Red Dead Redemption 2 Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Apr 18, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The camp songs are nasty for the most part in this game, toilet humor typical jew stuff. And apart from the gang girls most of the women in this game look like men in wigs. Someone did a mod changing abigails hair color and she looks even more like an obvious shemale ladyboy very nasty looking. It goes along with john's really strange body, like a crash bandicoot body, no normal man would ever have except through drugs or some bizarre work regime that is all about huge back muscles, dude literally looks like a werewolfman.

    I loaded up my ch 2 modded save w all the clothes etc So there's a lot to do and discover, no restrictions. So I was fishing in Elysium Pool and the fish are poisoned when you pull them out never seen that before and in other playthroughs I've fished there and taken fish and none were listed as poisoned very strange. And all before the mine quest of butcher creek too so very weird. During that quest you actually poison it further by the crazy mine guy who blows up the lattice holding back the outflow of arsenic which then flows down the side of the mountain into the river that flows into elysium.

    Found the shipwrecked man south of van horn this time too, has a letter to bonnie mcfarlane likely to do with rdr1 stuff idk couldn't read it it does not have the "read" prompt so it's really hard to make out.
    Hertzian56, Jun 22, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Yeah the marxist politics of this game are a big drag on it. Lots of examples of such. One major card there is the racial politics game the ptb play to divide and conquer the world population not in their jewmasonictranny club. This game licks the black characters ass so much it's disgusting. Everyones a criminal in this game that is in the criminal gang and singling out lenny and tilly as some good guys is nonsense. Lenny gets taken out during the san denis robbery but tilly somehow goes from criminal to marrying a rich lawyer, a fantasy stretch there.

    Then you have another marxist divide and conquer issue of male/female relations. The in your face feminazism is built into missions, camp comments by largely do nothings and side characters. Garbage stuff that had little to no real history to them. Like racial division if anyone was deliberately creating the problem and then coming along w the preplanned solution was the ptb. Stoking the childlike womens emotions and manipulating them are a powerful tool. The feminazism started, like eugenics, in england and used terrorism to get its way. Natural women usually defer to their husbands so there was no popular backing to it just like most of these "pressing" issues that the demon infested jewmasontrannys push.

    Then you have the native american issues, so they use terrorism as well in this game but are untouchable otherwise. And if you go into their camp it's forbidden to use weapons, they are also very rude and racist themselves which is the height of hypocrisy. If you ever met indians you would know they are a people who live in hate and squarely in the mythical past where they roamed by foot as vagabonds for the most part. Horses, cows etc were brought to america by settlers. And the whole buffalo story about 300k herds is also nonsense most likely, this is just to have some fake guilt complex and other things the ptb want to push. If a single herd of 300k buffalo emitted the methane the ptb are falsley claiming is a major cause of their fake warming issue it would have been a disaster but of course natural animals don't harm the environment. What harms the environment is the lust and greed of the ptb and their organs, their wars etc It is well known that the spanish civilized the backwards indians until the jewmasontrannys came along and imposed bloody revolutions onto the populace, thus destroying the progress made and actually going backwards as latin america is today. There was no african slavery in latin america, but the jewish-british african slavery was a huge business for centuries. The jewish-protestantism of this empire has been a major atrocity for centuries and it is international now. The british elite and royalty have been crypto jews for a long long time and the USA is just a province of the worldwide jewmasontranny cult, likely based in switzerland the falsely neutral country and home base of satanism.

    I'll go on in later posts about this issue but have others I'll mention shortly.
    Hertzian56, Jul 3, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So on another problem w this game the missions are jewstars way or nothing. In many you are actually playing escort unknowingly so once you know that, the motive is to just use explosive ammo and take the enemies out as quickly as possible, no tactical combat at all. Companions should just be invulnerable period so you can actually play and worry about your own health instead of failing a mission because you weren't watching when a companion rushed out into the open and got shot. So dumb.

    Another one is that you have to drive wagons and such it's not an option or not drive wagons, missions are on rails while the open world part is not, terrible disconnect. In bounties you can at least do it w some freedom as long as they are wanted dead or alive. Alive you have to be careful, suggesting some stealth. And stealth is pitiful in this game, npcs are eagle eyes, even if you use a throwing knife. Thus another example of just going in guns blasting. In the first indian mission, you are almost required to jump into a wagon to have any hope of stealth. If you don't and try to get into the oil field office via stealth it's almost impossible. And IF you do get into the office with perfect stealth it's all for nothing anyways as the scripted window jump lands you in the middle of enemies, ridiculous. So it's pointless to do stealth there in the end. The only time stealth works is when the script requires it and thus turns down or off the npc eagle eyes.

    One problem with this is that the missions lock what side missions and such are locked behind them. So you can play ch2 for a long time but at some point there won't be anything left to do outside the missions to unlock more side stuff. After ch3 it gets really stupid as far as main missions, nonsensical stuff which you must blindly go through with like a slave.

    What needs to be available is NON-story mode where all side missions and such are available in each region, maybe just lock it to the region via a completeness counter but don't require doing story missions to unlock. Have an open camp that moves to each of them with hunting, fishing, robberies and stuff available in camp as well as keeping camp supplied with food etc So the gang just moves once you decide you want to move and that you can move to where you choose between the 5 main camps. The Lakay swamps aren't really a camp just a stopover. It would be nice to have Colter open so no annoying tutorials and such. Even moving into blackwater area and also New Austin, thus making use of the WHOLE map. Side mission packs would have been nice or an easy way for modders to make their own side missions. New Austin and Blackwater as well as Ambarino/Grizzlies really needed more things to do. I also wanted more poker locations and even cheating and dueling options there and elsewhere. What about a 21/poker/dominoes/5 finger tournament story line? Fishing and hunting could have also had the same. Some modders have even come up with hunting competitions, but you can imagine how much more complete a dev version would have been.

    So many missed opportunities with this game it's unbelievable and likely the reason is that the owners don't care, it's about the sales not the game as an independent piece of entertainment. Also the marxist programming objectives a main driver in blockbuster games. We still did get antichristian themes and such, race divide and conquer, feminazism, a light form of trannyism w chattenay, cannibalism, occultism in general, alien nonsense, meteorite nonsense(never observed over populated areas for hundred of years or at all really) and all the other garbage. So the GTA atm takes precedence especially online, 6 with the female, likely a tranny, protagonist in jewish florida takes precedence. They pretty much abandoned RDO and did little with it beyond forms of elaborate mods and of course in game monetization schemes. GTAVO needs no elaboration. Doubt I'll ever play a GTA game or anything jewstar makes ever again, certainly never pay for them.

    The development cycles for these games are just too long and the games get worse and worse and cost more and waste more time to play. I hope most people would be done with gaming by 50 at the most. Most of the younger people, like under 10, play low graphics phone games with simple premise. These heavy games will be boring for them, require pc's that are very expensive and cost too much. Monetized phone games are usually quick, mostly free and only need a multi-use phone that everyone already owns anyways. 4k pc gaming is a big investment that requires a lot of interest and commitment, consoles are 4k/30 and also need a whole setup for and are single purpose items. Game makers are better off focusing on scalability and working with phone makers then heavy gpus that cost 1200 and need 1000 systems to plug into. And phone makers need to lower costs because this 1200 phone business isn't going to cut it. Only business usage could justify that for something that is used for calls, texts, internet primarily. Even the cameras aren't really better just higher resolution, my 2014 galaxy S5 12MP camera has been totally fine and I don't care about beyond 1080p video. Not interested in gaming on my phone at all or any phone. I have emulated nes/snes games on it fine in the past though, more than that is not wanted or needed.

    So with devtimes an rdr game is likely 6 years away or so. With GTAV we got nothing SP past the first release, it was all online which I have no interest in. But they can't do a new game with online on the old game going because the new game will need online as well for them. GTAV released 10 years ago is still the most recent GTA game, and online has been the focus since release on pc. It makes more money to do that which is sad. There is nothing new about online stuff just more side stuff which devolves into idiocy and rampages, competition and such which is so banal. Of course plenty of in game monetization going on. Releasing a new gta or rdr game every 3 years would not be as profitable to them but would be more wanted by those who only play SP stuff. So really only online players are catered to and all that that means. Really new stories and such are not created much anymore, it's just boring franchises like far cry, asscreed and online games like GTAO. Even great sp games like COJ gunslinger could have been easily done in 3 years with the same format but new stories but instead we got dying light 2 which is a good game but not as good as DL1 and also threw up dollar signs in techlands eyes above all else. So COJ has been shelved for over 10 years now. Online gaming has really replaced thoughtful blockbuster games that are sp and coherent story focused. I don't want to play w jerks from who knows where and don't want to be nickel and dimed to death for what I should just pay for once and get a whole product. They are running towards a cliff on a road paved with money.
    Hertzian56, Jul 3, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I mean just turning over the ip on license to a third party studio dedicated to it for further development would be feasible. An abandoned game like rdr2, instead of sitting up there for 60$ as is forever could be further developed by interested people and a cut of proceeds be given to jewstar even a decade later. The main jewstar studio could be free to work on official top level rdr/gta etc stories and online while those interested in just more of the sp game and more sp stories could also be catered to with no risk to jewstar and it's leadership. No risk except maybe missing out on the likely pitiful sales they get years later and they could lock out the story of rdr2 thus not really losing sales of those interested in that story. John's year long disappearance could be a story too.

    Working with the original and proprietary tools would be better than what the modding community can do. Taking a high quality base game to further story elements and side missions and such. Say they sold the source code and whole base elements of even GTASA so people could continue developing separate from jewstar would be amazing. And RDR2 even better, the art style and graphics are still great today 5 years later. We could get different versions or just a conclusion of the IKZ mystery, frozen giant mystery, emerald ranch and all the other unfinished or left out stuff. A whole different story with the main characters starring, play as arthur in a new story or any of the other fleshed out characters. Even chapter characters could be developed more within the framework of the base world. So say the braithewaites and the Grays could be fleshed out further instead of largely gone past ch3. More towns like in tempest rim, new austin and such. Guarma is huge and could be further expanded with fishing, hunting, side missions, ocean elements etc And there needed to be more water based missions to rdr2, the boats are all there as is the water bodies.

    A whole new base world would not be necessary and all the systems are there already but new ones could be made too. New options like to turn off the sim aspects which are not my cup of tea, a better weather and time system or tweakable. I do have mods for both of those but they could be better made with the original tools. Such a waste just abandoning the whole world and they obviously had plans to remake rdr1 with the elements created for rdr2 but gta6 likely took those resources. And likely some financial calc killed it too.
    Hertzian56, Jul 3, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Got to the big bank robbery mission in St Denis end of chapter 4 and decided to pass on it and Guarma Ch.5 sidetrack in general as well as the annoying swamps lakay end of ch 5 part. I have a saves library I got from nexus that is each chapter with legend of the east stuff, full inventory, all guns, but minimal side missions and such done which is nice. Once you get into the later chapters in the game if you play it all in order there really isn't much random events anymore nor many side missions unless you've not done them before.

    So started up a fresh ch 6 at beaver hollow which is gorgeous but depressing. No poker there I think. And all side missions and rando stuff still intact going back to the start, at least the ones that are not locked to a chapter or lose them. I'm also liking arthur in the black suit from the korrigan robbery but with muskrat cav hat or military officers low bulldogger hat, iguana or snake gloves and alligator vest/opulent butter vest. With tie and white shirt. Also the formal shoes are a nice change too, sometimes the javelina half chaps for more flair. Usually pencil mustace and shaved head. I also really like the cougar cutaway coat but it's a colder weather type of thing.

    I also use the dark bay turkoman with the panther trail saddle and usually have a wolf pelt on the rear for a nice visual flair. Only other horse I use is the MFT silver dapple pinto, sometimes a dark bay andalusian warhorse too. The turkoman is a unique combo of race horse and war horse so it's not as prone to being spooked and one of the fastest horses in the game, it's tall too so doesn't look like you're riding My-litle-pony of the arabians and mustangs. It's also very unique and not seen in the game other than one of the other gang members horse and that's never the dark bay color. I generally like to use unique stuff that's not seen or rarely seen being used by npcs.

    So just enjoying the side missions and rando stuff, poker here and there, legendary fishing, some legendary animals. I just use rampage trainer to spawn dead animals that I need for clothing items I want from the trapper guy, most of his outfits are fugly imo but peices here and there are nice. I like the Death Roll alligator stuff other than the stupid cloak looks ridiculous, I like the Maruader outfit and peices here and there of the other ones. I'm not interested in the rigamarole of all that, it doesn't appeal to me like the fishing does. Neither does the hunting request stuff which Arthur can't even finish it's JM only like the end of the fishing storyline. That's all dumb you ask me, so w fishing at least 7 years later Mgill is going to still need or remember all that. So dumb there is no normal Arthur stuff in blackwater/NA what a waste. Again I use rampage to negate that so he can go there fine but the story stuff is obviously locked out.

    I've got more rando stuff mods like bounty hunting, AMJM, etc Those two have random bounty hunter camps, random bandit attacks and bases etc What this really needs is a random collectibles thing like the cp77 one or like the UFO parts in V or etc It also needed the poker tournament w cheating and dueling/brawling tied into a simple story etc Surprisingly no mods there.

    I also jump to my 93% game w JM to wander and I finished the legendary fishing quest there a while back. I still need to finish the hunting request side story in there. Since I have open all interiors I have seen the taxidermist basement which is macabre but cool to see. Also have a ch2 start going here and there.
    Hertzian56, Jul 7, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just thought I'd put some things that are really good about this game. First of all I've learned about real world stuff from this game, which is a rarity in gaming usually. I'll elaborate on details.
    1. Horses, learned the basic breeds and generally how they look and their general characteristics. I'm not sure if the sizes are correct here though, heard that arabians are not the miniatures in real life that they are in this game. The coats and such.
    2. Poker. I've never been into gambling or card games much but finally tried the poker here and learned the basics and the basic hands and betting structure. I don't know that the tells are in here or not I just focus on cards and the flop and generally how opponents bet and come out ok. In this game you can tell if you're going to be lucky/win a lot or not fairly quickly. I already knew how to play 21 etc Not really into the 5 finger game it's just ok. Wish there was cheating option lol and catching cheaters, arguments to duels, brawls etc
    3. Fish. I've fished many times but only w family and usually had no idea the type other than rainbow trout. I learned the various species and the sizes and such. Baits to use. I think the lure fishing here is really fly fishing but maybe there is just lure fishing no food bait.
    4. General animals species. What various birds look like, sizes etc
    5. Cowboy era guns. Types of guns used etc generally what they sound like, sizes etc
    6. other stuff can't remember

    So this game does have a lot of really good stuff about it. I tend to focus on the bad more naturally. As a contrast I binged on cp77 before this and learned very little real world stuff since it's complete fantasy. Only thing would be how transhumanism could be implemented and of course the hidden jewmasontranny cult that wants to move to this for all of the surviving humanity after their huge cataclysm they have planned. In this scenario they want the state to control reproduction via license and paying as well as actually growing the children in an artificial womb in a farm. I think they themselves do this already in underground facilities. Send in materials and pickup your child in 9+months. Likely a month or two of training and implanting and such of the child to be an obedient citizen. They want less humans, especially not in their trannycult, so they can have more, simple as that.

    And the transhumanism is to live indefinitely so as to avoid Gods Judgement for their crimes which this is all based on. The amount of wealth stolen by these jewmasontranny satanists for hundreds of years is so large that they do not want to die and lose it all, can't enjoy it in hell. This trannycult is hundreds of years old, likely in modern times originated with the jews and their kabbalistic adam kadmon androgyne. They are gods in their estimation, achieving divine balance in their bodies of male/female according to their effed up talmudick interpretation of Adam in Genesis. So to them Adam was an androgyne since God created woman from his rib but this is error, clearly woman did not exist before God created her, the base material was from adam but that's different than saying Adam was both man and woman at once. The talmud is the first screwy make up your own religion manual like so many weird authors that write books on the Bible, usually nominally Christians. It is through the lens of these criminal pagans known as rabbis in the modern context. And it includes all sorts of ancient paganism traditions. The Egyptian elite were also trannys and this goes back further to the east and such like the kabbalah does. It's all forms of Hinduism and offshoots really.

    Now apart from that in CP77 we get an idea of the form this all could take and it's gruesome. Game is full of trannys open and hidden, kabbalism like RDR2 is, general occultism, technosaviorism etc In that game you replace almost every part of a natural body with tech, if you can afford it of course. And in there people usually go crazy if they get too much of it, cyberpsychos. Drugs are all over in the game as normal, sex perversions and just sex all over, etc etc So there is some real world stuff but it's mostly hidden or just a guess at the form it could take. V=22, hand sign of the tranny, hand of illumination, light/dark/left/right, path of tarot etc
    Hertzian56, Jul 7, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I don't seem to get the balfour stranger missions to load after playing in ch6 in a few different save files. I'm thinking this must be related to the mods I have but there's no reason I can think of other than Arthur doesn't really get sick on the surface anyways bc I use rampage trainer to negate it and I think another mod to negate it too so this being tied to his TB I guess that's it. I never get the falling off the horse and at the doctor cinematic sequence due to this modding imo and thus no balfour stuff kinda tied to it. Before I modded I remember doing the balfour stuff. And if she doesn't show up in ch6 I can't remember seeing her during epilogue play either, one of my JM games is at the final story mission and like 93% done and still never saw balfour. Eh game is way better minimizing the sim aspects and the annoying people commenting on how sick you look all over, weather, time, seasons, etc is WAY better than vanilla. Ped Damage Overhaul is nice, AMJM, roving bandits, Bounty hunter camps and bandit camps, etc etc

    Otherwise only other reason could be if I was too low of honor, but I usually top it off w rampage here and there after ridiculous justar decisions as to what is honorable in a game about criminals, all of them. And like I said the missions are almost all criminal in nature but somehow don't effect honor or only in the plus side. Imagine you kill dozens of people in the story missions, including police, but you're all good according to justar, sheesh. Then you rope someone in and tie them up but it's bad if you "loot" them, no option to just see some id and put it back though, and I could go on, ridiculous. It's good to kill lemoyne raiders and others because of justars politics, yukkers.

    But in terms of detail and such this is rockstars best game with GTA4 a close second. This is likely due to the extensive SP aspects which I am into exclusively. 4 actually had 2 SP dlcs, a dark gritty crime story and a detailed world which had lots of hand crafted feel. The animations alone are way more detailed than 5's. RDR2 has that which can be frustrating for sure but also are a lot more immersive. I do negate player ragdoll and the horses though, negate the falling/rolling off cliffs stuff too, adds frustration and slowness.

    The sheer depth of plants, animals, guns, etc and the mysteries, dozens of side missions and random stuff is amazing. The graphical and art style is gorgeous and really brought out by the seasons mod and vestigia and you can get to enjoy it longer with longer days mod which you can make day or night longer or shorter. Vanilla nights go by 3x or more faster than daytime and that includes whatever is classified as night like the early morning or later evening. ETc etc etc.

    I strongly doubt 6 is going to be nothing more than an online game w a short glorified sp aspect tacked onto it. And the woke garbage is going to be primary, even more in your face than RDR2 fake history crap. It's not real history other than the objective stuff like guns, fish, horses etc everything else was movie fakery. From what I've seen of 6 it features some fatass likely jewish tranny marrano "female" and some woke ass story with all sorts of garbage wrapped around criminal power and money seeking. It's in jew s. florida and likely has some references to vice city and the characters there, trumpina will likely be in there again, maybe desantos. I could see some of the later gangster mafia films as references, I think donnie brasco goes down there but other than scarface-miami vice leftovers there's likely a ton of wokeness to the main story. Whole cloth take jew stuff. Likely Tommy Vercetti will make an appearance, and like 4 did they will likely have something in there about covid-pandemics to block parts of the city early on. 5 was more of an ode to action movies and the 08 financial coup with the gangster rapper motif and michael as bank robber w a family a la sopranos reference, trevor as the redneck weirdo character trailer trash from remote california areas. Obvious Heat reference w the robbery but that was also done in 4 w the big bank score.

    What is most interesting about 6 is how they are going to transition or expand GTAO, so those who are into that will need the 100+gb 5 AND the likely v1 120gb+ 6 installed to access online, wow. And how they're going to either abandon dev on O5 or transition to O6 primarily, a newer money pipeline. I'd imagine they would be separate and not connected, aka can't just move between the two seamlessly w say a plane ride. Load up one or the other w the launcher and if you want to go to CA you have o load up that only. Idk maybe you will be able to take some, not all, of your assets w you to FL who knows.
    Hertzian56, Jul 16, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Sometimes I go full rampage mode in this game but can't do it too long as it induces anxiety, dizzy head and such. It's my conscience. I got my first major anxiety attack doing a rampage in gta3 way back around 2000 when I first started playing it on PS2. My friends were grad students and played the hek out of it, I hadn't been into vgames much since genesis really. They were into quake 3 LAN playing too, didn't get into that. Always been a SP only player.

    The rampage stuff in this game is much more tame since there's no police sirens and such, not as much about guns either. Usually takes the form of robbing on foot the fancy part of St Denis, the annoying people RS puts stepping into the street I usually just barrel through they're problem if they get hit. Then if you're doing that in workers area and hit someone they gang up on you and I just go at them w my horse like bowling pins it's kind of hilarious. Then on the last one use the lasso to drag him. It is hilarious but after a while gets to be too much for me. Other places tend to be just shootouts like valentine etc Funny to hear the comments too, people all running away etc

    Walked through the swamps at night, no horse because night folk can kidnap it and kill it, despite the god mode I have on it. Not too eventful just the standard hanging body and attack by them, otherwise empty. Some rando bounty hunter camp from the mod shootout in the swamps.
    Hertzian56, Jul 17, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Was noticing the annoyances like the completely illogical horse slows down for snakes and such, a real horse would be out of there, same annoyance for the "jump to x" while on horse it slows you down. If I want to jump from my horse to anything I'll slow down myself don't effing break my rythmn.

    Another one is the once again straight jacket mission structure. Why have people give you guns that you already own and are top of the line and then force us to use said crap guns? Was doing the micah stage robbery in ch 2 and it is so annoying since I had my rifle on me, fully upgraded but was forced to use the bare bones version micah gives you, similar thing w the offhand holster, like you can't use a second gun until you break micah out, at least without mods. Usually if you use hand guns if you have explosive ammo loaded it will switch you to regular and in the lion mission if I forget to change back I always die and have to do it again since it won't allow me to fire w explosive ammo loaded.

    And the offhand holster makes no sense either, it's the wrong way, how the hell is arthur going to reach around across himself and weirdly bend his wrist to pull it out? It needs to face the other way duh. And off hand holster would off balance you, guns weigh a lot. It would be better just to have the classic two holster belt to where you are at least balanced, how stupid justar is. It's way more natural to have the holsters where your hands are going to naturally be most of the time, sheesh dumbos. None of the npcs have the stupidAF off hand holster.

    And justar was so focused on it's marxist bs all over it didn't have time for things that fit in like rodeos and such. Instead we get feminazism, race divide and conquer garbage, faf dinostory bones, faf meteorites, southerner bashing, antichristian garbage all over but especially in the St Denis part, etc and then some idiot who neglects the fact that natural remedies w plants and such are as old as mankind, what did he just discover that by himself? And the jimi hendrix hippie get up is really annoying. And indians were are real and present danger in those times, on the very tail end of it for sure but still the annoying faf marxist concern for them is garbage. Regressive hateful people who live on the dole today, great job ahole marxists.

    They could at least have included the bronco busting from the first game and expanded to full rodeos and such. I'm on a ch2 save right now and it's way too short, you don't get too much really and then johns rustling mission which then ropes you into the dutch bar mission then if you go back to camp it's all packed up. Kind of annoying to force all that in one go by justar. ch2 is the only chapter you're not constrained with something, in ch3 early you can't cause trouble nor use weapons in rhodes. Ch4 shady belle has easier exploration once again but then you have to do the annoyingly insane missions to unlock other side missions etc Shady Belle's unpleasant as well, they have this subliminal shouting and insulting playing the background of that camp. It's just downhill starting there, more and more insane missions that any self respecting person would just ride away from the whole thing. By that time arthur has hundreds of dollars, which is like thousands or tens of thousands today. It would be easy to start over under a different name then, family, blood or not, does not mean abuse should be tolerated or accepted. Especially as an adult, a child can be excused due to the fact they rely on family for basic needs and have no easy way to get to safety.
    Hertzian56, Jul 20, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Coming back I've been tooling around w this game again after getting bored of cyberpunk 77/PL since it came out in sept. I forgot how badly optimized this game is as even if I limit my cpu by turning off turboboost and also limiting the game to 45 and then also turning down any high settings to medium and other stuff it is still a jet engine. Not as bad as the full version but still more than I like and a lot more than the whisper I hear on an amazing looking cp77 which is a much more scaleable game.

    So I was trying to update to the last crack 1436.28 version that has dlss but I can't get it to work at least the dodi patch for it so I'm stuck on 1311.23 until I want to bother to delete and move things around for 125gb to install the whole 1436 repack. I just wander around w the occasional mission during this game now I've played it so much, add the odd mod in there etc so it's hardly worth the trouble for fan noise to do all that. Someday I guess.

    I did finally find a mod or mods that remove most of the vignette the game has, why they don't have a turn off option there with all the dozens of graphics settings is crazy. I think they do this for console to hide the textures closest to the player and also to focus the players eyes to where the textures are best usually the player and at a distance, a trick there.

    It's either the chelonia mod or I also reinstalled a vignette and bloom removal mod. Some places in the game it seems to still have it on the bottom of the screen but the top screen seems to have it gone. The vignette in this game is stupidly tied to weather or other states so that's why it's so hard for modders to completely remove it in all cases. It's not a simple filter that's always over the whole screen, like cyberpunks is which is more easily removed by modders.

    So yeah justar dumped this game on pc like gta4 and did almost nothing else to optimize it for pc and the last update for sp was in mid 22, 1436.31 so it's abandoned for SP and mostly abandoned MP which I'm not interested in but steam discussions say it's dead mostly, full of cheaters and greifers and such. So the only way to try to get better perf is the dlss enabled version from late 21 or so. Since it's not online and doesn't go through social club I can also update the dlss version as well. It included the 2.2 version but we're up past 3.5 now. Might be better just have to try it.

    On the online social club gated version if you change the dlss version it will go online and dl the 2.2 and replace the newer version pretty shitty tbh. Typical justar control maniacs. Anyways yeah so just bootup here and there in lean times I guess pretty much all done w this game.
    Hertzian56, Jan 10, 2024
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I actually found a cure for the always noisy fans no matter what settings for this game. I changed the NCP power mode to adaptive for this game and it was mostly silent during gameplay big difference from the medium jet engine fans for this game with no loss in fps. I have started locking from 60 to 45 as I've noticed no difference at all in the smoothness of the game between those two and it gives my weaker cpu a break as well as the fan noise issue.

    If I kept this at 60max it might be a bit more fan noise as they ramp up for no noticeable difference. So I went ahead and set my global power mode in NCP to adaptive but from what I found online there is little difference between optimal and adaptive. Some games it takes more power some less and the fps difference was less than 2-3 fps not noticeable. The big difference was that with prefer max power in NCP was normal use it would keep the gpu up to full power for very little need and suck more watts then was necessary so I don't think prefer max power mode should ever be used unless you get stutters with a lower than max boost ghz for your gpu as shown in the optional msiab overlay.

    I noticed in rdr2 that w max power it would be near the max gpu boost of 1.9ghz or so all the time but when I turned it to adaptive it would be at about 1ghz mostly, which is much better for the same performance. And during regular usage it's just an unnecessary power draw on your battery or the plug. So yes keep it at the default optimal or the adaptive no difference really. I just wish I had investigated this long ago as over time this can really help longevity of your battery, fans and overall system and that adds up.

    I still can't find a total vignette remover for this game. At times it's gone but at times it's really noticeable on the bottom 1/8th or so of the screen usually in the early morning. I hate it. Why would anyone want a noticeable dark part of the screen is anyones guess and GTAV nor any of the other gta games have this. Why rockstar decided to enforce this for this game must be a matter of taste I guess, to give it more of a vintage photo feel or something or to hide bad textures near the player but mostly for consoles who can't do textures as much as a pc with a gpu of 6gb or more vram.

    Pointing to the well known fact that RS threw this on pc and forgot about it. The biggest thing they added post launch by about 2 years later is dlss which my version doesn't have. Online got more of course but not much more and is now largely a haven for cheaters and griefers if the discussions are to be trusted. Such a shame that rs has little respect for it's own games as we saw with the pittful remasters of the first gta trilogy. The shysters are fully in charge at rs no big surprise. And 6 is going to be obnoxious all around a hard pass for me even years before it comes out. RDR3 if they ever make one will be at least 5 years after initial release of 6 which is planned for 2025, likely mid year. So you're talking middle of 2030 for a console release of RDR3 and then 2031 for PC release. God help me to be largely out of the videogame addiction for good by then!
    Hertzian56, Jan 11, 2024
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Looks like a combination of tweaks has mostly removed vignette. I have Dynamic Seasons and Vestigia installed as a base as usual but I switched the weather xmls of vestigia with collyrium's and the visualsettings file of DS with collyriums and it seems to get rid of most of it most of the time. This game has complex factors for vignette so it seems like there's still a tiny bit at times during clear or a few clouds day. That's not to say next time it rains or is darker cloudy it may have more vignetting. This is mostly about the bottom of the screen, the top and sides seem clean to me all the time. I also falsed the hdr in the hidden settings xml file.

    So the seasons are still changing so when it goes from the current summer it may be different. A season I think lasts 400 seconds not sure if it's in game time or real time but likely real time or more since I've played about an hour or a bit more with just summer. So not exactly sure how long a season is in real time. I do have a time mod that I've set for longer nights. In this game days last a LOT longer than nights do as a pre defined multiplier only applied at night makes it go by way faster as shown in rampage in the time menu. So I had to compensate for that as there isn't changing the multiplier for time in the night.

    I'm not really playing it just wandering around and maybe a mission or two here or there. With turbo boost off locked to 45fps and the power mode at adaptive it's mostly quiet very low fans and the gpu stays at about 1ghz, instead of near the 1.9ghz max boost it has. I've not noticed any stutters or hitching even in St Denis so looks good.
    Hertzian56, Jan 12, 2024
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Well firing it up and into a lightning storm the vignette came back and it's really noticeable if you go from 0 to almost none on a clear day to that. I can't figure it out, I replaced the weather files with collyriums in the vestigia timecycles which neither of them have vignette so there must be some conflict going on for me with mods here. I may disable persistent weather asi script mod as it may be accessing the original game files instead of the lml overwritting ones not sure though. Only other thing I can think of because I've tried chelonia, collyrium and the default vestigia files for the dynamic seasons plugin and those all get rid of the vignette default. So maybe clear out the timecycles and replace them with the just remove vignette files.

    However vignette in this game is tied to weather state, which is really dumb. It should be a static screen filter so it can be turned off easily. CPDR did this with 77 and it's easily gotten rid of by mods, the courtesy of an on off toggle never entered those idiots minds, but you can toggle other style filters and in photomode you can do a lot more including vignette, dumb shits.

    But RS has always been a control freak company though. To do missions it must be in this tight corridor and it must be using this weapon someone just gave you even though you have a fully upgraded version already. Really stupid but shows how megalomaniacal these idiots are. Glad the last money they got, or ever will get, from me is with the EFLC standalone DLC disc for GTA4. And every game up to that was purchased. I don't give two big shits for the shyster systems claims about delivery method as an excuse for charging over and over for the same content. Nah it's the content not the form of delivery that matters so phukem. GTA4 complete whether it's on console discs or pc disks makes no difference nor does it make any difference whether it's purely digital form of delivery or not.

    In fact digital needs to be LESS than discs because I provide the connection and disc space for install so these price hikes are even more absurd and cartel syndicate price fixing by this industry of rats. Nope you ain't getting one dollar out of me and now that there are thousands of games per year your product is worth even less not more. AAA game should be less than 30$ today not the 50-100 shyster scams they are. This is just legalized cartel criminal behavior by the scum pols who are on the payroll of this big shyster jewmasontranny mafia. These scumbags the world over have done the same thing with ownership they did with usury, legalize criminality and enforce it with stuipid idiots in the legal profession called Law Enforcement. Really just gangster scum pension whores.

    If I had a disc or other physical media I could then resell used or bootup anytime I had the equipment to boot it up with, it was mine. There was no "checking in" via online to verify ownership, if I had the disc it was mine no one had the right to claim otherwise unless it was stolen disc. A physical theft of something physical. I could then resell it used if I chose to. That's ownership. Any form of media that needs to contact the company or proxy to be able to play is not ownership it's renting. Shysters love to get you paying regularly more than being just paid straight up so the rental model is preferred. So shitstain companies that are way over the top shyster like Justar, Jubisoft, EA, etc have these launchers and online req. even for SP games, even in some cases in games that are ancient say 10 years or more. GTA4 still needs the socialist club garbage, a 2008 game. Jubisoft doesn't even have that for Far Cry 2 also a 2008 game but it does have it for 3 a now 12 year old game. Dooshes.
    Hertzian56, Jan 13, 2024
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And in those cases if you forget your login or the email you signed up with they stop you playing the game you paid for. That ain't going to happen here. Games like that are either going to be the free versions that I have unlimited access to or other games are going to be played. Online login abuse is endemic in the software space especially games and if you notice even things like cad software if you rent it per month is usually 5-10$ month, A MONTH 24hrs a day for a MONTH. That's a much more fair rental. Most games could be finished in a month or two possibly so you're talking 20$ for a game rental, not 60$ for a rental you'll certainly be done with in 2 months for the average gamer. So a justar or jubisoft game should be a max of 10$ month as they are rentals only. Then if I get the urge to replay them later I can pay another 10$ for another month etc But these rats want a full 60+ for a rental I'll be done with in most cases in 2 months. Criminals you ask me.
    Hertzian56, Jan 13, 2024
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    After trying yet more no vignette mods and testing it seems that it's mostly gone in light weather like sunny and some clouds but once it starts to storm and gets darker it comes back. I tested different weather states via Rampage. The only stormy weather where vignette was gone was snow blizzard. And I also think there is a mod conflict. The More Persistent Weather, which is a great mod, seems to trigger vignette due to the fact that it can be set to have a lot more weather changes than the vanilla game ever touches.

    Most of the time the game is sunny w a few clouds and no vignette is easily achieved here. The rain storms are brief and light which is a lighter vignette. Vignette comes out in overcast dark, thunder storms and such more than anything and it's terrible, the bottom 1/4 screen is affected destroying immersion and also darkens up the overall image. TERRIBLE.

    Just looking at the timecycle_mods_1.xml and the 3 file in vanilla after extracting them from update_1.rpf with OpenIV shows that there is HUNDREDS of lines with vignette states for so many conditions that it's going to be almost impossible for modders to remove every case where vignette shows up. Even a non modded vanilla game is going to be near impossible RS has so many vignette states listed it's insane really. Intensity, axis orientation, radius etc of just vignette is in there and I've tried to zero them all out and I'm not sure I can do it frankly, it just goes on and on and without advanced batch work knowledge it's going to be too much.

    Instead of just having a filter applied to weather/light states they have it tied to as minute as waking up at 3 different times of day or night and different locations which is madness you ask me. An overall filter that's static in itself but changed naturally by the lighting condition of the world would have made more sense. So ONE LINE of vignette on or off could have worked. I will keep going with the Timecycle_mods_1.xml file and likely the Timecycle_mods_3.xml file and also the weather state xmls also have vignette farther down in the file than most of the mods bothered with and there's about 65 of those files. Ugh idk. I'll do some of them and see if it clears up the vignette.

    So thunderstorm.xml, rain.xml and similar states that you're going to be playing the game in the vast majority of the time might be feasible. The top level timecycle_mods files 1 and 3 will probably be necessary also but that leaves the other 60 or so files probably fine.

    Another solution is to get rid of More Persistent Weather but I really love the longer weather states and just more weather overall instead of sunny w clouds 95% of the time. Also a reshade might be a better option frankly. The no vignette mods can only work part of the time on a vanilla or modded game. It's possible that actually overwriting the update_1.rpf file with edited files via OpenIV could work too but risky. You'd need to make sure you backup a clean copy somewhere first.

    I'm going to just try to finish the timecycle_mods files and go through the common weathers encountered then leave the rest of it.
    Hertzian56, Jan 15, 2024
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