Restore to different AAO A110

Discussion in 'Linux' started by robby, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. robby


    May 25, 2009
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    I recently got an AAO A110 SSD version running Linpus - I've now spent some time setting it up how I like etc. I've created a backup using macles easy backup tool ( ... ackup.html ). I've decided to go in with a few friends and get another AAO A110 SSD as a bday present. Is it possible to restore to this computer from the backup USB? thus saving time setting it up nicely

    Thanks for any help
    robby, Jun 3, 2009
  2. robby


    Apr 29, 2009
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    Hi robby!

    On a similar note, I was wondering whether it is possible to restore a backup to a different partition i.e. if I partition the AAO's drive to keep my docs/music/videos out of harm's reach, can I resotre to the OS partition.

    I'm thinking that the Acer system recovery software will probably not let you do this, but if there's another way... anyone?

    mrhappy, Jun 5, 2009
  3. robby


    Aug 21, 2008
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    Minnesota, USA
    Restoring a complete SSD image to a new A110 should work without any problem. The Acer system recovery software also reimages the complete SSD.

    Restoring a backed up partition to a new partition is possible, but a little tricky. My strategy is as follows:

    1. Shrink the partition to be backed up using Gparted
    2. Create a compressed backup using partimage

    In order to restore the backed up partition to a new partition, the new partition must be at least as large as the backed up partition was after step 1 above.

    3. Restore the backed up partition to a new partition using partimage
    4. Use resize2fs to grow the filesystem on the newly-restored partition to fill the complete partition. Without this step, your newly-restored partition will appear to be the size of the shrunken filesystem from step 1 above.
    5. Fix up /etc/fstab so that the proper partition is mounted as /
    6. I have a separate boot partition, so I need to make sure /etc/fstab mounts this partition properly and I need to ensure that the boot partition's grub.conf file is properly configured.
    RockDoctor, Jun 8, 2009
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