There are a couple of things I'd like to set up (including VirtualBox amongst others) that require gcc in order to compile. However, I'm not able to get this to work (sudo yum install gcc) because that command complains about glibc-common 2.7-2 being required. As far as I can see, I have glibc-common 2.9-2 installed (which to any right thinking person would mean I didn't need to install 2.7-2 surely?!) and I believe I would be foolish to the point of utter stupidity to try removing the 2.9-2 version as it is a fairly important library of components. Any suggestions of how to proceed? Or any logs / terminal outputs that you'd like to see to help? (And while I'm at it, how to you copy and paste to / from firefox on the AAO into xterm? Ctrl-C doesn't see to do anything). Thanks in advance for any help! Matt