Problem with uninstalled programs

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Kifersan, Aug 19, 2008.

  1. Kifersan


    Aug 4, 2008
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    Hello, i'm new in Linux and I have a problem with uninstalled programs because after uninstalled I see that my hard disk didn't remove all the files from that program. For example, before the used space on the hard disk was 10.6GB, I installed a program and the used space was then 10.8G and when I uninstalled it was 10.7G. (By the way, i don't know why I have so much space taken if I haven't installed many things.)

    If I access the search bar with the uninstalled programs, then there appear the files that are still in the computer and I can't delete them. I need help to find a way to delete those files and get more available space on the hard disk.

    ***(sorry for my english, I'm from Puerto Rico)
    Kifersan, Aug 19, 2008
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