REQ: How to triple boot Linpus / XP / OSX Leopard

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by aneng, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. aneng


    Jan 21, 2009
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    I'm a newbie to the AA1 (and Linux). But I'm ok with creating multiboot setups (I use Bootit Next Generation).
    Can anyone advise if there is a guide anywhere on how to get an AA1 that came with Linpus to triple boot with XP and OSX Leopard please ?

    Many thanks.
    aneng, Jan 22, 2009
  2. aneng


    Jan 7, 2009
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    This is a though call. Regular Linux distros usually make multibooting quite easy in including the boot loader in the installation and that takes care of everything. Linpus is unfortunately not in that case as it doesn't let you any choice but take to whole drive on the install. What you would have to do is buy a good backup program like True Image in the first place.

    The procedure would be to make a complete installation of each system and back it up for the start. Making OSX work on the AAO is already not a piece of cake as you have to make several customization regarding the drivers. After that, you have to make a partition for each system. Then, you restore each system from the backup image to their dedicated partition. Finally, to make the whole thing work, you have to install and configure Grub.

    I have a triple boot myself on my machine (XP-Linpus-EEEbuntu) which was relatively easy to make but I wouldn't know how to do what you are asking.
    mychance, Feb 22, 2009
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