Redirect LINPUS 'My Documents'?

Discussion in 'Linux' started by hgt, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. hgt


    Jan 25, 2009
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    Hello, I'm looking for some help please....

    Basically I am dual booting my AAO with Linpus and Windows XP. I would like to get the 'My Documents' link on the Linpus desktop to re-direct to the 'My Documents' folder on my Windows partition so I can easily share files between the two OS.

    Now I understand the icons on the Linpus desktop are controlled by the 'group-app.xml' file, and the 'My Documents' shortcut is simply pointing to a file called 'Document.desktop' which lives at /usr/share/applications. On examining that file I can see that basically it launches Thunar and passes the variable of the directory to display - by default that is /mnt/home/documents

    Now I've put an entry in my Fstab fo mount my windows (sda3) partition to /mnt/home/windows. This works fine and I can browse my windows partition from both Terminal and Thunar.

    On my Windows partition I have moved 'My Documents' to be on the root of the drive (i.e. D:\My Documents) so in LINUX terms that is /mnt/home/windows/My Documents. Now it's here where I run into problems..... If I modify the 'Document.desktop' file so that is should open this folder I get an error which seems to be due to the space in the file name. If I point to a Windows folder without a space in the file name then all works fine (e.g. /mnt/home/windows/test) but whatever I do I just can't seem to get that .desktop file to like the space. I've tried quotes and the double slash trick (i.e. My//Documents) but still no joy! Can anybody help at all please? Or perhaps suggest an alternate way of achiving what I want to do? Many thanks!
    hgt, Apr 16, 2009
  2. hgt


    Mar 23, 2009
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    Rural Suffolk UK
    freddie, Apr 16, 2009
  3. hgt

    Guest Guest

    Did you try double quotes around the directory name - i.e:
    thunar "/mnt/home/windows/My Documents"
    If it doesn't work - try to put backslash in front of the space - i.e.:
    thunar /mnt/home/windows/My\ Documents
    Finally, if nothing above works, try to create a symbolic link without a space inside. And use this symlink name it in your .desktop file.
    sudo ln -s /mnt/home/windows/My\ Documents /mnt/home/docs
    Guest, Apr 16, 2009
  4. hgt


    Jan 25, 2009
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    Thank you very much alexagr, the symbolic name method worked a treat :D
    hgt, Apr 18, 2009
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