Screen cracked

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by Goudurix, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. Goudurix


    Nov 15, 2008
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    Anyone else had problems with a cracked screen on aspire one?

    Only had mine a couple of weeks and the screen cracked whilst opening it yesterday.

    Phoned acer support and they said it was impossible - the only time it can crack is if it is hit or closed with something in it.

    Basically called me a liar - and charged me £53 to return to them - and then repairs on top of that if they decide it is not a manufacturing fault. The guy hinted that repairs would likely be over £150!

    I don't suppose their technicians are 'independent' so I pretty much can guess what their verdict will be.

    Just wondered if any else has had or knows of similar problems.

    Household insurance accidental damage would cover it - but with excess and lost NCD would cost more than a new machine!

    Goudurix, Nov 15, 2008
  2. Goudurix


    Sep 3, 2008
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    Bolton, Lancashire, UK
    For this money buy another one and use faulty one as spare parts... TBH cracked screen is never covered by warranty...
    melhiore, Nov 15, 2008
  3. Goudurix


    Aug 25, 2008
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    Broke mine, and it was very easy to do ;) I was surprised that it broke though. My impression from the amount of force that it took to break it was that there is just a very thin piece of glass maybe 2mm thick or less "protecting" it and the whole screen is not very stiff so it can flex. I would not be surprised if you could break it by pressing on it with your fingers while opening or closing or holding the machine by the edge of the screen. I broke mine by closing the screen lightly on a mouse cord that had cord retractor on it. It felt like breaking a thin cheap Christmas ornament. I'd prefer a plexiglass layer over the screen as larger notebooks have.
    brachiopod, Nov 15, 2008
  4. Goudurix


    Nov 15, 2008
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    brachiopod / melhiore

    Thanks for your replies.

    You have described exactly how it broke - lifting the front edge with my thumb and with my fingers spread over the top - as you say it seems very thin and it can flex. Seems like a design issue to me. Shame really as it is such a nice little machine.

    Anyway - decided to phone acer for a refund and do as you suggest - buy a new one and keep old one for spares. They actually seem to be falling in price at the moment seen one sub £200 - so I may hang on a couple of weeks - see if any retailers get nervous before Christmas!)

    (very expensive lesson learnt - only lift the lid by the edge - do not exert ANY pressure on the back)

    Goudurix, Nov 17, 2008
  5. Goudurix


    Dec 30, 2008
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    my screen cracked after a couple months (it's in usable condition, but with a few crack lines on the screen) and I couldn't figure out how did I get that.

    I was using it one day (at home), and only after a few minutes, I noticed the crack, and the AA1 was fine the night before when I shut it down, stayed at home since, so I never move it outside my home (temperature change can be ruled out), the crack lines on the screen does not dent in, it look like bursting out from inside, so I assume that means nothing hit the screen on the front, and the casing looks normal, no hit mark at all, so I have to assume I didn't hit the case unconsciously without knowing.

    from the blog entries that I can Google, seems no one will ever believe you the screen can crack by itself, so it will not be covered by the warranty, and I have used more than 10 laptops in the last however many years, this is the very first time it ever happen to me.

    just wonder if anyone else have the same issue, and hoping it's some kind of manufacturer defects.

    like to hear your comments.


    update: called Acer customer support today (in US), I was told the LCD screen is not covered by the standard warranty, screen will be covered only by the "Acer Total Protection", but that "total protection" is $200 for additional 2 years (makes it total 3 years) (I looked at the web site, I don't think it make any difference which model that is, the cost is all the same), and AA1 is less than $400, by next year, it should be less than $300, so it really doesn't make any sense for their support model.

    what can I say? :(
    eddyl, Jan 1, 2009
  6. Goudurix


    Jan 20, 2009
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    Hi, my screen cracked as well though I had it outside (in a bag) when it was cold enough it snow and ice over. When I got home and opened it it was cracked. Can still see the screen bt spiders web across it. Going to see if Currys will do anything.
    Spacerr, Feb 10, 2009
  7. Goudurix


    Dec 17, 2008
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    Sounds like if the computer is exposed to cold weather, it would be a good idea to let it warm up before attempting to open the screen. If mine ever cracks, I'm going to the 10.1" model immediately. Since in all likelihood, it will be toast, I may try an eBay fix. If nothing else, I would recover my 1GB chip and the hard drive out of the unit while it's open and IF I'm able to replace the screen, I won't be out very much.
    Eosblue, Feb 14, 2009
  8. Goudurix


    Jul 18, 2008
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    Out of interest.

    We bought 120 aspire ones, Linpus version, for our year 7 pupils. I am providing technical support for them along with my technical team.

    In two months we have had 30 that have either had to be returned or have been broken. We have had a particular problem with screens. 13 damaged beyond use so far. We have been buying screens from in the Uk at about £60. We can now change them in about 15 minutes. Tip, just remove the four screws attaching the L shaped brackets to the metal screen surround and then slide out the screen leaving the brackets in place.

    We are beginning to get problems now with dead batteries.

    I get around 3 to 5 per day with corrupt systems that we need to restore. We just do a reinstall from USB to save time rather than trying to figure out any software issues. I believe this is because the pupils are not shutting down correctly (yes we keep telling them).

    We support alot of hardware from laptops, 250+ desktops, servers etc. and the netbooks have had a bigger impact on our time than everything else put together. To be fair this could be a function of the way that the pupils are using them rather than an inherent durability issue.

    I use one for 3g internet access and have found it useful.
    ccurrah, Feb 16, 2009
  9. Goudurix


    Dec 22, 2008
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    My screen just cracked after 5 months use, just by opening the lid. I'm really angry because Acer refuse to acknowledge there is a problem, despite dozens of people reporting this issue on forums. :evil: I know that it is impossible to prove that the damage wasn't caused by misuse, but I believe that under the Sale of Goods Act this laptop is not fit for purpose - because it has broken within 6 months of use, the onus is on the manufacturer/vendor to prove that it isn't faulty. After 6 months it is up to the customer to prove that it is faulty.

    I am trying to gather as much evidence as possible of cracking screens through normal everyday use, as ammunition to throw at Acer. Please contact me with your stories so I can document them.
    spence73, May 17, 2009
  10. Goudurix


    Jan 20, 2009
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    I took my machine back to currys. Because it is the linux model with the SSD they won't repair it. I am going to get vouchers instead. I would prefer to get it fixed but they will only write it off or do nothing. Might be able to get one from PCWB for not much more. SSD model as well with 16gb. Asked how much the 1gb upgrade would be. Waiting for them to email me back.
    Spacerr, Jun 17, 2009
  11. Goudurix


    Jun 16, 2009
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    This is most disturbing on wikepida it suggest that is a very common problem. Why acer still refuse to see this as a design flaw is beyond me. I don’t see how acer has a leg to stand on in uk you should contact trading standards this is screaming out not fit for purpose. I think that’s your best move mate and I guess other users are goanna have to be careful. It a blood shame as the aoa is a very nice machine.


    Universal (Everybody Knows It's Universal)
    Universal, Jun 18, 2009
  12. Goudurix


    Jan 20, 2009
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    Are the replacement screens including the touch screens as fragile? If they are not and the screen on the next one I get breaks as well I might replace it with the touch screen.
    Spacerr, Jun 18, 2009
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