Is it possible to install? I only got some questionmarks on my HD
if you're running 10.5.5 then no... safari 4 needs to you to be running 10.5.6... i've not installed it on mine so far due to this restriction! i really need to upgrade to 10.5.6 soon!
hmmm, I haven't dared try it on AAO yet, 'cos, Mac Mini, 10.5.6 at the day job, Safari 4 beta froze, locked solid, either when loading, or on scrolling down on pages from: InsanelyMac, & 2 Chinese iPhone clone forums. Worked alright here, and other "legit" sites, but that's not how the web works :shock:
Just tried insanelymac on my desktop and it works fine. I'm sure that it was a random occurrence of bad luck.