Replace status LEDs

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by xboxbman, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. xboxbman


    Feb 23, 2010
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    I recently had someone give me a "broken" aspireone, ZG5. Turns out (thanks to this forum) it was the BIOS, which was easy to fix. When the original owner discovered it was not working it ripped the keyboard faceplate off in a drunken rage. I was able to put it all back together, and it actually looks absolutely fine, except that when he was tearing the faceplate off he broke the battery status LED. Not a big deal, but I would like to replace it, and while i was in there, might as well replace the others to a matching colour, since i am not putting another yellow/orange LED in there.

    My question is what type, specifically, is that LED. Looks like some type of smd LED, but I can't tell which one. I would also like to replace th wifi LED, if anyone would happen to know what type of LED it is.

    Thanks for the help.
    xboxbman, Feb 23, 2010
  2. xboxbman


    Feb 23, 2010
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    So, just so everyone here can get some laughs, I contacted Acer about my LED question. They were, not surprisingly, useless. As my netbook is no longer under warranty, they were nice enough to offer to fix the status LED for me, for the low cost of 199$. That's like getting a new paintjob because your car got dirty. I responded nicely but firmly, no, I can do it myself, just tell me what type of LED it is. They suggested I contact a local certified technician to get it replaced. I replied again, no, I can do it myself, I just need to know what type of LED it is. They responded that as my laptop is out of warranty, they cannot give me info for free, but I am welcome to call the support line, at the low rate of 60$ for 30 minutes.

    So, I am going to order some 0603 smd LEDs, and hope they work. They appear to be the same size, so it should be kosher. I will update this thread when they arrive and I have tried the swap.
    xboxbman, Feb 25, 2010
  3. xboxbman


    Nov 27, 2009
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    About the only things you really need to worry about is do they fit the pads and making sure the current isn't radically different than the originals (I really doubt Acer is using anything out of the ordinary). If worse comes to worse you may need to change the current limiting resistors but I doubt it. Main concern is do they fit the soldering pads

    Don't feel bad I can't even get Acer to cough up the pinout for the bluetooth connector and the webcam on an AO531h ... It's nearly impossible to differentiate which is data + and data - and I'd sure like to use them so I can switch on and off my embedded bluetooth dongle and wireless mouse .... I'm about ready to say screw it and make my own power switching circuit for them, what a waste
    longjohn412, Feb 25, 2010
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