problem with password request for insalation

Discussion in 'Linux' started by nenu, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. nenu


    Jan 14, 2009
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    Hi all,

    Sorry if this is a repeat question but I am a complete newbee.

    I have tried to install AVG (I made sure it is the version for linux) but as soon as I download and click open to install I get asked for my password. I put in the password but it just asks again...I have tried both upper and lower case, and I know it is the correct password.

    I checked that it is the right password by restarting and hitting F2 and entering the set up place thingy (see I told you I am new to this).

    What am I doing wrong please...and do I actually need to add a virus scanner and or firewall to my machine in the first place?

    nenu, Jan 14, 2009
  2. nenu

    Grim Squeaker

    Aug 19, 2008
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    The BIOS (that "F2 thingy" ;)) password has nothing to do with the password your operating system, be it Linux, Windows or a more exotic flavour uses. The password AVG wants is either the root or the user password, which you should have entered during your first start-up.

    If you bought a One that was pre-configured you will have to change it. Fortunately the security settings Acer has decided to use are .. well.. pathetic, so this is easy ;)

    Open up a terminal and type:
    sudo passwd
    to change the root password

    sudo passwd user
    to change the user password.
    You can make them identical if you wish.

    As for the "do I need a virusscanner" question - no, not really. Virusses aimed at linux are extremely rare; the main reasons to get a scanner would be to make sure you do not send virusses that can not harm you to other people or to scan a mailbox that is also used from within windows.
    Grim Squeaker, Jan 14, 2009
  3. nenu


    Jan 14, 2009
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    Thank you...but still got a problem :(

    I did as you suggested and it got as far as saying new unix password but I couldn't type anything as the new password. I know it is probably something stupidly simple...but were linux is concerned I AM stupid and simple.

    I have used windows from the old right up to Vista, but this is the first time on a linux machine. I am fine on the day to day things but anything techno and I am so lost I might as well be a new computer user again.

    Thank you for the advice on the virus scanner, can I assume that the same would go for a separate firewall?
    nenu, Jan 14, 2009
  4. nenu

    Grim Squeaker

    Aug 19, 2008
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    Type it and press enter. The system does not show you are typing something for security reasons ;)

    Not entirely. An unfirewalled linux is inherently far more secure than an unfirewalled windows though; and installing a firewall on the One is a hassle due to those aforementioned security choices Acer made. For one, you'd need to recompile the kernel ;)
    Grim Squeaker, Jan 14, 2009
  5. nenu


    Jan 14, 2009
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    ok that was obvious...which is why I didn't think of it lol

    Can you recommend a good book to help me do this...something along the lines of "a complete idiots guide to not ruining your linux computer" :D

    nenu, Jan 14, 2009
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