Sabayon V4 on SSD

Discussion in 'Linux' started by mrwmrw, Jan 12, 2009.

  1. mrwmrw


    Jan 12, 2009
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    Now installing Sabayon V4. Everything apart from SD card detection seems to work from Live DVD.

    I have taken the xfce netbook install option.

    Installation has taken over 18 hours so far. It seems to add everything then remove what you don't need which is very very slow.

    Anybody else tried Sabayon 4 yet?

    I will post again when it finally installs.


    It installed after about 20 hours but had removed virtually everything.

    OK after a few attempts I have got GNOME to work but you have to uncheck everything on the install.

    Takes about 12 hours to install.

    I am using UNETBOOTIN to get the DVD ISO onto a 8gb USB stick.

    I will update post after I have had chance to try everything out.

    I am so disappointed, I wish I had the A150 now :-(
    mrwmrw, Jan 12, 2009
  2. mrwmrw


    Dec 31, 2008
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    Re: Sabayon V4

    I'll give sabayon 4 a try as soon as I have the ISO ready.
    itres, Jan 12, 2009
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