Prohibit automatic HDD-expansion

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by cybesystem, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. cybesystem


    Jan 18, 2009
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    I'm very found of my new Acer One, however I really want to keep track of my files by myself.

    I got my 8gb SD-card in the expansion slot on my laptop, and I want to keep it there (using the other one with my camera, to downlad the images), but I don't want Linpus to "expand" my disk. I just want this card reader to be a standard card reader, nothing more, nothing less. I want to be able to select what should be on the card, and what should be on the disk.. which Linpus fails to do.

    I hope you get my point, eh? Is there a on/off switch for this feature (where?), or do I need to do some awesome terminal workaround? I'm no pro at linux, as you might understand, but I can follow instructions and I do understand some jargon. I got access to the packet-manager etc, if there's some application that can fix this for me.

    Thanks in advance.
    cybesystem, Jan 18, 2009
  2. cybesystem


    Oct 27, 2008
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    Hi cybesystem

    Though you refer to the HDD version the file structure of the SSD version may be of some use. I do not have an HDD version to know if they are the same.

    Linpus creates a separate directory for the SD when it is mounted. It does not expand the SSD directory even though the sales literature implies it does. It creates a merged (virtual directory) that combines the data contents of the SSD and SD. It is a bit like SSD being C: drive and SD being D: drive but Linpus creates an F: drive (/home/My disk) that contains data from both C and D.

    See my post ( page 4 ) for an explanation of the directories in the following link;


    The file structure allows you to write/copy/paste data where you want.

    Best wishes
    solpuerto, Jan 21, 2009
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