Screen resolution keeps changing

Discussion in 'Windows' started by Stuart Graham, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. Stuart Graham

    Stuart Graham

    Jun 8, 2009
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    I have just purchased a Canon EOS 550D DSLR and came across a problem as soon as I went to load the utility software onto my AAO. Using my Qubz drive I inserted the software CD and got the message that the screen resolution wasn't high enough, needed 1024x768 or higher to install (probably because the camera can also record full HD). I contacted Canon who more or less said 'TOUGH LUCK'. Determined to get the software to load I checked out 'YouTube' and found that by unticking the hide all resolutions not available in settings I could actually select 1024x768. Hooray!!! I loaded the software and plugged in the camera. Success. Now I don't want to view video's just use the AAO to view my pictures taken a CR2 RAW images whilst travelling around. Now you may be saying get to the point, so the point is. When I reboot the AAo the screen resolution has defaulted back to 1024x600. Does anyone know how I can set the resolution to default to 1024x768? Yes I could just click settings and change the resolution but I don't want to. Thanks in advance.
    Stuart Graham, Oct 7, 2011
  2. Stuart Graham


    Sep 11, 2008
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    It does that because that is the hardware limits of that screen.
    There are some computers out there that allow resolutions that extend beyond the edge of the visible screen that you have to drag the image area into focus but I don't know how it is done.
    donec, Oct 8, 2011
  3. Stuart Graham

    Paisley Pirate

    Nov 3, 2008
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    Which AAO do you have? Which Windows?

    A1CTL runs well with XP, doesn't seem to do much (for screen resolutions) with 7, but that may be different versions of the hardware... I have a ZG5 (aoa150) that runs xp/sp3 and has great success with this software... my daughters 532h that we upgraded from 7 starter to 7 ult doesn't seem to have the same capabilities to change resolutions...
    Paisley Pirate, Nov 20, 2011
  4. Stuart Graham

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    I beg to differ RE hardware limitations of the screen, in the brief moments I was running Ubuntu, I was able to successfully read the EDID data from the screen and it is indeed capable of some higher resolutions, albeit with strange aspect ratios.

    Under Win7 there is a registry tweak for enabling higher resolutions through display scaling.

    Under both Win7 and XP there are "modified" drivers which unlock the higher resolutions. You should get some results if you do a search on these forums, otherwise google is your friend.
    Swarvey, Nov 20, 2011
  5. Stuart Graham

    Paisley Pirate

    Nov 3, 2008
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    That is quite possible now. When I was trying stuff with hers it was one year ago when she first got it. At that time, there weren't available tweaks to make it happen... now it could be different, but I was commenting on past personal experience from it versus the ZG5.

    She doesn't need those resolutions, but good to know there may be ways to get there...
    Paisley Pirate, Nov 22, 2011
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