Problems after installing Ubuntu 11.10

Discussion in 'Linux' started by odintheterrible, Nov 24, 2011.

  1. odintheterrible


    Nov 24, 2011
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    Greetings to one and all,

    As a new user of Linux & Ubuntu in particular, please excuse my obvious naiveté if this is raking up old ground ... but having run several searches I've come up blank.

    I was impressed by the 'light weight' of the Ubuntu OS when compared to Windows XP which came installed on my Acer Aspire One ZG5 ... so I downloaded the Windows installer for Ubuntu (11.10) from the web site and installed it under Windows so the machine dual boots ... by way of an experiment to try the OS before switching to it for good (if it performes as I'm given to understand that it will).

    Trouble is that when I boot into Ubuntu now, the machine's keyboard doesn't work and the touchpad has only limited use too. Additionally, the machine cannot connect to the wireless access point here either (no internet).

    Do I need to install additional Linux based drivers for the keyboard, touchpad and network connection (if so, from where do I obtain them?) or am I missing something more elemental here ??? ... or is Ubuntu not what I ought to be using on this netpad machine ??

    Many thanks in anticipation.
    odintheterrible, Nov 24, 2011
  2. odintheterrible


    Nov 25, 2011
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    I have Ubuntu 11.10 working " out of the box" on my AOA 110-Ab which is also a ZG5. (which type do you have?). It should work for you as well, especially the basic things like keyboard, touchpad and wifi. See my other posts for a fix for hotplugging sdcard and microphone....

    Greetz, Evert
    Iedjee, Dec 11, 2011
  3. odintheterrible


    Nov 25, 2011
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    By the way, you'll notice that even Ubuntu 11.10 is not that lightweight anymore... Well, since you have the HDD-version (with 1GB memory?) you'll probably won't have many problems but i am (with my slow SSD and 512MB memory) trying to switch to Android-x86, see The hardware of our AOA ZG5 is quite like the Asus EeePC. Android version 2.2 (Froyo) works good, but im trying 3.2 (Honeycomb). I will post my results in the Android section of this forum...
    Iedjee, Dec 11, 2011
  4. odintheterrible


    Feb 5, 2012
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    I tried loading a bunch of different distro on my Acer Aspire One D257 and some would not even load and others that did would not have sound working or Wi-Fi working. I finally found Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04 and it worked like a charm. Installed with no problem. Updated like a charm. Finding the Wi-Fi drivers was very easy. I have never seen anything so easy to install and use since Windoze. And it's free! I am a happy boy.
    Zardoc54, Feb 5, 2012
  5. odintheterrible


    Dec 25, 2008
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    Re: One Problem after installing Lubuntu 11.10

    After looking into several other distros and "leightweighted" OS I came to Lubuntu 11.10, which is Ubuntu 11.10 with LXDE desktop. I had to leave Fedora 14 LXDE since it is now "historical" and Fedora 16 LXDE, even called "leightweighted" needs at least 740MB Ram; I have only 512 MB. Mint the same problem; and pepermint was nice but I had problems using thunderbird.

    Now I aim lucky that I moved, since Libuntu is working easily, fast without any problems: installation including installation of firefox, thunderbird with my profiles, fbreader, wine, mypaint (using my wacom tablet), bluetooth, wifi all worked after 3hours.
    This is really great. I never had such a fast change to another OS since I came to Linux end of 2008.

    There is only one problem left: Backup ==> I used to do backup with AA1backup from Macles which works fine for my little netbook (some 8GB to save within 20 min). However, I can not install AA1backup anymore on my USB Harddisk. I got the message:
    Maybe somebody has an idea what I can do about it.
    Otherwise I aim more than content with this fast and easygoing Ubuntu derivative.
    Winfried, Feb 8, 2012
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