Help - My Aspire One has died on me! When I was transferring some photos onto a flash disc (which i've done before with no problems) the screen froze. Being a newbie I had no idea what to do (I don't know what the Linux version of 'control-alt-delete' is), so i left it and waited for the battery to die (please don't laugh!). When i turned it back on it looked like it was starting up ok, then a blank black screen appeared with a white 'x' i the middle which can be moved with the mouse. I tried turning it on a couple of times, but the same thing happened again. I guess I need to use the recovery disc and start all over again (all those hours spent sorting out Firefox 3, Skype etc - arrggggh). However, I don't have an external disc drive, so tried to use my old laptop (Windows XP) to copy it onto a flash disc. I managed to get as far as 'Create Recovery USB Drive' but nothing happened. I tried it on my neighbours laptop (Windows Vista) but nothing happens at all. Is it because is bloody Linux (which I'm getting a bit more than frustrated with) and you can only do it on a Linux system? Help - I'm really losing it now!!!!