Reduce Screen Brightness MORE!

Discussion in 'Windows' started by Mickey Way, May 22, 2009.

  1. Mickey Way

    Mickey Way

    May 14, 2009
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    Hello everyone. OK, I already know about Fn <, but the screen is still too bright (for me) at its lowest setting. I've Googled and searched many sites, but nothing valid is turning up. On one site, someone said they changed the gamma settings, but did not describe how it was done on Windows XP, and there is nothing in the XP display settings to adjust gamma as per some other sites answers. I just need to tone it down a little. I even tried the "Dimon Tinted Glasses" widget, but that made it TOO dark and unfortunately that widget does not have any control settings. Hopefully, some of you have the answer.

    Thanks in advance.
    Mickey Way, May 22, 2009
  2. Mickey Way


    Dec 31, 2008
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    No Fixed Address
    I have an AAO ZG5, what model do you have?
    When I had my BIOS upgraded to v 0.3309 it gave me a lower brightness setting.
    However the lower setting does not survive StandBy or Off mode and so when the AAO wakes up I have to re-adjust back down.

    I mentioned it in This Thread as an aside. You may be interested in the Thread as well :)

    All the best, woz of oz
    wozofoz, May 22, 2009
  3. Mickey Way

    Mickey Way

    May 14, 2009
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    OOPS! I forgot to mention my system. AA1 AOA150 8.9, 160/6 Win XP. (Also, I'll apologize now for what may be a misleading title of this post...I should have said "How can I reduce...". The title sounds like I'm sharing a find.) Sorry.
    Mickey Way, May 22, 2009
  4. Mickey Way

    Mickey Way

    May 14, 2009
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    WOW! Wozofoz, you hit the 10 ring!!! I checked the post you linked, went through and changed the cam settings, and now I'm no longer suffering from radiation burns on my face! You were right, it toned it down a few more notches...much more pleasant. THANKS!!!

    Give yourself a pay raise and take next week off!
    Mickey Way, May 22, 2009
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