty


    Apr 13, 2010
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    I was thinking about replacing it, but what is really strange about that, is that the battery is almost new. A friend told me about making a "short-circuit" in the battery would reset it, and that worked in some battery. Well, I'll have to replace it, then, whats wrong about making it? :lol:
    The battety is almost "dead" lol
    I'll see if I can buy a 12-cell battery :mrgreen:

    Thanks for your help man. See ya!
    Welty, Jun 23, 2010
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