Recovery from Acer FUBAR

Discussion in 'Linux' started by ldb, Feb 13, 2009.

  1. ldb


    Feb 12, 2009
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    I'm writing this from my Aspire One after a very frustrating day of playing stupid recovery games caused by poor docunentation and a total lack of forethought by Acer.

    I thought using the Updater would be good, until it totally hosed the complete OS and this forum told me that it was a defective function. Wish I'd checked out the forums here first.

    After spending the day reading the forum and chasing links and leads all over the place, I finally figured out that the Acer recovery DVD is worthless and finally found the right ISO on a site that was linked form here. and for the first time in the day was able to see the progress of burning to the USB stick happen according to the instruction sheet.

    I went out with some friends for a couple of Guinness and then came back to the house and started the recovery process from the USB stick. It went flawleslsy the first time and I'm back online with my Aspire One.

    Thanks to all the folks on this forum for the knowledge and for sharing that knowledge with the rest of us. It may very well have kept me from throwing the Aspire One against the wall <G>

    Thanks guys (and gals),
    ldb, Feb 13, 2009
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