hey guys, my ao1 gets very hot. is this normal? by the way, my ao1 says it has 2 cpu's.
the AAO has hyperthreading which means it shows itself as having 2 cpus so it can run two threads (processes at once), it only has one but all os's act like it has two. The aao should get warm but not excessively warm, is the fan working?
mine get excessively warm sometimes, only when I play half life. otherwise, its warm. Upgrading bios won't help much at all but it would be nice to have a less buggier working environment. :lol:
no way to do that unless you do some sort of mod (see the hardware mods section for the heatsink mod). I did the same thing and while it still gets hot, i can safely surf the web with the fan off and it's just "warm" as opposed to how hot it used to get. I wouldn't put it on my lap if I wanted to have kids later on or whatever but it's not as hot as it used to be. That's only if you are willing to open the AAO up though.
Updating the BIOS on mine did cool mine down slightly and it went quieter but I upgraded to 3308 which is not official yet so YMMV.
Only 1 part of my AspireOne ever gets very warm, never hot, and that's the left hand side just beside the touchpad. I would assume that's where you're talking about; however, it doesn't feel hot to the touch to me. I think I'm on 3114 BIOS, which came with my AspireOne.
I found the fan speed can be turned to maximum, greatly reducing heat: http://macles.blogspot.com/2008/08/read ... intel.html The one line perl script is what does it. You'll have to patch the coretemp.c kernel driver to recognize the atom for lm_sensors first, which hasn't made it to the git-kernel yet.