Scim-anthy in Skype?

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Dominik, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. Dominik


    Dec 21, 2008
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    Hi Guys, I just bought myself an SSD/Linpus version of the One, and i am disappointed to say my first experience of Linux has me wishing i paid extra for the HDD/Windows version. I guess i am just used to being able to install software and tweak settings with nothing more than a few mouse clicks! But it loads fast, and general use is not *too* bad. So as long as i can get this current problem sorted i think I will be happy.

    After researching for a couple of hours last night i was able to enable advanced mode, install Skype and put it on the menu. Then i installed scim-anthy, so that i can chat to my Japanese friends.... But unfortunately scim-anthy does NOT activate for skype!!
    It works in all other places, i can input Japanese on webpages and emails and writer, just not Skype. Control + Space does nothing...

    Anyone know why and how to fix it?
    Dominik, Dec 23, 2008
  2. Dominik


    Oct 17, 2008
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    Well, as a long time Linux user, let me tell you it's not Linux in general, just the odd version that Acer chose for the One. I disliked it enough to uninstall it and replace it with Ubuntu. I think installation of software is actually easier on Linux systems using the package managers that are a part of any distribution worth its salt, but Linpus Lite on the One isn't very good, imo.

    I've checked Skype on my One with SCIM-Anthy, and it doesn't work either. I think that this might be because Skype on Linux uses libraries from the QT toolkit found in KDE, whereas Linpus uses XFCE. You can use Anthy to type into a text document and copy/paste into Skype, but this is less than ideal. I'm not even sure if it can be fixed short of installing a full-blown KDE desktop, but I'll have a google and see if I can dig anything up.
    the100thmonkey, Dec 23, 2008
  3. Dominik


    Dec 21, 2008
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    Sorry for the noob question, but what is KDE? Is installing a fullblown desktop a big deal? (though having said that, installing skype was kind of a big deal, so i imagine it would be!)

    As part of installing Anthy, i used this page ... howto.html
    it mentions "scim-qtimm: SCIM plugin to use Qt immodule support"

    I installed that but still not working... :cry: If you find anything please let me know! My googling wasnt very successful
    Dominik, Dec 23, 2008
  4. Dominik


    Dec 21, 2008
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    Ok, this is just wierd. Just this evening i was talking with a friend and came to the conclusion that i should sell this SSD version and get me a HDD version (in white like i originally wanted). Anyway, my One was sitting on the table during this conversation.

    Then a few minutes later i was showing my friend how it couldnt do Japanese in Skype, and lo-and-behold, Anthy fired up and let me type Japanese in a chat window! Its as if it was listening to my conversation and decided to enable itself in a last bid effort to stop me selling :lol:

    To recap, i had done nothing to the settings, or changed anything since last time i tried using Japanese in Skype, yet it just started working...
    Maybe that scim-qtimm needs 2 reboots to take effect?
    Dominik, Dec 24, 2008
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