Screen Blacks Out

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by crimsondynamo329, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. crimsondynamo329


    Mar 21, 2009
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    Sometimes, in the middle of using my AAO, the screen goes black (turns off, no backlight) and the whole computer is not responsive. I have to force shutdown (hold the button), and usually when I reboot it happens again within a few minutes. This happened with Linpus Lite, with Kuki LIVE, and with Kuki installed (meaning every OS I have used, it has happened). I have guessed that it has something to do with overheating, because the fan is always running full when it happens. Last night, I noticed my leg was covering the vent slits, so that could be the problem. Has anybody else noticed this, or know how to avoid it? It basically makes the laptop unusable for 10-20 minutes every time it happens!

    crimsondynamo329, Apr 30, 2009
  2. crimsondynamo329


    Sep 20, 2008
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    If it's a thermal shutdown, the whole thing will shutdown, not just the screen... your saying that only the screen is blanked? Are all the LED lights still on when this happens?
    Tamrac, Apr 30, 2009
  3. crimsondynamo329


    Mar 21, 2009
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    The LED in the power button is the only sign of life. I can press keys that I know will make a sound or do something, and they don't. Basically, the only way I can tell the computer is on is that the power light is on. I don't remember if the fan keeps running when the screen goes out or not, I'll check next time.
    crimsondynamo329, Apr 30, 2009
  4. crimsondynamo329


    May 2, 2009
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    I have the same problem.
    I dont thing taht is happens from overheating.
    It is always happens on battery. I tried this on Standard Linux System (provided by manufacture) and on XPH - the same , when battery reach her 20-30% (I'll check this correctly because it always happens) screen is OFF but whole Netbook is working (I mean you can do anything but everything seems to be ON) and not responding. The only way to turn it off in to hold Power button for 5sec or removed battery. In the begining I thought that Linux has wrong power saving procedures (incorect dll, wrong management ect) but on XP is the same problem. If your battery has aprox20% it is impossible to work unless you'll connect AC....
    Maby its RAM - but whole netbook will restart or show BLOD
    maby is SSD - but the same , hangh/freez with screen.
    I thing its MB and small microchip which is responsible for switching AC/battery power and redistrybuting electricity to MB components because its looklike screen is totaly OFF.
    Has anyone deal with this before?
    maknak, May 2, 2009
  5. crimsondynamo329


    May 4, 2009
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    Yes this problem has been happening to me for a few months now. It only occurs on battery power. I have a AOA110.

    The screen goes black and I think the fan stays running so it appears to just be as if the LCD just went into power saving mode. However, I'm fairly certain it crashes the OS. I was in the middle of deleting some files on a flash card when the black out occurred. To be safe I waited several moments to be sure the delete operation would have completed safely if the system was still responsive but I just couldn't see the screen. Then I powered off by holding down the power button for several seconds. On reboot I checked the flash card and it appeared to have stopped deleting right when the black screen occurred. This tells me it is a hard crash to the OS probably caused by some hardware issue.

    I've made a few changes over the past weeks that haven't fixed the issue. I've reinstalled Windows XP, I've installed Windows 7 beta. I've upgrade the BIOS from 3308 to 3309. I've upgraded the RAM from 512MB to 1.5GB. I've tried different OS power profiles to see if it helped. I just wonder since it only happens on battery power maybe its ACPI related or somehow the hardware doesn't support some lower power state commands triggered by the OS, like problems that can occur with resuming from standby when the hardware doesn't support S3 mode.

    I did notice that it happens after 50% of the battery was depleted, but it's not consistent so I can't make any assumptions yet.

    If anyone else has any ideas please let me know!

    jonatj, May 4, 2009
  6. crimsondynamo329


    Feb 16, 2009
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    I have came across this bug.
    Please see here for the way I resolved it (2nd post):

    It turned to be the way Linpus handled the powersaving options of some internal cards.
    I'm no programmer. I have found bits of the above procedure from different posts. It worked for me and for my friends' acerones.
    No warranties :)

    Hope it helps
    TheTilde, May 4, 2009
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