Return to Acer?

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Twan013, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. Twan013


    Dec 4, 2008
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    UGH! So 4 days of receiving my 751h, I'm hating it. BSODs and freeze ups.. Here's what I've done so far:

    Day 1: installed tiny7
    day 2: upgraded GMA500 graphics (going by the "windows 7 and 751h" sticky on here)
    day 3: Left it running so I could download some stuff, came home from work, and saw the blue screen. Rebooted, no more problems..
    day 4 (today) : had another blue screen, read where someone upgraded the BIOS to 3210 (or something like that; the latest one), so I did that, had another freeze when testing youtube HD, did another GMA500 driver (from "good news for ao751h users" or whatever).. BSOD when I was switching between the instructions and finding the driver on my computer, same results about 3 times. restarted, opened IE8 and automatically got BSOD (without doing anything else). restarted AGAIN, ran GMA500 driver with no instructions, finally got it running (don't know if its different from the one i had before..) another freeze up on Youtube..

    I've restarted it one more time, and went straight here to post this. no problems so far, but then again I'm not doing anything but typing. Ultimately, the idea i'm getting from others is to send it to Acer. But I don't want to wait 6 weeks to get it back, Plus, will they even do anything with it since I've got Tiny7, and I don't have the original copy of XP?

    If I can fix this myself, then I'll keep it, because its an awesome little machine. But if I have to send it to acer 4 or 5 times until they send me one that works, I'd rather chalk this one up to a bad mistake and go with a different brand altogether. I just dont want to lose this nice screen though...
    Twan013, Nov 8, 2009
  2. Twan013


    Aug 9, 2009
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    if you already have another SODIMM module laying around, try it. Not all RAM will work 100%. The only recommendation I have that seems to fix it completely, is the one in my signature. Unfortunatly it is not cheap. But when I chose RAM, I wanted safe over cheap. Though this fixed my netbook completely, I can not give you a guarantee. We need more to try first.
    I repeat: It fixed my system completely.
    Good luck
    cmeide, Nov 8, 2009
  3. Twan013


    Dec 4, 2008
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    wow, $120 is too much considering I only paid 250 for the whole netbook. especially since I don't know if it will solve my problem or not.

    by the way, has anyone found a definitive answer as to why these keep freezing up? I've read that it could be overheating, it could have the wrong graphics driver, it could need a BIOS update, it could be the RAM.. I did notice something that I haven't mentioned yet, regarding RAM. I downloaded Google gadgets, and tried the system monitor. When just sitting there, the CPU ranged from 7 to 9%, and when I tried to do anything (open up IE8, etc.), it would jump all the way up to 100% and slowly drop back down when things calmed down again.. the memory stayed at 78% constantly (the original 1GB), whether I was doing something or not. Is this normal? It seems to me that if your machine is "idling", then nothing should be running that high.. But then again, I had never looked at any system monitor stuff so I didn't know what it means exactly..
    Twan013, Nov 9, 2009
  4. Twan013


    Aug 6, 2009
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    I've sent mine to the Acer Depot Service for 3 times now. They have replaced the HDD, LCD screen and still waiting for them what to do next on the third attempt to fix it. I will certainly demand to replace my motherboard if that's the case.

    Send it in while its still under warranty. They will replace all parts that are defective. You shouldn't spend more on it if the problem is not your fault.
    Since you only got yours not over a month ago, they will pay all shipping costs. I never paid any and as I said earlier its now in the service depot for the THIRD time. I will keep sending it back to them until they fix it. I can't even sell the damn thing on craigslist!
    c921, Nov 9, 2009
  5. Twan013


    Jun 28, 2009
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    Return in to the store or merchant if you can! Don't send it in for repair unless you cannot return it to the seller. Acer will keep it for 3 weeks at a time and there's no telling if or when they will actually fix the problem.

    Seriously, if you have the freezing/BSOD issue, return it to the seller. There is no simple fix for this.
    TrackSmart, Nov 10, 2009
  6. Twan013


    Dec 4, 2008
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    I've decided to take Track Smart's advice. I just contacted, asking if I can return it for a refund. If I get that 250 back, I'll add another 250, and probably get either another netbook (looking at reviews as soon as I can), or a 13-14" laptop. I don't know if I want the small size or more capabilities..
    Twan013, Nov 10, 2009
  7. Twan013


    Dec 17, 2008
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    Just took a look at Not sure what it is, but it looks like a "way station" to other discount outlets. I'll be surprised if they refund your money.

    Any chance your problems stem from your installation of "tiny?" I just installed Win7 on my Acer and it works fine. While it's not a power horse with youtube and other video sites, the video streaming is about 100% better than it was with XP and the stock video driver.

    As to cleaning up your Acer to factory conditions, I think I read somewhere here if you hit the f10 key on bootup, you will go to the hidden section on your computer that will put it back in factory conditions.
    Eosblue, Nov 10, 2009
  8. Twan013


    Jun 28, 2009
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    Restoring the operating system does not fix the problem. It's a hardware related issue. Return it to the seller if you can. If they won't give you a refund, maybe they will give you a replacement that actually works.

    TrackSmart, Nov 10, 2009
  9. Twan013


    Dec 17, 2008
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    That may be, but the OP was asking about sending it back with "Tiny" installed. My point was if it is possible to return the computer to factory setting even if it didn't fix the problem, at least they couldn't say he messed it up by installing Tiny.
    Eosblue, Nov 10, 2009
  10. Twan013


    Dec 4, 2008
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    Well, I got two updates. WILL take it back, but they really don't want to. They think the manufacturer will either fix it or send me a better machine, and that I shouldn't base my decision on other people's experiences.

    Update number two, last night just for the heck of it, I did a fresh re-install of Tiny7, and downloaded the latest GMA500 driver from the intel site. YouTube played flawlessly, and I tried playing a movie that I had saved on my SD card. Worked like a charm. I don't want to jinx it, but it didn't freeze up like it did before. When I first got it, it took a couple of days to freeze up for the first time, so its still early this time around. I just gotta hope that something fixed itself.
    Twan013, Nov 11, 2009
  11. Twan013


    Jun 28, 2009
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    It'll be a week before you can be somewhat confident... I'd return it immediately if they give you the option and you have another freezing incident...
    TrackSmart, Nov 11, 2009
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