Queue Not Shared

Discussion in 'Linux' started by libssd, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. libssd


    Jan 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Atlanta, GA
    One of the things I immediately liked after I installed Ubuntu 9.04 last year was the automatic enabling of CUPS printing with my desktop iMac, which has two attached USB printers.

    Today, I noticed that when I attempt to print wirelelessly from my netbook, the two defined printers are listed, but the Print button is grayed out. Using the Control Center Print tool, the printing troubleshooter returns:

    The CUPS printer on the server is not shared

    Also, if I click on the connect menu, I get:

    CUPS server error
    There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'httpConnectionEncrypt failed'

    This error remains unchanged regardless of whether the Encrypt box is checked. I notice that the printing utility shows the host IP of the print server as, while the MacOS Network utility identifies the wireless hub as Changing the IP number has no effect on the problem.

    On the Mac side, printer sharing is enabled for both printers, and the firewall is set to allow all incoming connections. It looks like the CUPS problem is on the Mac side, but as yet I haven't found an answer. Any ideas?
    libssd, Mar 22, 2010
  2. libssd


    Jan 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Atlanta, GA
    Problem solved. Printing utility > Server > Settings...

    "Show printers shared by other systems"and "Publish shared printers connected to this system" boxes were not checked. The only way I can imagine these getting changed is through the Update Manager, as printing has always been one of those "set and forget it" things.

    Even though I have solved my own problem, I'm going to leave this post up, in case someone else runs into a similar situation.
    libssd, Mar 22, 2010
  3. libssd


    Jan 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Atlanta, GA
    I wrote too soon. Ubuntu seems to be able to access the CUPS printers, and when I print a document, it gets queued up, says "processing" but nothing ever comes out of the printer. I am mystified
    libssd, Mar 25, 2010
  4. libssd


    Jan 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Atlanta, GA
    Turning on printer debugging, I get the following diagnostic report, which goes quite a bit beyond my comfort level with linux:

    Page 1 (Scheduler not running?):
    {'cups_connection_failure': False}
    Page 2 (Choose printer):
    {'cups_dest': <cups.Dest HP-LaserJet-1012>,
     'cups_instance': None,
     'cups_queue': 'HP-LaserJet-1012',
     'cups_queue_listed': True}
    Page 3 (Check printer sanity):
    {'cups_device_uri_scheme': u'socket',
     'cups_printer_dict': {'device-uri': u'socket://',
                           'printer-info': u'HP LaserJet 1012',
                           'printer-is-shared': True,
                           'printer-location': u'Mac room',
                           'printer-make-and-model': u'HP LaserJet 1012 hpijs, 3.9.2',
                           'printer-state': 3,
                           'printer-state-message': u'Printer is now on-line.',
                           'printer-state-reasons': [u'none'],
                           'printer-type': 36892,
                           'printer-uri-supported': u'ipp://localhost:631/printers/HP-LaserJet-1012'},
     'cups_printer_remote': False,
     'is_cups_class': False}
    Page 4 (Check PPD sanity):
    {'cups_printer_ppd_defaults': {u'General': {u'Duplex': u'None',
                                                u'InputSlot': u'Default',
                                                u'PageRegion': u'Letter',
                                                u'PageSize': u'Letter',
                                                u'PrintoutMode': u'Normal'},
                                   u'PrintoutMode': {u'Quality': u'FromPrintoutMode'}},
     'cups_printer_ppd_valid': True,
     'missing_pkgs_and_exes': ([], [])}
    Page 5 (Local or remote?):
    {'printer_is_remote': False}
    Page 6 (Printer state reasons):
    {'printer-state-message': u'Printer is now on-line.',
     'printer-state-reasons': [u'none']}
    Page 7 (Error log checkpoint):
    {'cups_server_settings': {'DefaultAuthType': 'Basic',
                              'SystemGroup': 'lpadmin',
                              '_debug_logging': '0',
                              '_remote_admin': '0',
                              '_remote_any': '0',
                              '_remote_printers': '1',
                              '_share_printers': '1',
                              '_user_cancel_any': '0'},
     'error_log_checkpoint': 4188L,
     'error_log_debug_logging_set': True}
    Page 8 (Print test page):
    {'test_page_attempted': '02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 +0000',
     'test_page_job_id': [41],
     'test_page_job_status': [(True,
                               'Test Page',
                               {'attributes-charset': u'utf-8',
                                'attributes-natural-language': u'en-us',
                                'document-format': u'application/postscript',
                                'job-hold-until': u'no-hold',
                                'job-id': 41,
                                'job-k-octets': 17,
                                'job-media-sheets-completed': 0,
                                'job-more-info': u'ipp://localhost:631/jobs/41',
                                'job-name': u'Test Page',
                                'job-originating-host-name': u'localhost',
                                'job-originating-user-name': u'libssd',
                                'job-printer-state-message': u'Printer is now on-line.',
                                'job-printer-state-reasons': [u'none'],
                                'job-printer-up-time': 1270241479,
                                'job-printer-uri': u'ipp://libssd-AA1:631/printers/HP-LaserJet-1012',
                                'job-priority': 50,
                                'job-sheets': [u'none', u'none'],
                                'job-state': 5,
                                'job-state-reasons': u'job-printing',
                                'job-uri': u'ipp://localhost:631/jobs/41',
                                'job-uuid': u'urn:uuid:39dffac3-c733-3796-691b-a9f2db2f1841',
                                'printer-uri': u'ipp://localhost/printers/HP-LaserJet-1012',
                                'time-at-completed': None,
                                'time-at-creation': 1270241459,
                                'time-at-processing': 1270241459})],
     'test_page_successful': False}
    Page 9 (Error log fetch):
    {'error_log': ['D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 14 POST / HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/printers/',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 14 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 14 POST / HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/printers/',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 1] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 2] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 3] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 4] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 5] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 6] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 7] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 8] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 9] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 10] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 11] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 12] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 13] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 14] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 15] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 16] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 17] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 18] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 19] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 20] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 21] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 22] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 23] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 24] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 25] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 26] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 27] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 28] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 29] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 30] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 31] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 32] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 33] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 34] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 35] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 36] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 37] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 38] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 39] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] [Job 40] Loading attributes...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 14 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 14 POST / HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] Create-Printer-Subscription /',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] cupsdCreateSubscription(con=0xb94eba58(14), uri="/")',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] pullmethod="ippget"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] notify-lease-duration=86400',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] notify-time-interval=0',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] cupsdAddSubscription(mask=17800, dest=(nil)(), job=(nil)(0), uri="(null)")',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] Added subscription 55 for server',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:50 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 14 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:51 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 14 POST / HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:51 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:51 -0400] Get-Notifications /',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:51 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="libssd"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:51 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 14 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:57 -0400] process_browse_data: [email protected] not found...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 15 from localhost (Domain)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 15 POST /printers/HP-LaserJet-1012 HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] Print-Job ipp://localhost/printers/HP-LaserJet-1012',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job ???] Auto-typing file...',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job ???] Request file type is application/postscript.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] add_job: requesting-user-name="libssd"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] Adding default job-sheets values "none,none"...',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Adding start banner page "none".',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Adding end banner page "none".',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] File of type application/postscript queued by "libssd".',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] hold_until=0',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Queued on "HP-LaserJet-1012" by "libssd".',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] job-sheets=none,none',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] banner_page = 0',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] argv[0]="HP-LaserJet-1012"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] argv[1]="41"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] argv[2]="libssd"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] argv[3]="Test Page"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] argv[4]="1"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:39dffac3-c733-3796-691b-a9f2db2f1841"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00041-001"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc-root"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[8]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[9]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@libssd-AA1"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[10]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.3.9"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[11]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[12]="TZ=America/New_York"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[13]="USER=root"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[18]="LANG=en_US.UTF8"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/HP-LaserJet-1012.ppd"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/postscript"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=socket://"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[23]="PRINTER=HP-LaserJet-1012"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] envp[24]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/HP-LaserJet-1012"',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf (PID 30119)',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf (PID 30120)',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 30121)',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/socket (PID 30122)',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 15 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 17 from localhost:631 (IPv4)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Getting input from file',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] foomatic-rip version running...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Parsing PPD file ...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Added option Resolution',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Added option PageSize',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Added option Model',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Added option PrintoutMode',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Added option InputSlot',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Added option Duplex',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Added option Quality',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Added option ImageableArea',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Added option PaperDimension',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Added option Font',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41]',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Parameter Summary',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] -----------------',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41]',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Spooler: cups',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Printer: HP-LaserJet-1012',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Shell: /bin/bash',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] PPD file: /etc/cups/ppd/HP-LaserJet-1012.ppd',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] ATTR file:',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Printer model: HP LaserJet 1012 hpijs, 3.9.2',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Job title: Test Page',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] File(s) to be printed:',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] <STDIN>',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41]',
                   "D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Ghostscript extra search path ('GS_LIB'): /usr/share/cups/fonts",
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Printing system options:',
                   "D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Pondering option 'job-uuid=urn:uuid:39dffac3-c733-3796-691b-a9f2db2f1841'",
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Unknown option job-uuid=urn:uuid:39dffac3-c733-3796-691b-a9f2db2f1841.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Options from the PPD file:',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41]',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] ================================================',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41]',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] File: <STDIN>',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41]',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] ================================================',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41]',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Connected to (IPv4)...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] backendRunLoop(print_fd=0, device_fd=6, use_bc=1, side_cb=0xb804bfc0)',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] pstopdf 6 args: 41 libssd Test Page 1 job-uuid=urn:uuid:39dffac3-c733-3796-691b-a9f2db2f1841 /var/spool/cups/d00041-001',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/HP-LaserJet-1012.ppd',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Resolution: 600',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Page size: Letter',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Width: 612.00, height: 792.00, absolute margins: 18.00, 14.40, 594.00, 777.60',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Relative margins: 18.00, 14.40, 18.00, 14.40',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] PPD options: -r600 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=612.00 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=792.00',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] PostScript to be injected:',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] [Job 41] Running cat | /usr/bin/ps2pdf13 -dAutoRotatePages=/None -dAutoFilterColorImages=false                -dNOPLATFONTS -dPARANOIDSAFER -sstdout=%stderr -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode                -dDoNumCopies -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -r600 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=612.00 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=792.00 - -',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 18 from localhost (Domain)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 18 POST / HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] Get-Notifications /',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="libssd"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 18 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 18',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 18 from localhost (Domain)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 18 POST / HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/printers/',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 18 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 14 POST / HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] Get-Notifications /',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="libssd"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 14 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 18',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 18 from localhost (Domain)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 18 POST / HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] Get-Notifications /',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="libssd"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 18 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 18 POST / HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/41',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:50:59 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 18 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:00 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 18',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:00 -0400] [Job 41] GPL Ghostscript 8.64: Set UseCIEColor for UseDeviceIndependentColor to work properly.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:01 -0400] [Job 41] Filetype: PDF',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:01 -0400] [Job 41] Storing temporary files in /var/spool/cups/tmp',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:01 -0400] PID 30119 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf) exited with no errors.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:01 -0400] PID 30120 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:01 -0400] [Job 41] File contains 1 pages',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:01 -0400] [Job 41] Starting renderer with command: gs -dFirstPage=1  -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=hpijs -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=612 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=792 -sDeviceManufacturer="HEWLETT-PACKARD" -sDeviceModel="hp LaserJet 1010" -dDuplex=false -r600 -sIjsParams=Quality:Quality=0,Quality:ColorMode=0,Quality:MediaType=0,Quality:PenSet=0,PS:MediaPosition=7 -dIjsUseOutputFD -sOutputFile=-   /var/spool/cups/tmp/foomatic-IAOKQn',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:01 -0400] [Job 41] Starting process "kid3" (generation 1)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:01 -0400] [Job 41] Starting process "kid4" (generation 2)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:01 -0400] [Job 41] JCL: \x1b%-12345X@PJL',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:01 -0400] [Job 41] <job data>',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:01 -0400] [Job 41]',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:01 -0400] [Job 41] Starting process "renderer" (generation 2)',
                   'E [02/Apr/2010:16:51:02 -0400] encrypt_client: Unable to encrypt connection from localhost!',
                   'E [02/Apr/2010:16:51:02 -0400] encrypt_client: A record packet with illegal version was received.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:02 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 17',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:02 -0400] [Job 41] Read 8192 bytes of print data...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:02 -0400] [Job 41] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:02 -0400] [Job 41] Read 8192 bytes of print data...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:02 -0400] [Job 41] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data...',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:51:02 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:02 -0400] [Job 41] Error reading back-channel data: Connection reset by peer',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 17 from localhost (Domain)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] Get-Notifications /',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="libssd"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 17 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 17',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 17 from localhost (Domain)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/printers/',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 17 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 17',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] [Job 41] Read 8192 bytes of print data...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 17 from localhost (Domain)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] Get-Notifications /',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="libssd"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 17 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 17',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 14 POST / HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] Get-Notifications /',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="libssd"',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:03 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 14 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:07 -0400] process_browse_data: [email protected] not found...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:19 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 14 POST / HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:19 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:19 -0400] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/41',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:19 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 14 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:19 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 14 POST / HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:19 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:19 -0400] Cancel-Subscription /',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:19 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="libssd"',
                   'I [02/Apr/2010:16:51:19 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:19 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 14 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:19 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 17 from localhost (Domain)',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:19 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 17 GET /admin/log/error_log HTTP/1.1',
                   'D [02/Apr/2010:16:51:19 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.'],
     'error_log_debug_logging_unset': True}
    Page 10 (Locale issues):
    {'printer_page_size': u'Letter',
     'system_locale_lang': None,
     'user_locale_ctype': 'en_US',
     'user_locale_messages': 'en_US'}
    libssd, Apr 2, 2010
  5. libssd


    Jan 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Atlanta, GA
    Mac OS X 10.5.8 CUPS Problem

    Over the weekend, I discovered that my wife's MacBook also could not print to either of the shared USB printers attached to the iMac.As with Ubuntu, the printers are visible, but printing doesn't work. From an Apple support site, I confirmed that this is a known, if not common problem. One person confirmed experimentally that CUPS printing worked with OS X 10.5 installed from disc, continued to work through incremental upgrades through 10.5.5, and stopped working with 10.5.6.

    So, the CUPS printing problem is confirmed to be with Mac OS, but no solution yet, other than by reverting to an earlier version.
    libssd, Apr 5, 2010
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