replace hdc1._.tar.bz2 with own image?

Discussion in 'Windows' started by muaB, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. muaB


    Aug 27, 2008
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    i (linux noob) am just looking for an easy way to backup my software&config... so far i made the acer recover-usb-stick.

    it contains the file "hdc1._.tar.bz2" which contains (at least as i could see) the complete hhd-image of the acer-install.
    so what im thinking bout is simplay to replace this file by
    dd if=/dev/sda | gzip > /media/stick/hdc1._.tar.bz2

    am i right that this will give me a bootable simple recover of my own config&programs? or is there anything that should be mentioned before i try this?

    in adition im looking for a way to split the "regularely changing config" (e.g. thunderbird filters/adressbook, firefox bookmarks) away from the sdd to the left sd-slot (instead of extending the ssd), so i could allways recover the ssd without fear. as far as i undertsand linux, this should be an easy task by just mounting the sd-card to the correct point.
    the downside is: i dont know the correctmountpoints nor how to do it if i knew which ones =(

    at least i did it this way under windows, so i assume that it would be also possible with linux. and i love the feeling to have the possibility to delete the syste partition at any time without any loss =)

    any ideas/hints? (noob-friendly pls)

    thx in advance
    muaB, Aug 30, 2008
  2. muaB


    Jul 22, 2008
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    UK - (most locations)
    I have used dd to create snapshots of my SSD onto multiple 8gb USB sticks, before I make changes.
    You could also create ISO image files if you wish, and save them to an external HDD.

    They images or USB sticks will not boot, but if you mess up your system you can boot from a live CD and use dd (Most distros are OK for this),
    to recover using your saved image or a snapshot USB stick.
    Sid, Aug 30, 2008
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