screen black, after start up

Discussion in 'Linux' started by petro, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. petro


    Feb 5, 2009
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    My Acer Aspire One (Linux-version), purchased last december, got into trouble after shutdown by pressing the power key during 5 seconds.
    What happens is that after “power on” first the acer logo appears, and next the blue screen, but not the pictograms. Then the screen goes black, no beep, no warning, nothing, just the mouse indicator remains movable. Battery is fully charged.

    Have not yet tried reinstallation of Linux, since rescue DVD to prepare USB-stick halts (at PC) after first menu. Have asked new DVD from Acer.
    Acer help advised removal of battery for a while, or application of alt-F10 during start-up, none of these helped.

    Any similar experiences? Any remedies?


    See for same experience: ... up-662838/
    petro, Feb 8, 2009
  2. petro


    Jan 20, 2009
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    hi, i had this same problem with black screen and white X in middle.

    i used an external usb cd/dvd drive and re loaded from recovery disc (press F12 on start up to choose boot from external drive)

    mine has been fine since then

    hope this helps
    saxgoon, Feb 12, 2009
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