Ready OS X image for AAO

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by reglof, Feb 7, 2009.

  1. reglof


    Oct 31, 2008
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    I am looking for a ready-to-go OSX image for our AAO that includes all the AAO treaks.
    I am thinking about a ghost image or something like that so we don't have to go through all the little tweaking steps when installing the iATKOS_5i ISO.

    Does something like that exist, and if yes, where can I find (download) it? Any ideas?
    And more more question: will the buil-in Wifi card ever work with OS X?
    reglof, Feb 7, 2009
  2. reglof


    Jan 25, 2009
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    I suggest following the 'tweaking steps'... you will start to learn a little about the Mac, and since OS X on the AAO is still a work in progress, even if you got a ready made image, you would probably eventually have to start tweaking it as fixes to problems emerge.

    The guides really hold you hand through the process... it's not hard.
    robo, Feb 7, 2009
  3. reglof


    Oct 31, 2008
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    I do have a Mac already so I pretty much know my way around.
    I was just hoping t o quickly check out how OS X feels on my AAO without going through endless hours of installing and tweaking.
    reglof, Feb 7, 2009
  4. reglof


    Sep 15, 2008
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    It's not a matter of endless hours. Just an extra 30 minutes max if you follow the instructions to the letter. And it works great except sleep (although wifi needs an airport compatible card).
    jausse, Feb 7, 2009
  5. reglof


    Oct 31, 2008
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    Do you have any experience how it performs with the SSD 8GB? Is it worth a try?
    reglof, Feb 7, 2009
  6. reglof


    Sep 15, 2008
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    I heard performance is horrible on SSD, that's why people swap it for 1.8" drives.
    chuckcalo, Feb 7, 2009
  7. reglof


    Nov 10, 2008
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    If somebody make clean install with all drivers, its easy to boot from DVD and make compressed .dmg image from HDD using Disk Utiity. It should not take too much space, but unfortunately nobody did it. I have old AMD64 3800+, nForce4 Ultra, Atheros WiFi DWG 510 (0x168C, 0x3A16), GeForce 8600 GT 256M. Everything works perfect instead of sleep.
    But Sleep and Wifi for laptop are very important things, so lets wait when somebody run it.
    Smith242, Feb 8, 2009
  8. reglof


    Jan 25, 2009
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    I think there is actually some utility in making a little bit of effort and computer savvy necessary for creating a working hackintosh - it keeps the computer newbies out. I know that sounds snobbish, but the fact is that hackintoshes _are_ hacks, they are not suitable for beginners, and they require some understanding of the system in order for them to be maintained and operated.

    I think a completely 'one click' install would simply cause the various hackintosh forums to be inundated with "HELP MY COMPUTER IS BROKEN PLEAS FIX IT BROKE!!!111" posts from people who got in way over their heads.

    There are many reasons to buy a real Mac, and not having to spend your time tinkering is a big one of them. If you don't want to be bothered with tinkering and tweaking, then a hackintosh is not for you. Heck, I didn't bother for years until I decided to spend a weekend on it as a project. I still would only recommend real Macs to friends and clients, unless they too want a techy hobby.

    That said, i expect that eventually such an 'easy install' will become available for some more popular models. I'm just not sure it would be a good thing. I think it might also prompt Apple to try to break things in software updates - right now it's a tiny community of alpha geeks running hackintoshes, but if it becomes commonplace to go to Best Buy, pick up whatever cheap laptop that's on sale, and slap on a hackintosh image, Apple is going to have a big problem and the hammer will come down fast.
    robo, Feb 8, 2009
  9. reglof


    Aug 19, 2008
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    i agree with everything Robo said.

    i have OSX running on 2 of my computers. one of which, i built entirely for the purpose of being 100% OSX compatible. i installed a purchased copy of OSX 10.5, and it installed flawlessly. it runs great too. even with an OSx86 experience being that easy, I still wouldnt recommend it to any of my friends. hooray if it installs flawelessly for them. but what happens when 10.6 rolls out? what if we're all screwed. even if it is only 2 days of downtime for them, until i come fix it for them, its still not worth my/their time.

    as for the AA1... if you don't want to take the time to install it yourself on your AA1, i dont recommend running OSX at all. because living with it day to day, is going to be much more work that clicking through the install. after a few weeks of tooling around with OSX on my AA1, i decided it isnt worth the effort (for me). i already have 2 boxes to play with OSX on. i dont need a portable one... Vista serves that purpose just fine for me.

    Reglof, you say you already have a Mac. you already know what its like, now decide if you want to run OSX on a computer with almost the minimum system requirements, a really low-rez screen, and a Wifi card that doesnt work.

    i dont mean to rag on you or your question, just trying to help you out, and save you from the hassle that is "OSX on an AA1". when i bought my AA1, i immediately wanted to put OSX on it. after putting OSX on it, I immediately wanted to put Vista back on it. (BTW TinyVista is awesome on the AA1).
    impreziv, Feb 9, 2009
  10. reglof


    Feb 8, 2009
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    impreziv, you say you built a 100% OSX compatible tower. Whats your setup? Ive search everywhere and cant find a motherboard with everything compatible.
    Dalton63841, Feb 9, 2009
  11. reglof


    Aug 19, 2008
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    using an Intel D945GCLF. it uses the same integrated 1.6 Atom thats in the AA1. same Intel GMA 950 too. picked up this board for $75 a while ago. i see it going online for about $65 these days. get yourself this board, 2gb ram, and a HDD... and you got yourself an OSx86 system for less than $200 (minus the case and powersupply, and optical drive if you want one).

    Vanilla store-bought copy of 10.5 installed perfectly, but leaves me to install all the kexts manually.

    currently using Kalyway 10.5.2 (and patched to 10.5.6 after installing), all hardware worked perfectly out of the box.

    going to try iPC 10.5.6 soon, when i get a free moment (im running this iPC on my other box, and from what I see in the bundled Kexts, it too, should be totally out-of-the-box friendly for this board).
    impreziv, Feb 9, 2009
  12. reglof


    Feb 8, 2009
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    A small form factor Mac PC? Incredible! Definitely looking into this. Thanks
    Dalton63841, Feb 9, 2009
  13. reglof


    Feb 11, 2009
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    LukasAddon, Feb 11, 2009
  14. reglof


    Nov 26, 2008
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    Oliva, Valencia, Spain

    Thanks for this post. I think that this type of information is very useful rather than the sort of bland posting of 'Well I have a AAO or whatever and it works for me!'

    I actually disagree with some of the previous posts that say that an OSX image as derived from a decent OSX backup program such as SuperDuper would cause problems with people complaining of non-working installs.
    But there is one proviso! The hardware for the install MUST be identical or else it wont work. This is why peopel say no but it is not too difficult to actually make the image file and post for use. I tend to be suspicious (rightly or wrongly) of people who say 'No' in these situations without adequate rationale but caveats must be provided.
    jknights, Feb 11, 2009
  15. reglof


    Nov 26, 2008
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    Oliva, Valencia, Spain
    Is your image in English or Cyrillic/Russian ?

    It would seem that you are providing an image OS X/WinXP and D2D.
    I guess I could just install th efull image then delete the bootloader entries and also the WinXp and D2D partitions.
    However I would prefer a just OSX image.
    jknights, Feb 11, 2009
  16. reglof


    Nov 26, 2008
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    Oliva, Valencia, Spain

    Is there a torrent or other download url where I can get this image?
    I cant seem to get a real download place just opportunity to register!!
    jknights, Feb 12, 2009
  17. reglof


    Nov 10, 2008
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    Smith242, Feb 14, 2009
  18. reglof


    Aug 19, 2008
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    i agree with the notion that an easier "all working" install would be great. but the reason i disagree, is that OSX isnt NEARLY well designed enough to function as such. OSX is a very closed platform, and everything we are doing with OSX on non-apple computers is all hacks, and workarounds. the reason a simple install wouldnt work, is that there are too many variables involved in an OSx86 install. someone could setup a 'unattended' install for one single given hardware configuration, but it would be totally useless with a slightly different arrangement of hardware. the best thing you can do is build a computer using hardware that is totally OSX compatible, and use a Commercial copy of OSX, and hope for the best.

    Windows XP and Vista, have all been great install experiences for everyone, because Windows is designed to work with an ENORMOUS array of hardware. OSX is only designed to work with Hardware that Apple uses themselves, everything else is a workaround. the reason OSX is so closed, is that Apple has a nice little market for themselves (sell computers at largely inflated prices, and lock users into a realm of non-compatibility, so that everything you own comes from Apple, or apple licensed hardware). Apples license agreement very explicitly states that you CANNOT install OSX on a computer not made by Apple. Windows is the very opposite of that, it is designed to work with just about anything you can throw togather.

    for OSX to get to the point of having a Universally compatible install process, they will need to open themselves up to an open-market, and proactively make OSX compatible, the way MS makes Windows compatible.

    as long as Apple is allowed to enjoy their controlled market (as long as there is a demograph of poorly informed consumers), they will continue to make OSX as exclusive as they are legally entitled to. i wouldnt be surprised if OSX 10.6 is designed to be more closed-compatible than 10.5 (not that it has gotten any worse, but it certainly can get worse).

    hopefully this Economic recession does enough damage to Apple, that they are forced to realize that they need to make OSX more openly compatible, for them to stay above water.
    impreziv, Feb 14, 2009
  19. reglof

    Carlos Gott

    Feb 14, 2009
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    Yeap, install a fully functional OSX on a PC is time consuming... but is a very nice an interesting job :D of course if you have patience.

    I recently install OSX 5.5 on my AA1 an works like dream!! (iATKOS 5)
    I edit a short HD video with Final Cut with out a problem, no drop frames, no kernel panic,
    even with 2 HD streams with graphics and transitions!!! (DVCPRO HD 720p 24 fps 100Mbps)

    I have too:
    7 20" iMac
    1 24" iMac
    1 13" MacBook white
    1 Gateway Core 2 Duo 1.8 Mhz runing Kalyway 10.5.2
    1 Assembled Core 2 Duo 2.8 Mhz 1333 Mhz Front side bus, PC runing Kalyway 10.5.2
    and recently my AA1

    Believe me, 1 year with out major problems with Leopard on iPC´s!! (I have more problems with original iMacs, )
    Why change to OSX and leave apart Windows? virtually no-virus on OSX, system stability, Fully HD support (a lot of problems with codec compatibility on Windows plattaforms) very, very, stability of Final Cut in comparision with Adobe Premiere. In my businesses my partner have seven PC workstations, and have a lot of problems: viruses, crashes, incompatibility with HD, codec inconsistences etc. very painful.
    I have 20 years on TV production business, 4 years of AMIGA user, 14 years of Windows User, until 2 years ago, when I switch to Mac. My stress calm down... life with out windows blue screen!! :D
    Carlos Gott, Feb 15, 2009
  20. reglof


    Feb 14, 2009
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    That forum requires you to register in order to download the torrent. Registering is free (just like registering for this forum) and simple to do if you use Google to translate the Russian to English. Even without translating, the registration fields are pretty obvious, you just have to catch them at the time that registrations are open.
    bluedragon1971, Feb 16, 2009
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